Freak-Outs Allowed

Blog, March 20, 2020

I know you all know about staying centered, calm, ‘in your happy place’, breathing and the like, when hit with fear, anxiety, angst and worry. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t aware of that. However, we are in very unusual times. In fact, times that we have not been in before, when the entire world is hitting ‘pause’ as the corona virus travels through.


This fear of a viral disease, that has no known cure at this time, is definitely causing the Collective Consciousness of humankind to reverberate with panic, terror, WTF, and serious hand-wringing. So I think that a freak-out now and then is probably to be expected from all of us at one time or another. Understanding that emotional energy pushing on us by our Collective Consciousness can trigger our own emotional buttons in the face of this latest crises. I figure a scream or two into a pillow, wild full out dancing, serious crying in the shower – whatever SAFE way you have of having your freak-out or release of energy – will allow you space to find your center, to meditate, to find your ‘happy place’ within, and relax again.

Since my last newsletter/blog on January 8th the world has had many tense moments: scare of World War III; Kobe’s death; impeachment travesty; and now corona virus, to name a few. Our worries, fears, and concerns have steadily been ramping up since the beginning of 2020. Grounding, breathing exercises, meditations, yoga, and other energy calming rituals have really come in handy when going through these times and they still are of utmost importance. I just want to emphasize the need to be good to yourself and realize that you may feel the need of a mini freak-out now and then to help you maintain your balance. Don’t berate yourself if you’re not able to hold it together every moment, allow yourself some room to re-group and try again.

This too shall pass as all does as we traverse this Ascension Pathway. I do know that world upheaval is occurring on many levels. As you all know, we’ve made a pretty good mess of the world so it’s not surprising that this chaotic upheaval occurs world-wide with a virus.

This upheaval means we have to figure out our best way out of this mess, and we are. We’re using what tools we have with social distancing, washing our hands, and sheltering in place. It’s a different way of addressing a threat, one that’s new to the world. No attacking, or marching or taking up arms to fight an enemy. This fight uses restraint and calmness to overcome the enemy. Definitely a new way to fight, by not fighting. Sounds kind of Zen, doesn’t it? We must go within and find our Higher Self, our I AM Presence, our God Spark, our connection to the God of Our Heart and TRUST our Inner Guidance. We all have it within us to hear and heed our Inner Light, our Spiritual Intuition. It is always there for us and after a mini freak-out or two it’s still there, waiting for us to hear our message.

I know the message will be one of compassion, love and kindness in whatever form that needs to take for you. Yes there is death, pain, cries and fear, but there is also life, compassion, smiles and love. Allow yourself to sit down for a moment and regain your composure and then follow your heart. (AND, I’m pretty sure the message will not direct you to hoard toilet paper.)

During these stressful times remember to be kind to yourself and others. Allow others to have their stressful moments also, but we can all reset ourselves back to balance. When in a state of balance we can make better choices (like not needing a pallet of toilet paper, maybe only 1 or 2 packages at a time!?). Buddha has said, ‘if you light a light for someone else it will also brighten your path’ and to paraphrase that ‘if you leave enough toilet paper for your fellow man you will not have to step in their mess’.

We can all push RESET for a kinder, gentler, compassionate, more loving world!


Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.

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