Feminine Energy Continues

Blog, January 28, 2018

Emotional Energy

2018 has started with lots of astrological energies. We had a Super Moon on the first day of year in Cancer. A Super Moon is when the full moon appears closer to the earth than usual. This is due to the elliptical orbit of the moon. This full moon was intense with a lot of emotional energy highlighting the feminine. This is demonstrated with the Women’s March, the #MeToo and #Time’sUp Movements and the revealing of the darkness exposed in the USA Women’s Gymnast Team doctor’s recent trial.

Positive Energy


We had a wonderful positive showing of the rising of feminine energy when Minnie Mouse finally got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, on January 22nd, 2018 — a mere 40 years after Mickey’s star. (Even Donald Duck got a star before Minnie, in 2004.) She was very appreciative and gracious about it though, saying “I’m so grateful and I want to thank all my friends from around the world. And Mickey, I’m so happy you’re here to share this wonderful day with me. This really is the best day ever!”

Lunar Eclipse

Now we step into the energies of another Super Moon on January 31st in the sign of Leo. This moon is also a Blue Moon, meaning that January, 2018 has two full moons, the 1st and the 31st. As if that is not enough for this full moon it will also be a total lunar eclipse or a Blood Moon; so you can see Wednesday, January 31st with a Super Blue Blood Moon is going to bring us a lot of cosmic energies. The last time we experienced a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse was 36 years ago, but having this type of eclipse in the sign of Leo is extremely rare and has not occurred, some are saying, for 150 years. This total lunar eclipse may bring up past memories of our childhood and how it reflects in our life now. Early Wednesday morning will be a good time to set aside some time for meditation and reflection.

While you won’t actually see the moon appearing blue you may see it appearing as a blood moon, kind of a rusty color. Here in the United States we can best see the lunar eclipse just before sunrise, especially in the West. The eclipse will begin at 3:48 PST, total eclipse at 4:52 PST and the moon will be in the Earth’s shadow for a bit more than an hour.


As with all ‘cosmic triggers’ this is an excellent time to reflect on your inner truths, hearing your inner guidance more clearly, and considering what you want to achieve or manifest in your life. Check on those resolutions or intentions you made at the beginning of the month and tweak them and make adjustments accordingly.

Your Sign

How does this important moon affect your sign? There will be a lot of energy coming forth that will initiate changes in areas of our life needing course corrections. Here are some of the areas to be aware of.


Relationships may be affected now. Troublesome ones could end or reveal issues that you can face and heal. Being calm and clear during this time may be challenging, but all changes will be for the better. Your finances may undergo a correction at this time, but it is all manageable if you do not act with haste. Calm decisions will assist your financial growth.


Career-wise you need to prioritize your duties. You may feel a bit overwhelmed. Making corrections or changes will be important at this time. There may be issues of home and family pulling you away from your business and, for awhile, you may have to focus on these issues.


If you are a student or studying something at this time you may have changes of school, teachers or courses. Discipline yourself and stay calm and you will succeed. Be sure and back up your computer files and other electronic devices and take good care of your vehicles. Those around you may be having crises and the best help you can be is to listen and support them calmly. Pay attention to your finances as they may need correcting at this time.


Be sure to rest, relax and meditate during this lunar period. With the Moon being your ruler it important to give yourself time and space. Now is a time to look closely at yourself and decide how you want to go forward. See what’s holding you back from clear self-expression. Allow yourself to self-discover and improve yourself from now until the next lunar eclipse in July, 2018.


Attend to your health needs during this period of the Lunar Eclipse. Be sure you rest well, sleep well, and good care of your health. Listen to your body’s messages and needs. This eclipse is giving you a chance to learn more about yourself and rid yourself of negative self-images and restrictions that you no longer need. Your sense of spirituality will grow and change during this time, also, as you see which directions you need to go. It will be a beneficial change in the long run because your beliefs will reflect your true self even more-so than the past.


While these eclipse energies are strong and unsettling for everyone you will weather it rather calmly. Spiritual energies will come to the forefront for you and you will re-examine your beliefs and ideals. Romance will be relatively unaffected, but you may have to show patience with your partner. Your partner may be dealing with stress in their life and not in the best of moods. Friendships will be strongly affected by this eclipse and problem friendships will come to an end. Other friendships will heal issues that have arisen in the past.


Your friendships may have a few problems in that your friends are having problems and they share them with you. They will need your support during this period. Your computers, and hi-tech gadgets may rebel at this time. Be sure and back everything up and check your firewall. If you need to buy any replacements try and wait until a week or so after the eclipse.


Lots of career focus for you with this eclipse. If you work for others you may make major changes like changing jobs. If self-employed you’ll probably make a few course corrections. Be decisive and calm and all will be well. Your beliefs and spiritual goals may be due for an overhauling as you realign issues to make matters more harmonious to you. Family may stress you or unsettle you a bit, but nothing that you haven’t handled before.


If possible don’t do too much traveling during the eclipse as plans can go awry. If you’re a student during this time you may have issues arise with your schools or studies. Things may be topsy-turvy for awhile. You may even make major changes in your schooling. You will be letting go of a number of feelings, beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you. You may also experience significant changes in your work environment.


Be cautious during this period. You already know this being a Capricorn, but just a reminder during the eclipse time. In your love life have care with health matters. Try not to have arguments with your partner during this period. Now is not a time for adventure in the romance department. You want to keep an open mind, not rush into decisions and be calm. Trust yourself.


Your love life will be tested to the maximum with this eclipse. Everything will come up for attention. Handle these situations calmly as possible. For the most part, this is all happening to heal the relationship and make it stronger, not to end it. A clearing for a fresh start. If alone you may feel depressed, but this is a time to explore loneliness and what it means in your life. How to make ‘friends’ with loneliness so loneliness is no longer a factor. There will be job changes with this energy, again these changes will be ultimately beneficial. You also must be sure you get enough rest and sleep. You may need to tweak your diet a bit too have the most beneficial health at this time.


Your health is spotlighted during this eclipse in a very positive way. Your health schedule should just need minor changes in your diet, exercise and sleep. Listening to your body’s needs will continue to guide you in this area. Any changes in work will all be for the positive with a minimum of stress. Your children’s financials may undergo some stress. They will correct them with your advice.


Calm, Centered, Aware

So as we ride the cosmic waves of this upcoming Super Blue Blood Moon may we all stay calm, centered and aware of our I AM (Soul/Spirit) presence. These waves of energy are pushing us forward in the Ascension process.

With Love To All

Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.


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