"Our transitional time presents us with a

myriad of opportunities.”

my life path (so far) . . .

Here and Now


I use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.

I have found through my life experiences that we all carry our own healing and knowledge truths within ourselves. It’s just that accessing this information at times can be rather daunting or challenging. Our own inner voices of wisdom and clarity can get drowned out in the sea of external chatter. News, social media, life dramas, worries and the like may cause many of us to experience a sense of being overwhelmed.

My Story


My Grandmother midwifed me when I was born and I had a veil over my face. (This means I was born with a harmless piece of birth membrane that covered my head. This occurs in fewer than 1 in 80,000 births.) Grandmother said this would give me second sight or ‘knowing’ later in my life. She turned out to be right, but then Grandmother usually was.

Chapter One

In my mid 40’s I began earnestly examining this ‘gift’ I had. I believed I had finished my ‘regular schooling’ with a BA in Psychology from UC Davis and a Master’s of Science in Psychology from Princeton and now I wanted to understand this other side of my abilities. How did these psychic abilities manifest themselves through my prism? I took a number of classes from the Berkeley Psychic Institute in the Bay Area of Northern California. There I learned the fundamentals of grounding, auras, roses and how our energy bodies work. I learned how to own my space, psychic protection, communicating with my guides and much more.

In the workplace I usually found myself working in a guiding or teaching role of some sort from human resource/personnel work to marketing and public relations. These happened to be jobs where I could use my abilities of psychological understanding and insight from my intuitive skills.

Chapter Two


Fortified with this psychic spiritual knowledge I set forth on the second chapter of my life. (First chapter being growing up, education, love life, jobs, marriage, motherhood, divorce–you know, the regular stuff.) I had studied Astrology for a number of years and during my first chapter and I continued this study from numerous courses, books and teachers. I was curious as to how all these disparate pieces fit together to form the picture of me? With encouragement from a number of gifted spiritual teachers I began sharing the information I had learned to help others find their paths. I found that I enjoyed this guiding/teaching very much.

In the meandering path of my life I found myself in Santa Monica attending the University of Santa Monica where I received a Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology which I saw as a great blending of my interests. I also attended the Southern California Psychic Institute’s Clairvoyant Program. All this time I was continually honing and fine tuning my counseling work and enjoying it immensely. I do realize that for me learning is a non-ending process and one that brings me great joy. Mastering Alchemy was next, an intensive detailed, multi-year web-based course that provided me with psychic spiritual tools to deal with the massive changing energies humanity and earth are undergoing now.



As I look back on my Life’s Path I see that all my life experiences have prepared me for the Times of Great Change that we are undergoing presently. This Ascension/Shift/Change or whatever you want to call it is bringing all of us to the ‘top of our game’ as we learn the constantly changing rules of this Time. So here I am in my 70’s still guiding, coaching, teaching, counseling as my psychic spiritual abilities grow and adapt to all the changes. It’s exciting, it’s challenging and most of all it allows me to be of service in assisting you.

So, if you feel I can be of help, please go to my Contact Page and call or email me and we’ll set up a counseling session to shine some light on your Path.