Welcome To Our World

Blog, November 8, 2019


I use my tools daily, but lately….Boy, have I been using my tools!! Grounding, Roses, Center of Head, Colors, Aura Cleanse and of course, Prayers and Meditation. November has really brought me squarely into the Present Moment. There is so much chaos, noise, disturbance – you name it – out there that if I don’t pay attention to the Present Moment and what I am doing…well, let’s just say that I will find myself adrift wondering how did I get way over here when I was going over there?

I thought October was intense, and it was, but with the Mercury Retrograde, which began Halloween October 31st, all the energies have stepped up another notch. Lee Harris, calls November a month of Crazy getting Crazier, Tom Kenyon and the Hathors have spoke for over a year of the Chaotic Nodes we’re experiencing, and Meg Benedictine speaks of the myriad of portals, stargates, and energy surges pushing us forward, just to name a few.

Everyone is emphasizing the need for self love and self-care. Make sure you’re not going into overwhelm. Stop, breathe, ask yourself is this my anxiety, angst, worry or am I picking up the vibes from the world around me? The Collective Consciousness. Because the world is in turmoil, as you well know, and many are experiencing a free-wheeling ‘WTF’ as we careen through our day and that energy pushes against all of us. Hence the grounding, the breathing and the allowing yourself to just Be.

Mercury Retrograde is primarily in Scorpio and this means the usual communication snafus, plans going awry, travel changes and electronic equipment break-downs that occur with a Mercury Retrograde. But, with an added dollop of intensity due to being in Scorpio. This causes an intense focus inward on ourselves as we process all that is occurring to us. Scorpio tells Mercury to dig deep into why we think the way we do and why we have the beliefs we have. This morning I asked my husband to clarify a statement he had made. He had a significant pause and then said, “I don’t think I can. My internal furniture is being rearranged.” I laughed with him as that was such an apt description of what many of us are experiencing with this retrograde. Mercury goes direct on November 20th, but I think the effects of this period will last until the end of November.

What’s causing all the fluctuations and energetic surges? Well the Ascension process is speeding up and intensity increases as we absorb more and more Light and Love (I know you’ve heard this one before). Clearing, expanding, absorbing, and pausing to catch our breath. We are approaching the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12, 2020. October, November and December, energetically, have been preparing us for this conjunction. A conjunction is when two planets link up in the same zodiac sign. Saturn, in astrology, is seen as a planet of contraction, the rule maker, it’s been called the taskmaster who brings order and structure to our lives. Pluto is astrologically described as a harbinger of deep intense power. A revealer of core truths, after much digging or creative destruction. Capricorn, an astrological zodiac sign that depicts hard work, business, ambitiousness and reaching hard earned goals. While Saturn and Pluto have conjunctions every 31 to 37 years; it’s been 500 years since Saturn and Pluto were in conjunction in Capricorn. This conjunction can bring about a reassessment of governmental or institutional structures, especially if they’ve been unjust or unfair to the majority of people. We currently see upheavals all over the planet on injustices of all natures. We are truly on the way to a Golden Age of Gaia, but, as you can see, we’ve got a bit more housecleaning to go through.

In case you were wondering; this aspect actually started on 12/22/18, but it’s exact on 1/12/20. The closer to exact (or “tighter”) an aspect is, the greater its power. A conjunction is powerful because the two planets are blending their power. On 1/31/21 the aspect ends. This energy is something we’ve been dealing with all year, it just intensifies on January, 12, 2020.

  1. So, as we continue through these Transition Times remember to Breathe. Allow yourself to stop and take 3 deep cleansing breathes and things will appear a bit calmer to you. In through the nose, out from the mouth…3 slow times. And you can do this anytime, anywhere!

  2. Be kind to yourself and others. There is a lot of pain, injustice and just plain meanness in the world. Pause and acknowledge the pain you feel for the world, others, and yourself and allow it to pass through your heart and become transmuted. You don’t have to understand how the transmutation occurs, just acknowledge your experience of the grief and allow yourself to express it best for you. Maybe a quiet stroll through nature, a hot bath, a meditative period…whatever is kindness to you.

  3. Express Gratitude for little and big things in your life…the smile of a child, the beauty of a tree, the fact that the car started…you know, just gratitude. It opens your heart and soul and gives you room to Be in a gentler place within.

  4. We each can continue to do our bit by keeping centered, sharing kindness with others and ourselves. Find a way to share your compassion and caring with the world with smiles and love. Yes, it may not be easy, but it will ease our passage through these chaotic times.

  5. Mastering Alchemy, a web based spiritual group that I’ve studied with for a number of years, is offering a free service to help us through these times, “Project Park Bench”. Every second Sunday of the month, for a year, we will meet on-line for an hour of energy work to spread light, love, and good vibes out into the world. If this interest you, you can check it out on their website: Mastering Alchemy.

  6. I understand even deeper as to why Archangel Jophiel has stressed so much to us how Beauty is one path through these times. Beauty expands the heart and allows us to see with new eyes. And there is always some Beauty near us that will speak to us if we allow it. Nature, Music, Art, Laughter…Beauty has so many guises but it’s always there for us. May we hold each other in Love and Beauty.

Love, Light & Beauty,

Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.




Ways of Beauty