Overwhelm? Chaos? Confusion?
Our “new normal” is a continuous changing “new normal”; which means it has not settled into a “normal” position that we know, and it won’t. …
Blog, September 30, 2020
Yes, all of that is present and more. The external chaos is on-going and thrusting us in the middle of continuous change. Which can be very tiring and leave one with a sense of overwhelm. Our “new normal” is a continuous changing “new normal”; which means it has not settled into a “normal” position that we know, and it won’t. The old normal is no more, we are in the midst of constructing our new normal and we’re writing the construction plans as we build. Definitely challenging!
The external chaos can manifest as stress, physical tiredness, mental confusion and emotional WTF!? Well, I’m pretty sure you all realize the external chaos is going to be with us awhile more. As I said back in June, birthing, on a world level, is measured in years not months. BUT, and this is a major “but”, we can be the eye of the storm, the quiet internal center that the chaos of the storm circles around. Maintaining a sense of inner center, peace, quiet is not easy as the the external chaos continually tries to pull us into the outer wall of the storm. We experience various degrees of insomnia; odd aches and itches in our body; mental and emotional fog, fatigue and many, many other personal manifestations as we try and stay centered.
The message from all this is beyond being good to yourself with self care. Self care is definitely important. Allow yourself to nap, rest, recoup whenever you need; eat what feels good for your body; do nothing if that’s what you are drawn to. Follow your heart calls as to the best way to give to yourself during these stressful times. But more is also needed; we must allow ourselves to LOVE ourselves. Liking ourselves is a good start, but it’s just a start. We need to really Love ourself. We’ve been raised in a society that does not encourage self love. If anything, self love can often be seen as egotistical or arrogant. I’m not talking about self-aggrandizement to make up for fears of inadequacy and boasting to others how great you are. I’m talking about appreciating yourself and what you’ve done in Life. We’re often telling ourselves, “I could have done better, more, smarter, etc” because that’s what’s been told to us. Well, time to change the record, tape or digital file to the important TRUTH that you’ve done a heckuva job or you wouldn’t be on Earth at this time. All of us here have a part to play in the Ascension/Change/Shift/Reset that is occurring on Gaia. We wouldn’t be here if we did not have some role to play no matter how small or large you see that role. Or you may not see any role at all…well your role could be just to be the best You that you can be.
Sure we all make errors, bad judgements, lousy decisions and mistakes. That’s all part of learning what works and doesn’t work. But those mis-steps, be they gross or minuscule, do not change the fact that you are worthy of Love. We all are worthy of our self love or, again, we wouldn’t be here in this time frame. All of us are created in Love whether we’re treated like that or not. So it’s time for us each to really consider Loving Self and treat our Self like we Love our Self. This return to Love allows us to weather this external chaos. To stand at the eye of the storm and breathe. Self Love allows us to heal ourselves; to calm ourselves and to respect ourselves. To quietly allow our Heart Smile to shine through our space and cast a bright, gentle light as we go forth. Yes, Life will probably continue to be vexing for awhile longer, but we don’t have to be vexed. We can allow ourselves to center, breathe, and smile and be ready when the storm clouds have left.
Self Love is a unique experience for each of us. Do you wish to protest?, work on getting out the vote?, help a neighbor?, plant a garden?, watch TV?; play with friends? What says Self Love to you? How do you wish to express it for yourself so that you feel your Love for your Self? I know it’s not belittling yourself for a mistake, or beating yourself up because you forgot something, or denigrating yourself in the hundreds of little and big ways we can. It’s forgiving yourself, changing your behavior, and moving forward with Love. So explore ways to Love your Self and allow yourself to find the right way for you.
P.S. I am reminded….We all can use a helping hand sometime so don’t forget to ask for assistance, support, encouragement, pats on the back, whatever needed from your spiritual connection(s). Be that the Force, Goddess, God, Archangels, Devas, Nature Spirits, Elementals, Avatars…whomever. They are nearer to us than ever, during this majorly trying times. They are eager to be of service, but they must be asked. Universal Law – They can’t interfere with our free will. So ask!
This Is Not An Easy Birth
It takes all our concentration to keep breathing and pushing to bring this New Earth into life. Pushing through the out-moded, out-dated and crumbling global systems is d-i-f-f-i-c-u-l-t. …
Blog, June 1, 2020
It takes all our concentration to keep breathing and pushing to bring this New Earth into life. Pushing through the out-moded, out-dated and crumbling global systems is d-i-f-f-i-c-u-l-t. Health systems are having their inadequacies exposed with shortages and lack of preparedness. Governmental systems are clearly showing where greed, power and corruption have been festering and brewing and denying people basic human rights. Pollution fills our skies, oceans and the very air we breathe making our home, Gaia, an unclean home. Financial institutes are being exposed as ways and means to keep most of the world in debt servitude, not prosperity. Racism is being drug, kicking and screaming, fully into the light exposing it’s corrupted underbelly. Sexism can no longer be denied as 12 to 14 year old girls are forced into marriages or killed if they try to say no or shot if they want to go to school.
People are waking up to the complete absurdity of a world of plenty where starvation is rampant. Where we’re the water world in our galaxy and we have severe water pollution issue that we caused. Where 1% of the population controls 82% of the world’s riches so we have debt slavery. We are intelligent enough to set up systems of equality and fairness and balance for all, but are we emotionally mature enough to do it? This is where we are now in the birthing process; no time to wonder if it’s really what we want to do, not now when the baby’s moving down the birth canal. The old is being swept away, shoved away, burned away and moved aside. It is time for the new. This birthing process will take time, but do know that the process is underway and the ‘waters have broken’, so to speak.
What will the New Earth baby look like? What will it resemble? Well, the geography will be very similar, if not the same, but our systems on the surface will be different. We are now designing them and finding ways to bring them into fruition. If you’re reading this newsletter, you’re definitely one of the ones who’s awakened or in the process of doing so. We are the ones who are imagining a world of Peace, Love, Balance, Harmony, Freedom, Respect, Kindness, Wisdom, Compassion, among other attributes, as we go forward. Don’t doubt the power of imagination. Imaginal cells are the ones that create the incredible process of metamorphosis that occurs when a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.
As to the actual physical shape and form, well that’s being brought into manifestation as we speak. We’re all playing different roles in this birth scenario. Some of us are holding the door open and setting the Light and Energy to support the changes—The Openers. Others have the concepts, the ideas, the weaving skills to bring it together—The Weavers. Even more know how to work the soil, nurture the plant life—The Gardeners. And don’t forget the tinkerers, the ones who see the unusual connections and bring about new objects—The Inventors. The Nurturers who hold Love, Kindness, and Compassion foremost in their heart to help heal us through this passage. There are a million and one roles in play as we bring this birth about.
This month of June ushers in a lot of astrological energy. It begins on June 5th with a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. The Moon is square Mars which means a lot of energy is available. And the moon being in Sagittarius focuses the energies on social justice and social freedoms. Will we use that energy for more clearing out of the old or use that energy for more helping with the birth? Probably a bit of both depending on our inclinations. Both are necessary and both can be done with Love and Compassion as we move from the old timelines of authoritarian aggression to heartfelt compassion. We then have a Summer Solstice on June 21st, as the sun moves from Gemini to Cancer with a Solar Eclipse. This opens a gateway of powerful energies coming thru Cancer. Picture a crab walking sideways as they do; this is the energy we will have upon us from this powerful eclipse. This push and pull energy gives us time to assess the environment, take calculated risks and still reach our goals. We’ve also got 6 planets in retrograde which brings in a lot of review energy over many of the areas of our life. And even though it’s not in June, a third lunar eclipse occurs on July 5th in Capricorn ushers in foundational energies. Energies that can be used for razing or building. Probably a little of both. If you didn’t already know, we are going to have a very busy, energetic summer. But that’s what usually happens with births, isn’t it?
I’m sure you all clearly realize that we are not awaiting change anymore. We are definitely in the midst of the Transition Zone. The baby’s coming whether we’re ready or not. They do have a habit of being born when they’re ready, don’t they? On a personal level the energies this month of June mean we’re going to have a lot of emotional ups and downs. Our energies will spike as the astrological energies emerge and we’ll be full of energy and action and/or anger and frustration; only to be followed with a dip bringing heartache and frustration and/or despair and depression. Allow our intuition to guide us and allow ourselves to listen to our heart to reach a place of harmony. When we’re in heartache allow it to be and breathe; when we’re in anger, step back and give yourself room to use the anger positively. And when you’re in joy, revel in it!
As I said, this is not an easy birth for any of us, but it is birth—both Global and Individual. And it will take us more time. World birth is measured in years, not months. As there is with any baby—there’s gonna be some crying and mess, but there’ll also be smiles and giggles that are full of Love. We’ve got to clean up the messes and focus on the joy.
Freak-Outs Allowed
I know you all know about staying centered, calm, ‘in your happy place’, breathing and the like, when hit with fear, anxiety, angst and worry. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t aware of that. However, we are in very unusual times. In fact, times that we have not been in before, when the entire world is hitting ‘pause’ as the corona virus travels through. …
Blog, March 20, 2020
I know you all know about staying centered, calm, ‘in your happy place’, breathing and the like, when hit with fear, anxiety, angst and worry. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t aware of that. However, we are in very unusual times. In fact, times that we have not been in before, when the entire world is hitting ‘pause’ as the corona virus travels through.
This fear of a viral disease, that has no known cure at this time, is definitely causing the Collective Consciousness of humankind to reverberate with panic, terror, WTF, and serious hand-wringing. So I think that a freak-out now and then is probably to be expected from all of us at one time or another. Understanding that emotional energy pushing on us by our Collective Consciousness can trigger our own emotional buttons in the face of this latest crises. I figure a scream or two into a pillow, wild full out dancing, serious crying in the shower – whatever SAFE way you have of having your freak-out or release of energy – will allow you space to find your center, to meditate, to find your ‘happy place’ within, and relax again.
Since my last newsletter/blog on January 8th the world has had many tense moments: scare of World War III; Kobe’s death; impeachment travesty; and now corona virus, to name a few. Our worries, fears, and concerns have steadily been ramping up since the beginning of 2020. Grounding, breathing exercises, meditations, yoga, and other energy calming rituals have really come in handy when going through these times and they still are of utmost importance. I just want to emphasize the need to be good to yourself and realize that you may feel the need of a mini freak-out now and then to help you maintain your balance. Don’t berate yourself if you’re not able to hold it together every moment, allow yourself some room to re-group and try again.
This too shall pass as all does as we traverse this Ascension Pathway. I do know that world upheaval is occurring on many levels. As you all know, we’ve made a pretty good mess of the world so it’s not surprising that this chaotic upheaval occurs world-wide with a virus.
This upheaval means we have to figure out our best way out of this mess, and we are. We’re using what tools we have with social distancing, washing our hands, and sheltering in place. It’s a different way of addressing a threat, one that’s new to the world. No attacking, or marching or taking up arms to fight an enemy. This fight uses restraint and calmness to overcome the enemy. Definitely a new way to fight, by not fighting. Sounds kind of Zen, doesn’t it? We must go within and find our Higher Self, our I AM Presence, our God Spark, our connection to the God of Our Heart and TRUST our Inner Guidance. We all have it within us to hear and heed our Inner Light, our Spiritual Intuition. It is always there for us and after a mini freak-out or two it’s still there, waiting for us to hear our message.
I know the message will be one of compassion, love and kindness in whatever form that needs to take for you. Yes there is death, pain, cries and fear, but there is also life, compassion, smiles and love. Allow yourself to sit down for a moment and regain your composure and then follow your heart. (AND, I’m pretty sure the message will not direct you to hoard toilet paper.)
During these stressful times remember to be kind to yourself and others. Allow others to have their stressful moments also, but we can all reset ourselves back to balance. When in a state of balance we can make better choices (like not needing a pallet of toilet paper, maybe only 1 or 2 packages at a time!?). Buddha has said, ‘if you light a light for someone else it will also brighten your path’ and to paraphrase that ‘if you leave enough toilet paper for your fellow man you will not have to step in their mess’.
We can all push RESET for a kinder, gentler, compassionate, more loving world!
Outdated realties are being dissolved and destroyed and a new reality is coming into our lives. A reality that can better sustain life and growth with a balance that benefits all of humankind. It is most uncomfortable on many levels, but it is most necessary for us to reach our higher good as humans. …
Blog, January 8, 2020
Ain’t Nothin’ Been ‘Normal’ For A Long Long Time
As we enter into 2020 let us not yearn for things to be ‘back to normal’ for earth has not been ‘normal’ for a very long time. This is why the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on January 12th is playing such a big role in our lives. Outdated realties are being dissolved and destroyed and a new reality is coming into our lives. A reality that can better sustain life and growth with a balance that benefits all of humankind. It is most uncomfortable on many levels, but it is most necessary for us to reach our higher good as humans.
We have been in an era dominated by false truths which has made it very difficult to find someone or something to trust. Don’t let the times convince you that kindness, integrity and honesty don’t exist, because they do! Ask yourself what really matters. Is it necessary to have the most money, the most power and winning at all costs or to become the best possible version of ourselves? Doing what feels right to you…helping others, which in turn helps yourself could a better fit. The astrological energies are asking us to take responsibility for our negative side; to eliminate what’s selfish or egotistical about our goals. The Tumultuous Teens (TT), 2013 to 2019, have thankfully come to an end. We have been shaken, stirred, and turned upside down as we have witnessed so very many changes in such a short period of time. We have the ability and the Love and Light within each of us to create our world.
How shall we picture our next 10 years? With the onset of 2020 we stand on the brink of a world teetering with ecological, governmental, financial, religious and societal imbalances. The TT’s brought all that to light with astonishing clarity. But teetering means we have the possibility of achieving a balance; a sense of rightness; a sense of equanimity for all the citizens of our world.
The main astrological energies we have to deal with in 2020 are:
The Saturn/Pluto Conjunction with is exact January 12th and starts a new 33 year cycle. Often the build up to a major conjunction can feel more stressful than the actual conjunction. After the 12th, the flow of energy will allow us to know what to do with the energy.
The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction is exact on April 5th, then June 30th and again on November 12th and heralds a new 13 year cycle. (It goes retrograde a bit, then direct). This conjunction will find us digging deep into our passions to build our future.
Saturn/Jupiter conjunction is exact on December 21st with a new 20 year cycle. More energy of ‘out with the old’ (Saturn) and ‘in with the new’ (Jupiter). Building our future with ‘fresh eyes’.
We can be the change we want to happen. Look at what some of the positive deeds we accomplished in 2019.
Science & Medicine
Blind People’s Vision Restored
Scottish researchers have found that stem cells from non-living donors have been used to restore vision in blind people. Some were even able to read again after having severe macular degeneration.
Dementia Reversal
Drug found to reverse dementia in mice by reducing brain inflammation. University of California, Berkeley researchers are suggesting that targeting brain inflammation may reverse dementia
Gut Microbiota May Help Alleviate Anxiety
As many as a third of us may be affected by anxiety symptoms during our lifetime. The trillions of microorganisms in our gut provide essential inflammatory mediators, nutrients and vitamins. This can help regulate brain function through the ‘gut-brain axis.
Advance in Cancer Treatment
Pancreatic cancer is one of your most deadly forms of cancer. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have found a small molecule that triggers the self-destruction of pancreatic cancer cells. Research, done on mice, reduced the number of cancer cells in developed tumors by 90%.
Electricity From Your Window Blinds
An origami-inspired solar panel by Soligami, has designed a solar panel that works similar to shutter blinds. This could mean that urban residences, such as apartments, can use their windows as a source of electricity.
Cleaning the Beaches
Canadian engineering students have invented the Hoopla One. This is a massive vacuum cleaner that sucks up micro plastics from the beach, but leaves the sand.
Robotic Arm Controlled by Mind
Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with the University of Minnesota have developed a robotic arm that can continually track a computer cursor controlled by one’s thoughts. This has the possibility of benefitting so many paralyzed patients.
You can find more complete stories about each of these findings and much more at the wonderful website Goodnewsnetwork..
There are always medical and scientific findings that show progress every year, but I still see these as cause for hope for all of us. But if you need more, how about finding everyday messages of support and positivity in social media? It’s not all selfies and trolls, as evidenced by the following 17 posts from Buzzfeed.com that show support and appreciation for another’s point of view:
Be courageous, and don’t let yourself be discouraged. Each and everyone of us can make a positive impact in the world. Astrological energies during 2020 are offering more and more opportunities for lasting meaningful changes in all our lives.
Love, Light & Beauty
Welcome To Our World
There is so much chaos, noise, disturbance – you name it – out there that if I don’t pay attention to the Present Moment and what I am doing…well, let’s just say that I will find myself adrift wondering how did I get way over here when I was going over there? …
Blog, November 8, 2019
I use my tools daily, but lately….Boy, have I been using my tools!! Grounding, Roses, Center of Head, Colors, Aura Cleanse and of course, Prayers and Meditation. November has really brought me squarely into the Present Moment. There is so much chaos, noise, disturbance – you name it – out there that if I don’t pay attention to the Present Moment and what I am doing…well, let’s just say that I will find myself adrift wondering how did I get way over here when I was going over there?
I thought October was intense, and it was, but with the Mercury Retrograde, which began Halloween October 31st, all the energies have stepped up another notch. Lee Harris, calls November a month of Crazy getting Crazier, Tom Kenyon and the Hathors have spoke for over a year of the Chaotic Nodes we’re experiencing, and Meg Benedictine speaks of the myriad of portals, stargates, and energy surges pushing us forward, just to name a few.
Everyone is emphasizing the need for self love and self-care. Make sure you’re not going into overwhelm. Stop, breathe, ask yourself is this my anxiety, angst, worry or am I picking up the vibes from the world around me? The Collective Consciousness. Because the world is in turmoil, as you well know, and many are experiencing a free-wheeling ‘WTF’ as we careen through our day and that energy pushes against all of us. Hence the grounding, the breathing and the allowing yourself to just Be.
Mercury Retrograde is primarily in Scorpio and this means the usual communication snafus, plans going awry, travel changes and electronic equipment break-downs that occur with a Mercury Retrograde. But, with an added dollop of intensity due to being in Scorpio. This causes an intense focus inward on ourselves as we process all that is occurring to us. Scorpio tells Mercury to dig deep into why we think the way we do and why we have the beliefs we have. This morning I asked my husband to clarify a statement he had made. He had a significant pause and then said, “I don’t think I can. My internal furniture is being rearranged.” I laughed with him as that was such an apt description of what many of us are experiencing with this retrograde. Mercury goes direct on November 20th, but I think the effects of this period will last until the end of November.
What’s causing all the fluctuations and energetic surges? Well the Ascension process is speeding up and intensity increases as we absorb more and more Light and Love (I know you’ve heard this one before). Clearing, expanding, absorbing, and pausing to catch our breath. We are approaching the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12, 2020. October, November and December, energetically, have been preparing us for this conjunction. A conjunction is when two planets link up in the same zodiac sign. Saturn, in astrology, is seen as a planet of contraction, the rule maker, it’s been called the taskmaster who brings order and structure to our lives. Pluto is astrologically described as a harbinger of deep intense power. A revealer of core truths, after much digging or creative destruction. Capricorn, an astrological zodiac sign that depicts hard work, business, ambitiousness and reaching hard earned goals. While Saturn and Pluto have conjunctions every 31 to 37 years; it’s been 500 years since Saturn and Pluto were in conjunction in Capricorn. This conjunction can bring about a reassessment of governmental or institutional structures, especially if they’ve been unjust or unfair to the majority of people. We currently see upheavals all over the planet on injustices of all natures. We are truly on the way to a Golden Age of Gaia, but, as you can see, we’ve got a bit more housecleaning to go through.
In case you were wondering; this aspect actually started on 12/22/18, but it’s exact on 1/12/20. The closer to exact (or “tighter”) an aspect is, the greater its power. A conjunction is powerful because the two planets are blending their power. On 1/31/21 the aspect ends. This energy is something we’ve been dealing with all year, it just intensifies on January, 12, 2020.
So, as we continue through these Transition Times remember to Breathe. Allow yourself to stop and take 3 deep cleansing breathes and things will appear a bit calmer to you. In through the nose, out from the mouth…3 slow times. And you can do this anytime, anywhere!
Be kind to yourself and others. There is a lot of pain, injustice and just plain meanness in the world. Pause and acknowledge the pain you feel for the world, others, and yourself and allow it to pass through your heart and become transmuted. You don’t have to understand how the transmutation occurs, just acknowledge your experience of the grief and allow yourself to express it best for you. Maybe a quiet stroll through nature, a hot bath, a meditative period…whatever is kindness to you.
Express Gratitude for little and big things in your life…the smile of a child, the beauty of a tree, the fact that the car started…you know, just gratitude. It opens your heart and soul and gives you room to Be in a gentler place within.
We each can continue to do our bit by keeping centered, sharing kindness with others and ourselves. Find a way to share your compassion and caring with the world with smiles and love. Yes, it may not be easy, but it will ease our passage through these chaotic times.
Mastering Alchemy, a web based spiritual group that I’ve studied with for a number of years, is offering a free service to help us through these times, “Project Park Bench”. Every second Sunday of the month, for a year, we will meet on-line for an hour of energy work to spread light, love, and good vibes out into the world. If this interest you, you can check it out on their website: Mastering Alchemy.
I understand even deeper as to why Archangel Jophiel has stressed so much to us how Beauty is one path through these times. Beauty expands the heart and allows us to see with new eyes. And there is always some Beauty near us that will speak to us if we allow it. Nature, Music, Art, Laughter…Beauty has so many guises but it’s always there for us. May we hold each other in Love and Beauty.
Love, Light & Beauty,
A Bridge From Here To There
I know 2019 has been an intense year so far for many of us. As we traverse these Transition Times not only does the global world vie for our attention, but our own personal worlds demand our time and energy. But many of us are still trying to keep the bigger picture in view of bringing love, kindness and compassion to humanity. …
Blog, July 18, 2019
Hi Everyone,
It’s been awhile since I’ve communicated with you like this. In fact, I think the last message was in February of this year. It seems that during this interim my focus was to be elsewhere. As many of you know, my husband was diagnosed with cancer and medical issues became our focus for awhile. I’m happy to report that my husband, (my IT Department), is responding well to medication and I can talk with you all again via these messages.
I know 2019 has been an intense year so far for many of us. As we traverse these Transition Times not only does the global world vie for our attention, but our own personal worlds demand our time and energy. But many of us are still trying to keep the bigger picture in view of bringing love, kindness and compassion to humanity. As the world chaos steps up this can become more and more difficult, but we can do it. The move from 3rd Dimension, where we have been for eons, to 5th Dimension, a place of balance and compassion, is one we’ve all been preparing for lifetimes. Yes, even you, or you wouldn’t be here during these momentous times.
Of course we must begin with ourselves and shower ourself with love, kindness and compassion. Not exactly an easy chore as we’ve been raised in a world that most often sends us a message of ‘not good enough’ or some such adage as we go about trying to live our life. As we are able to hear our Higher Self through our inner voices we begin to find a way through the maze to ‘that field’ that Rumi spoke of: ‘out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.’
Reaching The Field
Let’s begin by looking at our attitudes that have been shaped over the eons of aggression, dominance over, arrogance, exclusiveness, etc. How do we go about changing our societal attitudes to ones of love, kindness and inclusiveness? Bridging from here to there? On a personal level and on a societal level we have attitudes that we can change from fear based to compassion based.
Exclusive versus Inclusive
Exclusiveness pushes the excluded to the margins of society. By making sure that one feels exclusive one can feel ‘better than’, more knowledgeable than the other and a bit smug. One important aspect of feeling ‘better than’ is having someone or something that is ‘less than’. Research shows that exclusion impacts both the victim and the perpetrator. Dealing exclusion or ostracism over a long period of time can lead to one’s resources becoming depleted. Feelings may arise of alienation, unworthiness, helplessness and depression.
We move from exclusiveness to inclusiveness by dropping the need to be better than someone else. We acknowledge yes I like ‘X’ and they like ‘Y’. We learn to like and appreciate our ‘X’ without denigrating or dismissing their ‘Y’. We have been raised in a world where in order to justify our liking ‘X’ we had to look with dismay on those who like ‘Y’. We’re moving towards a world where X & Y stand side by side, along with Q, P, D, and all the letters, and are viewed as different choices. That’s all, just different choices and not markers of one’s superiority or exclusiveness of others. Moving towards Inclusion means to learn to respect and allow Others to be a part of the whole. We each have different parts of the puzzle to bring to the table to complete our picture as we move to compassion and understanding and away from judging and aggression. A sense of connection and belonging are paramount for a healthy society.
Arrogance versus Humility
Our egos make sure we feel arrogant to justify our viewpoint as the only one that matters. A feeling of superiority and knowing better than others wells up in us and we push our views out there as the right ones and the only ones that matter. This is a false sense of power and comes from a position of self-serving and righteousness.
Humility serves us so much better in that it comes from our Spirit, our Higher Self and leads us to own our viewpoint quietly and calmly and allow another to voice their viewpoint. The Internet has opened this door where our egos can shout and wave about ‘my way or the highway’, but the Internet can also foster platforms where others can express their opinions without demanding that others buy into their view. Humility allows one to share views, opinions, feelings with others in a sense of community. Arrogance forces one to proclaim their righteousness and all else be damned. Again, to hear one another and see one another with clarity and love we must allow our arrogance to fade into the past and our humility to surge to the forefront. This is how bridges are built from one side to another, from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension.
Competition versus Cooperation
Let’s have a competition to see who can be the most cooperative? Now that’s a good use of competition. We know competition supposedly brings out the best in us, but I think cooperation does a lot more. I really enjoy those stories of marathon runners helping a fallen racer over the finish line. Yes, the racer loses out on a first place ribbon, but they gain so much more in learning how to express their heart energy, their Spirit, their compassion for a fellow human being. We, here in the West have a lot of competition energy and it’s brought us to where we are right now. It’s now time to lean in to more cooperation and sharing where we help one another. By bringing forth our cooperation we all win because society becomes more compassionate, more balanced more loving and we have a win/win situation. Having a balance between competition and cooperation brings about the best of both attributes.
These three word-pairs are examples of opposite ends of a continuum, and I’m sure you can think of many more. In moving through these eruptive, chaotic times we need the flexibility to move along that continuum as needed and not be rigidly held prisoner by one end of the continuum as opposed to the other end. The Middle Way of a moderation is one of the keys to our bridging the gap and finding Rumi’s field where we can all meet in a sense of community.
The Light That You Are & Collective Consciousness
“There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
These words (and other quotes in this message) were spoken by Nelson Mandela who found the inner strength within himself to play ‘large’ upon the global stage. He continually made life choices that centered around his passion to have justice for his people in South Africa. …
Blog, February 19, 2019
The Light That You Are
“There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
These words (and other quotes in this message) were spoken by Nelson Mandela who found the inner strength within himself to play ‘large’ upon the global stage. He continually made life choices that centered around his passion to have justice for his people in South Africa.
As we all move through these chaotic times, we all have moments of utter disbelief and horror at our treatment of one another. We hit walls of discouragement and exhaustion within us that make us want to stop, check-out, tune-out and pull the covers over our head. And sometimes you just have to do that—to give yourself a breather now and then. But after the rest, the respite… your knowledge that there has to be a way to bring more kindness and compassion into the world surfaces. And this passion, this knowledge, this knowing… lets you take the covers off and lift your head. As Nelson said, “The greatest glory in living is not in falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
Collective Consciousness
We all do not play on a national or global stage. Most of us have our interactions centered around our loved ones, our family, our neighborhood, our community. And, we’re not all visible social activists, marching or demonstrating to change draconian, inhumane policies our misguided leaders have implemented upon the world. No, most of us are just trying to make it from day to day with decency, common courtesy and may I say a modicum of love in our social interactions with family, neighbors, the check-out clerk, the waiter…whomever we come in contact with through our daily routines. These seemingly minor interactions are anything but minor. All of humanity is united through our Collective Consciousness. The knowledge that we are all one and that everything is connected on an energetic spiritual level is something that has been held throughout ages in various spiritual traditions on Earth. Our Collective Consciousness is a set of shared beliefs and inner knowing that all of our thoughts, ideas and feelings exist at a frequency accessible to everyone. And, this is why your wave of hello to your neighbor, your smile at your grocery clerk, your thank you for waiter serving you…all of those seemingly minor interactions are very important. They add kindness, caring, love, peacefulness, joy, gratitude and compassion to our Collective Consciousness. Being supportive and non-judgmental on social media platforms adds major positive energy to the world. Yes, your caring adds to our collective pool of energy that is slowly bringing more and more Light into the world. As Mandela said “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” You making choices of kindness bring Light to us all.
Share Yourself With The World Around You
Don’t play yourself small or hide your light under a bushel basket. Allow yourself to be who you really are and express the kindness you are to the world. We all have a part to play in this Ascension of Earth and Humanity or we wouldn’t be here during these challenging times. And this is why each of us needs to be the best we can be at any given time. Do not beat yourself up if you slip now and then and feel constricted, uptight, fearful…we are human after all. But, when you can, allow your feelings of Love to shine forth through your smile, your caring and your helpfulness. Dare to be compassionate to yourself first and foremost and then share yourself with the world around you. “The greatest glory in living is not in falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
As you can see Nelson Mandela had a lot to say about being who you are and how to ‘walk your talk’. You too can listen to your inner wisdom, shine your Light and add to our Collective Consciousness with Love. Nelson Mandela spoke as to how he felt when he left prison after 27 years…“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.”
ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL, February 19, 2019 – “Collective Consciousness”
I wish to speak to you of the Collective Consciousness that Sharon mentioned in her message. Though I know you have heard this term before I want you to know that it is more than just an Earthly concept. Collective Consciousness is an energy that permeates the entire Multiverse. We are All interconnected with Everything. Yes Everything. What occurs on Earth affects the entire Multiverse and the fact that you are on the Ascension Path now is reverberating through the entire Cosmos. As you uplift yourselves by getting in touch with your inner spiritual wisdom you are impacting the All.
Focusing on the spectrum of the Collective Consciousness that centers on Earth you have many examples of your connection to this ocean of energetic consciousness. One of your most positive personal examples has risen from your being in Nature. The experience of feeling your spirits uplifted, energized, revitalized by a sojourn in Nature is very powerful. The plant life, trees, flowers, yes even what you call weeds, are all in harmony with the vibrations of Life and this harmony is sensed by you. You may not be conscious of it, but you are conscious of feeling better after a walk in a forest or a visit to the oceanside or a climb to a mountaintop. The ripples of an object being tossed in a pond show how your spiritual input affects the whole. Your ‘ripple’ spreads out to the entire pond.
The concept that Gaia is a living breathing entity may be too far out for many of you to accept, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is. It was her time to Ascend and Humanity decided to ascend with her. This was a big decision since usually the life on a planet goes to another dimension as a planet goes through the geological upheavals of Ascension. Since Humanity and Gaia decided to do this together Gaia is attempting to keep the geological upheavals to a minimum. True, this may not be how you see it, but it is and you are having an effect on this geological changes. As more and more of you awaken to the spiritual beings that you are, you add more and more Light to the Collective Consciousness of Earth and this ameliorates and helps smooth out the energies.
The chaos you all are experiencing now is because you (Humanity and Gaia) are clearing the Collective Consciousness of all the heavy, dense, dark, negative energies that have permeated Earth for eons. As you can imagine, there is a lot to clear but you are doing a remarkable job. One that has surpassed and surprised all of us in the Angelic Dimension by the speed to which it is being done. Yes, I know it does not seem speedy to you as you experience it on a daily basis, but to us, who can see a bit further down the road, it is moving very rapidly. Yes, there is a lot of energy to transmute from darkness to light, but you (Gaia & Humanity) are doing it. Clearing an energetic field that was as dense as Earth’s has not been an easy task, but you have done wonders. There is much more to do, as you know, but you are doing it with your Love, Kindness, Compassion and Courage.
So continue adding your positive energies to the Collective Consciousness energy of Earth. We, here in the Angelic Dimension are always in support of each and every one of you as you do this momentous energy cleaning and transmuting. We cannot step in and do so ourselves because we do not have physical bodies and the energies were made by physical bodies. Hence, you ‘are the boots on the ground’ and we are the supply support of Love, Guidance, Care and Compassion that we stand by to deliver whenever requested. And, because of your Free Will, it must be requested. We cannot interfere without being asked. As I’ve mentioned before, your Star Trek ‘Prime Directive’ is very true.
Frequencies and Vibrations
I’m going to talk to you of frequencies, vibrations and the inter-relation we have to each other and the Universe. In many newsletters I have spoken of staying positive, be full of gratitude, practice forgiveness, be compassionate and the like. All in the name of LOVE. I know, I know…unicorns and rainbows; bunnies and butterflies…but that imagery or even feeling like that can be very tenuous with all the chaos going on around us geophysically, socially, politically and economically. …
Blog, July 29, 2018
I could write about astrological events. We’re in the midst of an Eclipse Alley, as some call it with a Solar Eclipse July 12th and a Lunar Eclipse July 27th and another Solar Eclipse August 11th! We’ve got Full Moons, New Moons, Blood Moons, Grand Trines, and a bunch of planets going retrograde, Mercury included!! But I’m not going to write about all that. Just to say that the Eclipse Alley we are in now is rather intense energy-wise, but then I’m sure that most of you are VERY aware of that.
Major Upheaval
No, I’m going to talk to you of frequencies, vibrations and the inter-relation we have to each other and the Universe. In many newsletters I have spoken of staying positive, be full of gratitude, practice forgiveness, be compassionate and the like. All in the name of LOVE. I know, I know…unicorns and rainbows; bunnies and butterflies…but that imagery or even feeling like that can be very tenuous with all the chaos going on around us geophysically, socially, politically and economically. You name it, whatever sphere you look at in the world is undergoing major upheaval that is most unsettling.
How’s Your Immediate Space?
How do we even begin to stay positive or grateful with what we’re facing? I know that one of the first things we each have to do is attend to ourselves. Right now, as you read this, are things okay in your immediate space? If they are, you have much to be grateful for. I live in California and there are 18 wildfires burning as I write this and it’s been this way off and on since June. There are continuous smallish earthquakes happening somewhere in this state on almost a daily basis. And, yes all this is nerve-wracking on a basic survival level, but is it happening to you right now? Are you experience a geophysical upset of any kind? If not, this is part of what I mean about being centered and quiet within. If you’re physically okay for the moment you have space to center, breathe and just BE. From this center you can reach out to loved one, family, friends and ascertain if they’re okay. You’ll be of much more assistance to them (and yourself) if you’re centered and coming from a place of strength rather than panic. Action rather than Reaction.
Your Grounded Core
If your immediate environment is safe and economically you’re okay, for the moment, and politically laws have not immediately been gerrymandered to put you in harm’s way…you do have a bit of breathing room! From this tenuous space you have a grounded core that will allow you to be present for yourself and for important others. You can choose to help address societal and political wrongs through peaceful protests, votes, signing petitions, volunteering…helping others in whatever ways feel right to you. And I do mean feel, sense, be aware of what your heart-soul tells you is right for you. Let yourself be led by your heart, not the media, not what others are espousing on social media, but hear your heart’s song. You do know what is best for you and thus in turn the best way to be of use to society if you so chose. Again, this can be as simple as a smile for the grocery checker, allowing a car to pull in ahead of you in traffic, holding a door open for a stranger or cooking a loving meal for family and friends.
Feeling Positive – a force for good in the world
So how does this all tie into frequencies, vibrations and the inter-relation we have to each other and the Universe that I spoke of? All this LOVE stuff…kindness, compassion, forgiveness and such are much much more than just nice emotions. These emotions are also frequencies, vibrations, that we all emanate from our being. Yes, you, me, your neighbor and everyone else on earth. All of humanity. We all give off vibes. Remember the Beach Boys and their song and ‘Good Vibrations’? It’s as simple and profound as that. If you’re able to give off a loving vibration it affects and effects the environment and others around you; the inter-relation I have spoken of, the Collective Consciousness. Feeling positive is not just some New Age blather, it’s actually a force for good in the world. Choosing positive vibes over negative vibes is up to each of us. There’s a lot out there trying to pull us to the negative vibes (“come to the Dark Side, Luke”) but we have choice. We can allow ourselves to act positively (Love/Light) rather than react to a negative urge (Dark/Anger).
Frequencies and vibrations. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even solid looking things are made up of vibrational energy at the quantum level. Everything is vibrating at one speed or another, nothing ever really rests. However our frequency is different from other things in the universe and that’s why it seems like we are separated from other things. But we’re not; we’re living in an ocean of energy and everything has it’s own vibrational frequency. There’s a lot more about all this in the field of quantum science, but just know we’re all one incredibly large vibrating energy field. So this is where being able to have a positive frequency and send out positive vibrations helps not only ourself, but each other. Enough positivity will eventually counter the negative vibrations; hence the Transition we are undergoing now as we strive for good vibrations.
Maintaining a Positive Vibe
Yes, this may all sound nice, but how does one go about maintaining a positive vibe?
— One way is to be conscious of your thoughts. When a negative thought (fear, jealousy, anger, etc.) shows up, take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for showing up and drawing your attention and dismiss it. This can leave you free to use the energy for a positive thought.
— Another way I like to lift my energy is to find something beautiful and appreciate it. This can be something in nature (flora, sky, rolling hills, etc) or art work or something manmade. Whatever you admire and appreciate in the way of beauty.
— You can be conscious of the food you eat. Foods have different vibrations with blueberries having a high vibration and a Big Mac, not so high. The good vibrations from the food aid your own personal pool of vibrations and disseminates them throughout your body.
— Along this same line of thought you should always drink plenty of water to flush your body of toxins. This helps your energy stay up and light.
— Meditation or prayer is a wonderful way to bring our scattered energies back to the center and calm our spirit and achieve a peaceful state of mind. Just 10 minutes a day helps.
— Gratitude is a major means of shifting your vibrations to what you do have in life; not what you don’t have. Just think daily of 5 things you’re grateful for in your life. The positiveness will accumulate.
— One of the most satisfying and soul filling ways to be positive is being kind. In 1982, Anne Herbert wrote on a placemat in Sausalito, CA — “random kindness and senseless acts of beauty”. She was inspired to do so based on the phrase “random acts of violence and senseless acts of cruelty” oft mentioned in the media. She took a negative phrase and turned it into a beautiful positive phrase. So practice kindness without expecting anything in return, just enjoy being kind to others.
— We can always try movement to jazz up our vibrations. Movement often makes us happier and draws good vibrations to us when we’re in a positive state. Run, walk, swim, laugh, dance…just move!! (C+C Music Factory’s — ‘Everybody Dance Now’ keeps running thru my head!)
— I’m sure you can think of many other acts and images to increase your positive outlook (laughing babies, puppies, kittens, sunsets/sunrises, etc.). The list can be as long as you want, just as long as it makes you feel good in your heart and this in turn adds to the greater whole.
Feminine Energy Continues
2018 has started with lots of astrological energies. We had a Super Moon on the first day of year in Cancer. A Super Moon is when the full moon appears closer to the earth than usual. This is due to the elliptical orbit of the moon. This full moon was intense with a lot of emotional energy highlighting the feminine. This is demonstrated with the Women’s March, the #MeToo and #Time’sUp Movements and the revealing of the darkness exposed in the USA Women’s Gymnast Team doctor’s recent trial. …
Blog, January 28, 2018
Emotional Energy
2018 has started with lots of astrological energies. We had a Super Moon on the first day of year in Cancer. A Super Moon is when the full moon appears closer to the earth than usual. This is due to the elliptical orbit of the moon. This full moon was intense with a lot of emotional energy highlighting the feminine. This is demonstrated with the Women’s March, the #MeToo and #Time’sUp Movements and the revealing of the darkness exposed in the USA Women’s Gymnast Team doctor’s recent trial.
Positive Energy
We had a wonderful positive showing of the rising of feminine energy when Minnie Mouse finally got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, on January 22nd, 2018 — a mere 40 years after Mickey’s star. (Even Donald Duck got a star before Minnie, in 2004.) She was very appreciative and gracious about it though, saying “I’m so grateful and I want to thank all my friends from around the world. And Mickey, I’m so happy you’re here to share this wonderful day with me. This really is the best day ever!”
Lunar Eclipse
Now we step into the energies of another Super Moon on January 31st in the sign of Leo. This moon is also a Blue Moon, meaning that January, 2018 has two full moons, the 1st and the 31st. As if that is not enough for this full moon it will also be a total lunar eclipse or a Blood Moon; so you can see Wednesday, January 31st with a Super Blue Blood Moon is going to bring us a lot of cosmic energies. The last time we experienced a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse was 36 years ago, but having this type of eclipse in the sign of Leo is extremely rare and has not occurred, some are saying, for 150 years. This total lunar eclipse may bring up past memories of our childhood and how it reflects in our life now. Early Wednesday morning will be a good time to set aside some time for meditation and reflection.
While you won’t actually see the moon appearing blue you may see it appearing as a blood moon, kind of a rusty color. Here in the United States we can best see the lunar eclipse just before sunrise, especially in the West. The eclipse will begin at 3:48 PST, total eclipse at 4:52 PST and the moon will be in the Earth’s shadow for a bit more than an hour.
As with all ‘cosmic triggers’ this is an excellent time to reflect on your inner truths, hearing your inner guidance more clearly, and considering what you want to achieve or manifest in your life. Check on those resolutions or intentions you made at the beginning of the month and tweak them and make adjustments accordingly.
Your Sign
How does this important moon affect your sign? There will be a lot of energy coming forth that will initiate changes in areas of our life needing course corrections. Here are some of the areas to be aware of.
Relationships may be affected now. Troublesome ones could end or reveal issues that you can face and heal. Being calm and clear during this time may be challenging, but all changes will be for the better. Your finances may undergo a correction at this time, but it is all manageable if you do not act with haste. Calm decisions will assist your financial growth.
Career-wise you need to prioritize your duties. You may feel a bit overwhelmed. Making corrections or changes will be important at this time. There may be issues of home and family pulling you away from your business and, for awhile, you may have to focus on these issues.
If you are a student or studying something at this time you may have changes of school, teachers or courses. Discipline yourself and stay calm and you will succeed. Be sure and back up your computer files and other electronic devices and take good care of your vehicles. Those around you may be having crises and the best help you can be is to listen and support them calmly. Pay attention to your finances as they may need correcting at this time.
Be sure to rest, relax and meditate during this lunar period. With the Moon being your ruler it important to give yourself time and space. Now is a time to look closely at yourself and decide how you want to go forward. See what’s holding you back from clear self-expression. Allow yourself to self-discover and improve yourself from now until the next lunar eclipse in July, 2018.
Attend to your health needs during this period of the Lunar Eclipse. Be sure you rest well, sleep well, and good care of your health. Listen to your body’s messages and needs. This eclipse is giving you a chance to learn more about yourself and rid yourself of negative self-images and restrictions that you no longer need. Your sense of spirituality will grow and change during this time, also, as you see which directions you need to go. It will be a beneficial change in the long run because your beliefs will reflect your true self even more-so than the past.
While these eclipse energies are strong and unsettling for everyone you will weather it rather calmly. Spiritual energies will come to the forefront for you and you will re-examine your beliefs and ideals. Romance will be relatively unaffected, but you may have to show patience with your partner. Your partner may be dealing with stress in their life and not in the best of moods. Friendships will be strongly affected by this eclipse and problem friendships will come to an end. Other friendships will heal issues that have arisen in the past.
Your friendships may have a few problems in that your friends are having problems and they share them with you. They will need your support during this period. Your computers, and hi-tech gadgets may rebel at this time. Be sure and back everything up and check your firewall. If you need to buy any replacements try and wait until a week or so after the eclipse.
Lots of career focus for you with this eclipse. If you work for others you may make major changes like changing jobs. If self-employed you’ll probably make a few course corrections. Be decisive and calm and all will be well. Your beliefs and spiritual goals may be due for an overhauling as you realign issues to make matters more harmonious to you. Family may stress you or unsettle you a bit, but nothing that you haven’t handled before.
If possible don’t do too much traveling during the eclipse as plans can go awry. If you’re a student during this time you may have issues arise with your schools or studies. Things may be topsy-turvy for awhile. You may even make major changes in your schooling. You will be letting go of a number of feelings, beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you. You may also experience significant changes in your work environment.
Be cautious during this period. You already know this being a Capricorn, but just a reminder during the eclipse time. In your love life have care with health matters. Try not to have arguments with your partner during this period. Now is not a time for adventure in the romance department. You want to keep an open mind, not rush into decisions and be calm. Trust yourself.
Your love life will be tested to the maximum with this eclipse. Everything will come up for attention. Handle these situations calmly as possible. For the most part, this is all happening to heal the relationship and make it stronger, not to end it. A clearing for a fresh start. If alone you may feel depressed, but this is a time to explore loneliness and what it means in your life. How to make ‘friends’ with loneliness so loneliness is no longer a factor. There will be job changes with this energy, again these changes will be ultimately beneficial. You also must be sure you get enough rest and sleep. You may need to tweak your diet a bit too have the most beneficial health at this time.
Your health is spotlighted during this eclipse in a very positive way. Your health schedule should just need minor changes in your diet, exercise and sleep. Listening to your body’s needs will continue to guide you in this area. Any changes in work will all be for the positive with a minimum of stress. Your children’s financials may undergo some stress. They will correct them with your advice.
Calm, Centered, Aware
So as we ride the cosmic waves of this upcoming Super Blue Blood Moon may we all stay calm, centered and aware of our I AM (Soul/Spirit) presence. These waves of energy are pushing us forward in the Ascension process.
With Love To All
Energy & Harmony
The astrological energies this month have loosened up a bit. Mars left Scorpio on June 29th and is now in Sagittarius where it can act as an energetic push into lighter more future-oriented endeavors. Also we have Saturn going direct (moving forward) in Sagittarius on August 13th. So with two important planets in Sagittarius we may now have energy to move forward on projects that had seemed stalled or progressing slowly. …
Blog, August 10,, 2016
Astrological Energies
The astrological energies this month have loosened up a bit. Mars left Scorpio on June 29th and is now in Sagittarius where it can act as an energetic push into lighter more future-oriented endeavors. Also we have Saturn going direct (moving forward) in Sagittarius on August 13th. So with two important planets in Sagittarius we may now have energy to move forward on projects that had seemed stalled or progressing slowly.
Mars brings a sense of excitement and ideas to help us move along. You have more clarity on where you want to go now. Saturn has been retrograde (moving backward) for the past 5 months which had us looking deeply into the dark corners of our psyche and pulling out our fears for us to examine and release. While we may always have fears, the ones that Saturn brought out during this retrograde period are no longer needed. So now we can all move forward a bit lighter and brighter.
The astrological energies will assist humankind as we attempt to heal our divisiveness and learn how to have a sense of unity. We live in an illusion that we are separate individuals, separate from Nature, separate from the Cosmos when the truth is that we are all one. We began as one, and then divided into separateness to learn how duality worked. We have delved deep into duality and have learned all there is to learn of this issue. We now are re-learning how to be inclusive, to allow one another to have their thoughts and feelings yet acknowledge that we are one. It is not easy, as our politics here in America show but one example of the great divisiveness, but it can be healed through respect and honoring of differing viewpoints. This blatant exposure of differences is being repeated throughout the entire globe.
This plays out in us each on an individual level as our internal fears, angers, wishes, desires and such rise to the consciousness within us. New layers of our psyche are continually being brought to the surface for confronting, clearing and adjusting. As we make our own personal adjustments to our choices and life styles internally this will, in turn, be reflected in our environment–our society, our world. Our nerves are frayed, our strengths waxing and waning, and we are tired. This is not an easy path but it’s one we all signed up for this time around. We all decided we wanted to be here at this incredibly important time of earth and humanity’s growth. And here we are here, frayed nerves and all.
One important tool that my help you through this time is learning to ground your energy. I know many of you already make good use of this tool but we all can use a refresher now and then. Using this tool really helps with the constant energy changes bombarding us on a daily basis. It helps us even our energy fields and be able to maintain a sense of balance.
On spirit levels we are all in a state of flux. Grounding is simply dropping a ‘cord’ from our 1st chakra (base of the spine) to the center of the earth. This cord can take any shape: a beam of light, a waterfall, a chain, a tree, a feather boa, whatever you want and whatever works best for you. This cord grounds our thoughts which are electric. For our emotions we use a second cord with the first. Wrap the second cord around the first cord and ground them both into the center of the earth. Just imagine, pretend or envision–whatever works for you. This second cord may also look or be whatever you find comfortable to use. This cord helps ground our emotions which are magnetic so we’re setting up an electro-magnetic grounding cord.
Use of these grounding cords will help center us and keep us in our bodies and our head on our shoulders as we rock ‘n roll through these interesting times. It’s a very good practice to set your cords as soon as your feet hit the floor upon awakening and sitting on the side of the bed. Set your cord for today’s energy by simply intending or saying, ‘I’m setting my grounding cord(s) for today’s energy’. This is so important to say ‘today’ because with all the energy hitting earth daily with a myriad of frequencies, setting the cords helps us to allow that energy to pass right through without ‘fritzing’ us.
Ground your cords into the Earth’s heart chakra. Believe me, the Earth welcomes the grounding cords as part of her work in this Change Process. She is more than capable of neutralizing all of humanity, yep, all 7 billion of us, if everyone would do it (they don’t but some of us do!). If she neutralizes it through her center or earth heart chakra our negativity, frustration, angst, etc. does not go into the atmosphere where she has to clear it with volcanic dust, earthquakes, wind storms, and other chaotic climate methods.
Notes & Chords
As we each achieve a quietness and peace within ourselves, we shall see more and more of a peace without–in our environment and eventually a global society that lives in harmony. Harmony is an important word here because the definition of harmony is: “the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.” Note that it says musical notes–not musical note. This harmony is not every note being the same, it is a combination of notes producing pleasing sounds. Each of us must find our own path to our inner peace, our center, our holy of holies. This is why so many of us are a bit confused as to what to do, what path to follow, how to go about this quest. It is crucial that we each find the path that is our individual path to our awakening consciousness. We each find the note that sounds the best for us. This doesn’t mean that one cannot take a bit from here, a bit from there or even some from way over there but all the bits are mixed in your individuality to make your note, your addition to the chord of humanity.
The key to your part in the harmony is following the path, the means, the way that brings you the most joy. Trust yourself that you will do what works best for you to add to the awakening of humankind, to a rising of consciousness. Right now there are many many notes sounding a great discord — but in the background, like a faint hum, is a harmonious glorious chord that is slowly but steadily gaining strength and having more and more notes added in wondrous harmony.
Keep listening, it is growing and we are all adding to it.