
Blog, January 8, 2020

Ain’t Nothin’ Been ‘Normal’ For A Long Long Time


As we enter into 2020 let us not yearn for things to be ‘back to normal’ for earth has not been ‘normal’ for a very long time. This is why the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn on January 12th is playing such a big role in our lives. Outdated realties are being dissolved and destroyed and a new reality is coming into our lives. A reality that can better sustain life and growth with a balance that benefits all of humankind. It is most uncomfortable on many levels, but it is most necessary for us to reach our higher good as humans.

We have been in an era dominated by false truths which has made it very difficult to find someone or something to trust. Don’t let the times convince you that kindness, integrity and honesty don’t exist, because they do! Ask yourself what really matters. Is it necessary to have the most money, the most power and winning at all costs or to become the best possible version of ourselves? Doing what feels right to you…helping others, which in turn helps yourself could a better fit. The astrological energies are asking us to take responsibility for our negative side; to eliminate what’s selfish or egotistical about our goals. The Tumultuous Teens (TT), 2013 to 2019, have thankfully come to an end. We have been shaken, stirred, and turned upside down as we have witnessed so very many changes in such a short period of time. We have the ability and the Love and Light within each of us to create our world.

How shall we picture our next 10 years? With the onset of 2020 we stand on the brink of a world teetering with ecological, governmental, financial, religious and societal imbalances. The TT’s brought all that to light with astonishing clarity. But teetering means we have the possibility of achieving a balance; a sense of rightness; a sense of equanimity for all the citizens of our world.


The main astrological energies we have to deal with in 2020 are:

  1. The Saturn/Pluto Conjunction with is exact January 12th and starts a new 33 year cycle. Often the build up to a major conjunction can feel more stressful than the actual conjunction. After the 12th, the flow of energy will allow us to know what to do with the energy.

  2. The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction is exact on April 5th, then June 30th and again on November 12th and heralds a new 13 year cycle. (It goes retrograde a bit, then direct). This conjunction will find us digging deep into our passions to build our future.

  3. Saturn/Jupiter conjunction is exact on December 21st with a new 20 year cycle. More energy of ‘out with the old’ (Saturn) and ‘in with the new’ (Jupiter). Building our future with ‘fresh eyes’.

We can be the change we want to happen. Look at what some of the positive deeds we accomplished in 2019.

Science & Medicine

Blind People’s Vision Restored

Scottish researchers have found that stem cells from non-living donors have been used to restore vision in blind people. Some were even able to read again after having severe macular degeneration.

Dementia Reversal

Drug found to reverse dementia in mice by reducing brain inflammation. University of California, Berkeley researchers are suggesting that targeting brain inflammation may reverse dementia

Gut Microbiota May Help Alleviate Anxiety

As many as a third of us may be affected by anxiety symptoms during our lifetime. The trillions of microorganisms in our gut provide essential inflammatory mediators, nutrients and vitamins. This can help regulate brain function through the ‘gut-brain axis.

Advance in Cancer Treatment

Pancreatic cancer is one of your most deadly forms of cancer. Researchers at Tel Aviv University have found a small molecule that triggers the self-destruction of pancreatic cancer cells. Research, done on mice, reduced the number of cancer cells in developed tumors by 90%.

Electricity From Your Window Blinds

An origami-inspired solar panel by Soligami, has designed a solar panel that works similar to shutter blinds. This could mean that urban residences, such as apartments, can use their windows as a source of electricity.

Cleaning the Beaches

Canadian engineering students have invented the Hoopla One. This is a massive vacuum cleaner that sucks up micro plastics from the beach, but leaves the sand.

Robotic Arm Controlled by Mind

Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with the University of Minnesota have developed a robotic arm that can continually track a computer cursor controlled by one’s thoughts. This has the possibility of benefitting so many paralyzed patients.

You can find more complete stories about each of these findings and much more at the wonderful website Goodnewsnetwork..

There are always medical and scientific findings that show progress every year, but I still see these as cause for hope for all of us. But if you need more, how about finding everyday messages of support and positivity in social media? It’s not all selfies and trolls, as evidenced by the following 17 posts from that show support and appreciation for another’s point of view:

Be courageous, and don’t let yourself be discouraged. Each and everyone of us can make a positive impact in the world. Astrological energies during 2020 are offering more and more opportunities for lasting meaningful changes in all our lives.

Love, Light & Beauty


Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.

Freak-Outs Allowed


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