Frequencies and Vibrations

Blog, July 29, 2018


I could write about astrological events. We’re in the midst of an Eclipse Alley, as some call it with a Solar Eclipse July 12th and a Lunar Eclipse July 27th and another Solar Eclipse August 11th! We’ve got Full Moons, New Moons, Blood Moons, Grand Trines, and a bunch of planets going retrograde, Mercury included!! But I’m not going to write about all that. Just to say that the Eclipse Alley we are in now is rather intense energy-wise, but then I’m sure that most of you are VERY aware of that.

Major Upheaval

No, I’m going to talk to you of frequencies, vibrations and the inter-relation we have to each other and the Universe. In many newsletters I have spoken of staying positive, be full of gratitude, practice forgiveness, be compassionate and the like. All in the name of LOVE. I know, I know…unicorns and rainbows; bunnies and butterflies…but that imagery or even feeling like that can be very tenuous with all the chaos going on around us geophysically, socially, politically and economically. You name it, whatever sphere you look at in the world is undergoing major upheaval that is most unsettling.

How’s Your Immediate Space?


How do we even begin to stay positive or grateful with what we’re facing? I know that one of the first things we each have to do is attend to ourselves. Right now, as you read this, are things okay in your immediate space? If they are, you have much to be grateful for. I live in California and there are 18 wildfires burning as I write this and it’s been this way off and on since June. There are continuous smallish earthquakes happening somewhere in this state on almost a daily basis. And, yes all this is nerve-wracking on a basic survival level, but is it happening to you right now? Are you experience a geophysical upset of any kind? If not, this is part of what I mean about being centered and quiet within. If you’re physically okay for the moment you have space to center, breathe and just BE. From this center you can reach out to loved one, family, friends and ascertain if they’re okay. You’ll be of much more assistance to them (and yourself) if you’re centered and coming from a place of strength rather than panic. Action rather than Reaction.

Your Grounded Core

If your immediate environment is safe and economically you’re okay, for the moment, and politically laws have not immediately been gerrymandered to put you in harm’s way…you do have a bit of breathing room! From this tenuous space you have a grounded core that will allow you to be present for yourself and for important others. You can choose to help address societal and political wrongs through peaceful protests, votes, signing petitions, volunteering…helping others in whatever ways feel right to you. And I do mean feel, sense, be aware of what your heart-soul tells you is right for you. Let yourself be led by your heart, not the media, not what others are espousing on social media, but hear your heart’s song. You do know what is best for you and thus in turn the best way to be of use to society if you so chose. Again, this can be as simple as a smile for the grocery checker, allowing a car to pull in ahead of you in traffic, holding a door open for a stranger or cooking a loving meal for family and friends.


Feeling Positive – a force for good in the world

So how does this all tie into frequencies, vibrations and the inter-relation we have to each other and the Universe that I spoke of? All this LOVE stuff…kindness, compassion, forgiveness and such are much much more than just nice emotions. These emotions are also frequencies, vibrations, that we all emanate from our being. Yes, you, me, your neighbor and everyone else on earth. All of humanity. We all give off vibes. Remember the Beach Boys and their song and ‘Good Vibrations’? It’s as simple and profound as that. If you’re able to give off a loving vibration it affects and effects the environment and others around you; the inter-relation I have spoken of, the Collective Consciousness. Feeling positive is not just some New Age blather, it’s actually a force for good in the world. Choosing positive vibes over negative vibes is up to each of us. There’s a lot out there trying to pull us to the negative vibes (“come to the Dark Side, Luke”) but we have choice. We can allow ourselves to act positively (Love/Light) rather than react to a negative urge (Dark/Anger).

Frequencies and vibrations. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even solid looking things are made up of vibrational energy at the quantum level. Everything is vibrating at one speed or another, nothing ever really rests. However our frequency is different from other things in the universe and that’s why it seems like we are separated from other things. But we’re not; we’re living in an ocean of energy and everything has it’s own vibrational frequency. There’s a lot more about all this in the field of quantum science, but just know we’re all one incredibly large vibrating energy field. So this is where being able to have a positive frequency and send out positive vibrations helps not only ourself, but each other. Enough positivity will eventually counter the negative vibrations; hence the Transition we are undergoing now as we strive for good vibrations.


Maintaining a Positive Vibe

Yes, this may all sound nice, but how does one go about maintaining a positive vibe?

— One way is to be conscious of your thoughts. When a negative thought (fear, jealousy, anger, etc.) shows up, take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for showing up and drawing your attention and dismiss it. This can leave you free to use the energy for a positive thought.

— Another way I like to lift my energy is to find something beautiful and appreciate it. This can be something in nature (flora, sky, rolling hills, etc) or art work or something manmade. Whatever you admire and appreciate in the way of beauty.

— You can be conscious of the food you eat. Foods have different vibrations with blueberries having a high vibration and a Big Mac, not so high. The good vibrations from the food aid your own personal pool of vibrations and disseminates them throughout your body.

— Along this same line of thought you should always drink plenty of water to flush your body of toxins. This helps your energy stay up and light.

— Meditation or prayer is a wonderful way to bring our scattered energies back to the center and calm our spirit and achieve a peaceful state of mind. Just 10 minutes a day helps.

— Gratitude is a major means of shifting your vibrations to what you do have in life; not what you don’t have. Just think daily of 5 things you’re grateful for in your life. The positiveness will accumulate.

— One of the most satisfying and soul filling ways to be positive is being kind. In 1982, Anne Herbert wrote on a placemat in Sausalito, CA — “random kindness and senseless acts of beauty”. She was inspired to do so based on the phrase “random acts of violence and senseless acts of cruelty” oft mentioned in the media. She took a negative phrase and turned it into a beautiful positive phrase. So practice kindness without expecting anything in return, just enjoy being kind to others.

— We can always try movement to jazz up our vibrations. Movement often makes us happier and draws good vibrations to us when we’re in a positive state. Run, walk, swim, laugh, dance…just move!! (C+C Music Factory’s — ‘Everybody Dance Now’ keeps running thru my head!)

— I’m sure you can think of many other acts and images to increase your positive outlook (laughing babies, puppies, kittens, sunsets/sunrises, etc.). The list can be as long as you want, just as long as it makes you feel good in your heart and this in turn adds to the greater whole.

Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.

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