Overwhelm? Chaos? Confusion?

Blog, September 30, 2020


Yes, all of that is present and more. The external chaos is on-going and thrusting us in the middle of continuous change. Which can be very tiring and leave one with a sense of overwhelm. Our “new normal” is a continuous changing “new normal”; which means it has not settled into a “normal” position that we know, and it won’t. The old normal is no more, we are in the midst of constructing our new normal and we’re writing the construction plans as we build. Definitely challenging!

The external chaos can manifest as stress, physical tiredness, mental confusion and emotional WTF!? Well, I’m pretty sure you all realize the external chaos is going to be with us awhile more. As I said back in June, birthing, on a world level, is measured in years not months. BUT, and this is a major “but”, we can be the eye of the storm, the quiet internal center that the chaos of the storm circles around. Maintaining a sense of inner center, peace, quiet is not easy as the the external chaos continually tries to pull us into the outer wall of the storm. We experience various degrees of insomnia; odd aches and itches in our body; mental and emotional fog, fatigue and many, many other personal manifestations as we try and stay centered.

The message from all this is beyond being good to yourself with self care. Self care is definitely important. Allow yourself to nap, rest, recoup whenever you need; eat what feels good for your body; do nothing if that’s what you are drawn to. Follow your heart calls as to the best way to give to yourself during these stressful times. But more is also needed; we must allow ourselves to LOVE ourselves. Liking ourselves is a good start, but it’s just a start. We need to really Love ourself. We’ve been raised in a society that does not encourage self love. If anything, self love can often be seen as egotistical or arrogant. I’m not talking about self-aggrandizement to make up for fears of inadequacy and boasting to others how great you are. I’m talking about appreciating yourself and what you’ve done in Life. We’re often telling ourselves, “I could have done better, more, smarter, etc” because that’s what’s been told to us. Well, time to change the record, tape or digital file to the important TRUTH that you’ve done a heckuva job or you wouldn’t be on Earth at this time. All of us here have a part to play in the Ascension/Change/Shift/Reset that is occurring on Gaia. We wouldn’t be here if we did not have some role to play no matter how small or large you see that role. Or you may not see any role at all…well your role could be just to be the best You that you can be.


Sure we all make errors, bad judgements, lousy decisions and mistakes. That’s all part of learning what works and doesn’t work. But those mis-steps, be they gross or minuscule, do not change the fact that you are worthy of Love. We all are worthy of our self love or, again, we wouldn’t be here in this time frame. All of us are created in Love whether we’re treated like that or not. So it’s time for us each to really consider Loving Self and treat our Self like we Love our Self. This return to Love allows us to weather this external chaos. To stand at the eye of the storm and breathe. Self Love allows us to heal ourselves; to calm ourselves and to respect ourselves. To quietly allow our Heart Smile to shine through our space and cast a bright, gentle light as we go forth. Yes, Life will probably continue to be vexing for awhile longer, but we don’t have to be vexed. We can allow ourselves to center, breathe, and smile and be ready when the storm clouds have left.

Self Love is a unique experience for each of us. Do you wish to protest?, work on getting out the vote?, help a neighbor?, plant a garden?, watch TV?; play with friends? What says Self Love to you? How do you wish to express it for yourself so that you feel your Love for your Self? I know it’s not belittling yourself for a mistake, or beating yourself up because you forgot something, or denigrating yourself in the hundreds of little and big ways we can. It’s forgiving yourself, changing your behavior, and moving forward with Love. So explore ways to Love your Self and allow yourself to find the right way for you.


P.S. I am reminded….We all can use a helping hand sometime so don’t forget to ask for assistance, support, encouragement, pats on the back, whatever needed from your spiritual connection(s). Be that the Force, Goddess, God, Archangels, Devas, Nature Spirits, Elementals, Avatars…whomever. They are nearer to us than ever, during this majorly trying times. They are eager to be of service, but they must be asked. Universal Law – They can’t interfere with our free will. So ask!


Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.


This Is Not An Easy Birth