The Light That You Are & Collective Consciousness

Blog, February 19, 2019

The Light That You Are

“There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

These words (and other quotes in this message) were spoken by Nelson Mandela who found the inner strength within himself to play ‘large’ upon the global stage. He continually made life choices that centered around his passion to have justice for his people in South Africa.

As we all move through these chaotic times, we all have moments of utter disbelief and horror at our treatment of one another. We hit walls of discouragement and exhaustion within us that make us want to stop, check-out, tune-out and pull the covers over our head. And sometimes you just have to do that—to give yourself a breather now and then. But after the rest, the respite… your knowledge that there has to be a way to bring more kindness and compassion into the world surfaces. And this passion, this knowledge, this knowing… lets you take the covers off and lift your head. As Nelson said, “The greatest glory in living is not in falling, but in rising every time we fall.”


Collective Consciousness

We all do not play on a national or global stage. Most of us have our interactions centered around our loved ones, our family, our neighborhood, our community. And, we’re not all visible social activists, marching or demonstrating to change draconian, inhumane policies our misguided leaders have implemented upon the world. No, most of us are just trying to make it from day to day with decency, common courtesy and may I say a modicum of love in our social interactions with family, neighbors, the check-out clerk, the waiter…whomever we come in contact with through our daily routines. These seemingly minor interactions are anything but minor. All of humanity is united through our Collective Consciousness. The knowledge that we are all one and that everything is connected on an energetic spiritual level is something that has been held throughout ages in various spiritual traditions on Earth. Our Collective Consciousness is a set of shared beliefs and inner knowing that all of our thoughts, ideas and feelings exist at a frequency accessible to everyone. And, this is why your wave of hello to your neighbor, your smile at your grocery clerk, your thank you for waiter serving you…all of those seemingly minor interactions are very important. They add kindness, caring, love, peacefulness, joy, gratitude and compassion to our Collective Consciousness. Being supportive and non-judgmental on social media platforms adds major positive energy to the world. Yes, your caring adds to our collective pool of energy that is slowly bringing more and more Light into the world. As Mandela said “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” You making choices of kindness bring Light to us all.


Share Yourself With The World Around You

Don’t play yourself small or hide your light under a bushel basket. Allow yourself to be who you really are and express the kindness you are to the world. We all have a part to play in this Ascension of Earth and Humanity or we wouldn’t be here during these challenging times. And this is why each of us needs to be the best we can be at any given time. Do not beat yourself up if you slip now and then and feel constricted, uptight, fearful…we are human after all. But, when you can, allow your feelings of Love to shine forth through your smile, your caring and your helpfulness. Dare to be compassionate to yourself first and foremost and then share yourself with the world around you. “The greatest glory in living is not in falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

As you can see Nelson Mandela had a lot to say about being who you are and how to ‘walk your talk’. You too can listen to your inner wisdom, shine your Light and add to our Collective Consciousness with Love. Nelson Mandela spoke as to how he felt when he left prison after 27 years…“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.

ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL, February 19, 2019 – “Collective Consciousness”

I wish to speak to you of the Collective Consciousness that Sharon mentioned in her message. Though I know you have heard this term before I want you to know that it is more than just an Earthly concept. Collective Consciousness is an energy that permeates the entire Multiverse. We are All interconnected with Everything. Yes Everything. What occurs on Earth affects the entire Multiverse and the fact that you are on the Ascension Path now is reverberating through the entire Cosmos. As you uplift yourselves by getting in touch with your inner spiritual wisdom you are impacting the All.

Focusing on the spectrum of the Collective Consciousness that centers on Earth you have many examples of your connection to this ocean of energetic consciousness. One of your most positive personal examples has risen from your being in Nature. The experience of feeling your spirits uplifted, energized, revitalized by a sojourn in Nature is very powerful. The plant life, trees, flowers, yes even what you call weeds, are all in harmony with the vibrations of Life and this harmony is sensed by you. You may not be conscious of it, but you are conscious of feeling better after a walk in a forest or a visit to the oceanside or a climb to a mountaintop. The ripples of an object being tossed in a pond show how your spiritual input affects the whole. Your ‘ripple’ spreads out to the entire pond.

The concept that Gaia is a living breathing entity may be too far out for many of you to accept, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is. It was her time to Ascend and Humanity decided to ascend with her. This was a big decision since usually the life on a planet goes to another dimension as a planet goes through the geological upheavals of Ascension. Since Humanity and Gaia decided to do this together Gaia is attempting to keep the geological upheavals to a minimum. True, this may not be how you see it, but it is and you are having an effect on this geological changes. As more and more of you awaken to the spiritual beings that you are, you add more and more Light to the Collective Consciousness of Earth and this ameliorates and helps smooth out the energies.

The chaos you all are experiencing now is because you (Humanity and Gaia) are clearing the Collective Consciousness of all the heavy, dense, dark, negative energies that have permeated Earth for eons. As you can imagine, there is a lot to clear but you are doing a remarkable job. One that has surpassed and surprised all of us in the Angelic Dimension by the speed to which it is being done. Yes, I know it does not seem speedy to you as you experience it on a daily basis, but to us, who can see a bit further down the road, it is moving very rapidly. Yes, there is a lot of energy to transmute from darkness to light, but you (Gaia & Humanity) are doing it. Clearing an energetic field that was as dense as Earth’s has not been an easy task, but you have done wonders. There is much more to do, as you know, but you are doing it with your Love, Kindness, Compassion and Courage.

So continue adding your positive energies to the Collective Consciousness energy of Earth. We, here in the Angelic Dimension are always in support of each and every one of you as you do this momentous energy cleaning and transmuting. We cannot step in and do so ourselves because we do not have physical bodies and the energies were made by physical bodies. Hence, you ‘are the boots on the ground’ and we are the supply support of Love, Guidance, Care and Compassion that we stand by to deliver whenever requested. And, because of your Free Will, it must be requested. We cannot interfere without being asked. As I’ve mentioned before, your Star Trek ‘Prime Directive’ is very true.


Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.

A Bridge From Here To There


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