This Is Not An Easy Birth

Blog, June 1, 2020


It takes all our concentration to keep breathing and pushing to bring this New Earth into life. Pushing through the out-moded, out-dated and crumbling global systems is d-i-f-f-i-c-u-l-t. Health systems are having their inadequacies exposed with shortages and lack of preparedness. Governmental systems are clearly showing where greed, power and corruption have been festering and brewing and denying people basic human rights. Pollution fills our skies, oceans and the very air we breathe making our home, Gaia, an unclean home. Financial institutes are being exposed as ways and means to keep most of the world in debt servitude, not prosperity. Racism is being drug, kicking and screaming, fully into the light exposing it’s corrupted underbelly. Sexism can no longer be denied as 12 to 14 year old girls are forced into marriages or killed if they try to say no or shot if they want to go to school.

People are waking up to the complete absurdity of a world of plenty where starvation is rampant. Where we’re the water world in our galaxy and we have severe water pollution issue that we caused. Where 1% of the population controls 82% of the world’s riches so we have debt slavery. We are intelligent enough to set up systems of equality and fairness and balance for all, but are we emotionally mature enough to do it? This is where we are now in the birthing process; no time to wonder if it’s really what we want to do, not now when the baby’s moving down the birth canal. The old is being swept away, shoved away, burned away and moved aside. It is time for the new. This birthing process will take time, but do know that the process is underway and the ‘waters have broken’, so to speak.

What will the New Earth baby look like? What will it resemble? Well, the geography will be very similar, if not the same, but our systems on the surface will be different. We are now designing them and finding ways to bring them into fruition. If you’re reading this newsletter, you’re definitely one of the ones who’s awakened or in the process of doing so. We are the ones who are imagining a world of Peace, Love, Balance, Harmony, Freedom, Respect, Kindness, Wisdom, Compassion, among other attributes, as we go forward. Don’t doubt the power of imagination. Imaginal cells are the ones that create the incredible process of metamorphosis that occurs when a caterpillar changes into a butterfly.

As to the actual physical shape and form, well that’s being brought into manifestation as we speak. We’re all playing different roles in this birth scenario. Some of us are holding the door open and setting the Light and Energy to support the changes—The Openers. Others have the concepts, the ideas, the weaving skills to bring it together—The Weavers. Even more know how to work the soil, nurture the plant life—The Gardeners. And don’t forget the tinkerers, the ones who see the unusual connections and bring about new objects—The Inventors. The Nurturers who hold Love, Kindness, and Compassion foremost in their heart to help heal us through this passage. There are a million and one roles in play as we bring this birth about.


This month of June ushers in a lot of astrological energy. It begins on June 5th with a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. The Moon is square Mars which means a lot of energy is available. And the moon being in Sagittarius focuses the energies on social justice and social freedoms. Will we use that energy for more clearing out of the old or use that energy for more helping with the birth? Probably a bit of both depending on our inclinations. Both are necessary and both can be done with Love and Compassion as we move from the old timelines of authoritarian aggression to heartfelt compassion. We then have a Summer Solstice on June 21st, as the sun moves from Gemini to Cancer with a Solar Eclipse. This opens a gateway of powerful energies coming thru Cancer. Picture a crab walking sideways as they do; this is the energy we will have upon us from this powerful eclipse. This push and pull energy gives us time to assess the environment, take calculated risks and still reach our goals. We’ve also got 6 planets in retrograde which brings in a lot of review energy over many of the areas of our life. And even though it’s not in June, a third lunar eclipse occurs on July 5th in Capricorn ushers in foundational energies. Energies that can be used for razing or building. Probably a little of both. If you didn’t already know, we are going to have a very busy, energetic summer. But that’s what usually happens with births, isn’t it?

I’m sure you all clearly realize that we are not awaiting change anymore. We are definitely in the midst of the Transition Zone. The baby’s coming whether we’re ready or not. They do have a habit of being born when they’re ready, don’t they? On a personal level the energies this month of June mean we’re going to have a lot of emotional ups and downs. Our energies will spike as the astrological energies emerge and we’ll be full of energy and action and/or anger and frustration; only to be followed with a dip bringing heartache and frustration and/or despair and depression. Allow our intuition to guide us and allow ourselves to listen to our heart to reach a place of harmony. When we’re in heartache allow it to be and breathe; when we’re in anger, step back and give yourself room to use the anger positively. And when you’re in joy, revel in it!

As I said, this is not an easy birth for any of us, but it is birth—both Global and Individual. And it will take us more time. World birth is measured in years, not months. As there is with any baby—there’s gonna be some crying and mess, but there’ll also be smiles and giggles that are full of Love. We’ve got to clean up the messes and focus on the joy.


Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.

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