Energy & Harmony

Blog, August 10,, 2016

Astrological Energies


The astrological energies this month have loosened up a bit. Mars left Scorpio on June 29th and is now in Sagittarius where it can act as an energetic push into lighter more future-oriented endeavors. Also we have Saturn going direct (moving forward) in Sagittarius on August 13th. So with two important planets in Sagittarius we may now have energy to move forward on projects that had seemed stalled or progressing slowly.

Mars brings a sense of excitement and ideas to help us move along. You have more clarity on where you want to go now. Saturn has been retrograde (moving backward) for the past 5 months which had us looking deeply into the dark corners of our psyche and pulling out our fears for us to examine and release. While we may always have fears, the ones that Saturn brought out during this retrograde period are no longer needed. So now we can all move forward a bit lighter and brighter.

The astrological energies will assist humankind as we attempt to heal our divisiveness and learn how to have a sense of unity. We live in an illusion that we are separate individuals, separate from Nature, separate from the Cosmos when the truth is that we are all one. We began as one, and then divided into separateness to learn how duality worked. We have delved deep into duality and have learned all there is to learn of this issue. We now are re-learning how to be inclusive, to allow one another to have their thoughts and feelings yet acknowledge that we are one. It is not easy, as our politics here in America show but one example of the great divisiveness, but it can be healed through respect and honoring of differing viewpoints. This blatant exposure of differences is being repeated throughout the entire globe.

This plays out in us each on an individual level as our internal fears, angers, wishes, desires and such rise to the consciousness within us. New layers of our psyche are continually being brought to the surface for confronting, clearing and adjusting. As we make our own personal adjustments to our choices and life styles internally this will, in turn, be reflected in our environment–our society, our world. Our nerves are frayed, our strengths waxing and waning, and we are tired. This is not an easy path but it’s one we all signed up for this time around. We all decided we wanted to be here at this incredibly important time of earth and humanity’s growth. And here we are here, frayed nerves and all.

One important tool that my help you through this time is learning to ground your energy. I know many of you already make good use of this tool but we all can use a refresher now and then. Using this tool really helps with the constant energy changes bombarding us on a daily basis. It helps us even our energy fields and be able to maintain a sense of balance.



On spirit levels we are all in a state of flux. Grounding is simply dropping a ‘cord’ from our 1st chakra (base of the spine) to the center of the earth. This cord can take any shape: a beam of light, a waterfall, a chain, a tree, a feather boa, whatever you want and whatever works best for you. This cord grounds our thoughts which are electric. For our emotions we use a second cord with the first. Wrap the second cord around the first cord and ground them both into the center of the earth. Just imagine, pretend or envision–whatever works for you. This second cord may also look or be whatever you find comfortable to use. This cord helps ground our emotions which are magnetic so we’re setting up an electro-magnetic grounding cord.

Use of these grounding cords will help center us and keep us in our bodies and our head on our shoulders as we rock ‘n roll through these interesting times. It’s a very good practice to set your cords as soon as your feet hit the floor upon awakening and sitting on the side of the bed. Set your cord for today’s energy by simply intending or saying, ‘I’m setting my grounding cord(s) for today’s energy’. This is so important to say ‘today’ because with all the energy hitting earth daily with a myriad of frequencies, setting the cords helps us to allow that energy to pass right through without ‘fritzing’ us.

Ground your cords into the Earth’s heart chakra. Believe me, the Earth welcomes the grounding cords as part of her work in this Change Process. She is more than capable of neutralizing all of humanity, yep, all 7 billion of us, if everyone would do it (they don’t but some of us do!). If she neutralizes it through her center or earth heart chakra our negativity, frustration, angst, etc. does not go into the atmosphere where she has to clear it with volcanic dust, earthquakes, wind storms, and other chaotic climate methods.

Notes & Chords

As we each achieve a quietness and peace within ourselves, we shall see more and more of a peace without–in our environment and eventually a global society that lives in harmony. Harmony is an important word here because the definition of harmony is: “the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.” Note that it says musical notes–not musical note. This harmony is not every note being the same, it is a combination of notes producing pleasing sounds. Each of us must find our own path to our inner peace, our center, our holy of holies. This is why so many of us are a bit confused as to what to do, what path to follow, how to go about this quest. It is crucial that we each find the path that is our individual path to our awakening consciousness. We each find the note that sounds the best for us. This doesn’t mean that one cannot take a bit from here, a bit from there or even some from way over there but all the bits are mixed in your individuality to make your note, your addition to the chord of humanity.

The key to your part in the harmony is following the path, the means, the way that brings you the most joy. Trust yourself that you will do what works best for you to add to the awakening of humankind, to a rising of consciousness. Right now there are many many notes sounding a great discord — but in the background, like a faint hum, is a harmonious glorious chord that is slowly but steadily gaining strength and having more and more notes added in wondrous harmony.

Keep listening, it is growing and we are all adding to it.


Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.

Beauty Everywhere!


Difficult Birth