A Bridge From Here To There

Blog, July 18, 2019

Hi Everyone,

It’s been awhile since I’ve communicated with you like this. In fact, I think the last message was in February of this year. It seems that during this interim my focus was to be elsewhere. As many of you know, my husband was diagnosed with cancer and medical issues became our focus for awhile. I’m happy to report that my husband, (my IT Department), is responding well to medication and I can talk with you all again via these messages.

I know 2019 has been an intense year so far for many of us. As we traverse these Transition Times not only does the global world vie for our attention, but our own personal worlds demand our time and energy. But many of us are still trying to keep the bigger picture in view of bringing love, kindness and compassion to humanity. As the world chaos steps up this can become more and more difficult, but we can do it. The move from 3rd Dimension, where we have been for eons, to 5th Dimension, a place of balance and compassion, is one we’ve all been preparing for lifetimes. Yes, even you, or you wouldn’t be here during these momentous times.

Of course we must begin with ourselves and shower ourself with love, kindness and compassion. Not exactly an easy chore as we’ve been raised in a world that most often sends us a message of ‘not good enough’ or some such adage as we go about trying to live our life. As we are able to hear our Higher Self through our inner voices we begin to find a way through the maze to ‘that field’ that Rumi spoke of: ‘out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.’

Reaching The Field

Let’s begin by looking at our attitudes that have been shaped over the eons of aggression, dominance over, arrogance, exclusiveness, etc. How do we go about changing our societal attitudes to ones of love, kindness and inclusiveness? Bridging from here to there? On a personal level and on a societal level we have attitudes that we can change from fear based to compassion based.

Exclusive versus Inclusive

Exclusiveness pushes the excluded to the margins of society. By making sure that one feels exclusive one can feel ‘better than’, more knowledgeable than the other and a bit smug. One important aspect of feeling ‘better than’ is having someone or something that is ‘less than’. Research shows that exclusion impacts both the victim and the perpetrator. Dealing exclusion or ostracism over a long period of time can lead to one’s resources becoming depleted. Feelings may arise of alienation, unworthiness, helplessness and depression.


We move from exclusiveness to inclusiveness by dropping the need to be better than someone else. We acknowledge yes I like ‘X’ and they like ‘Y’. We learn to like and appreciate our ‘X’ without denigrating or dismissing their ‘Y’. We have been raised in a world where in order to justify our liking ‘X’ we had to look with dismay on those who like ‘Y’. We’re moving towards a world where X & Y stand side by side, along with Q, P, D, and all the letters, and are viewed as different choices. That’s all, just different choices and not markers of one’s superiority or exclusiveness of others. Moving towards Inclusion means to learn to respect and allow Others to be a part of the whole. We each have different parts of the puzzle to bring to the table to complete our picture as we move to compassion and understanding and away from judging and aggression. A sense of connection and belonging are paramount for a healthy society.

Arrogance versus Humility

Our egos make sure we feel arrogant to justify our viewpoint as the only one that matters. A feeling of superiority and knowing better than others wells up in us and we push our views out there as the right ones and the only ones that matter. This is a false sense of power and comes from a position of self-serving and righteousness.


Humility serves us so much better in that it comes from our Spirit, our Higher Self and leads us to own our viewpoint quietly and calmly and allow another to voice their viewpoint. The Internet has opened this door where our egos can shout and wave about ‘my way or the highway’, but the Internet can also foster platforms where others can express their opinions without demanding that others buy into their view. Humility allows one to share views, opinions, feelings with others in a sense of community. Arrogance forces one to proclaim their righteousness and all else be damned. Again, to hear one another and see one another with clarity and love we must allow our arrogance to fade into the past and our humility to surge to the forefront. This is how bridges are built from one side to another, from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension.

Competition versus Cooperation


Let’s have a competition to see who can be the most cooperative? Now that’s a good use of competition. We know competition supposedly brings out the best in us, but I think cooperation does a lot more. I really enjoy those stories of marathon runners helping a fallen racer over the finish line. Yes, the racer loses out on a first place ribbon, but they gain so much more in learning how to express their heart energy, their Spirit, their compassion for a fellow human being. We, here in the West have a lot of competition energy and it’s brought us to where we are right now. It’s now time to lean in to more cooperation and sharing where we help one another. By bringing forth our cooperation we all win because society becomes more compassionate, more balanced more loving and we have a win/win situation. Having a balance between competition and cooperation brings about the best of both attributes.

These three word-pairs are examples of opposite ends of a continuum, and I’m sure you can think of many more. In moving through these eruptive, chaotic times we need the flexibility to move along that continuum as needed and not be rigidly held prisoner by one end of the continuum as opposed to the other end. The Middle Way of a moderation is one of the keys to our bridging the gap and finding Rumi’s field where we can all meet in a sense of community.

A Bridge From Here To There

A Bridge From Here To There

Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.


Ways of Beauty


The Light That You Are & Collective Consciousness