2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Broken . . . But Beautiful!

As we contemplate the Holiday Season and look to a New Year, we often review what we have been through in our lives. Throughout life we face situations where we become, for awhile, broken, crushed, and downtrodden. Many of us have felt like this lately, in light of the state of the world and how it appears and our own personal travails. …

Blog, December 26, 2016

Reviewing Our Lives

As we contemplate the Holiday Season and look to a New Year, we often review what we have been through in our lives. Throughout life we face situations where we become, for awhile, broken, crushed, and downtrodden. Many of us have felt like this lately, in light of the state of the world and how it appears and our own personal travails.

Some of us never quite recover from these moments in life. A heart gets broken in an unhappy love affair and you become closed and bitter, never allowing yourself to be vulnerable again to love. Or, you may decide on a revenge lifestyle and become a breaker-of-hearts, love ‘em and leave ‘em–especially before you begin to care again.

Any of us may lose a job and decide we were not worthy of the job, hence that’s why we lost it. Then, we become mired in self-pity and low self esteem. We begin to see ourselves as ‘broken’ individuals.

A New Way


There are others – many – who hit the road bumps and pick themselves up and dust themselves off. They look within and see where they made a choice or turn that didn’t work out the way they planned. They incorporate this self knowledge and go forward to the next life experience with wisdom and a chance to try a new way.

Many people, who see these life experiences as a burnishing of one’s soul, grow and learn to better handle life’s situations. How do we remain open to life and embrace it’s experiences?



There is a wonderful Japanese technique that incorporates breaks or shatterings of pottery into a beautiful work of art – Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi, “golden joinery”. The flaw or imperfection is used as a highlight, not hidden but illuminating the piece’s uniqueness. Any powdered metal may be used; such as silver, brass, bronze, copper, as well as gold.

So how does this apply to us as we undergo sorrows and hardships? Anger, hurt, fear, sadness are all weighty emotions that often make cracks in our facade, even breaks.

How does Kintsugi apply to our lives? How can we undergo difficulty and come out stronger on the other side?

Being Kind To Ourselves

We have to be kind to ourself. We must have as much love and compassion for our self as we would for a friend. From this viewpoint we begin to mend. When we rise above the heavy emotion to a more objective viewpoint, we create a different ‘take‘ on the situation. We begin to transform the past unhappiness or sorrow into a learning or growth opportunity.

Though this takes a bit of time; by transforming and transcending the emotions of sorrow, sadness and the like into neutrality, expansion and perhaps, even peace, we repair our psyches. We use our mettle to rise through our pain to a new beginning. This is something that many of us do and incorporate into our lives.

Wabi Sabi

There is a Japanese philosophy interwoven with the art of Kintsugi that embraces the beauty in the imperfect–Wabi-Sabi. The importance of the history of the piece or person, where it comes from, what it’s been through and how it’s navigated through life are highlighted, not hidden away. Some call this “re-purposing”: something broken or tossed away is brought back in a different manner. Breaks and cracks add to the character of an item or person.

“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in broken places.” — Ernest Hemingway, Farewell to Arms.

If we try and hide breaks in our psyche there is always a trace of the break–a pain, a distrust gnawing at our souls. What if it happens again? What will become of me? How will I survive? A flinching at life, a withdrawing.

Mending Psyche Breaks

If pottery can be beautifully mended we can do the same with our psyche breaks. Investigate your broken psyche, shine the light of love and compassion on self and allow yourself to come out stronger than before. Your breaks are what make you “uniquely you”.


A New Year

As we enter this new year of 2017, let your light shine. Be filled with love and compassion for self and for others. Proudly own your ‘breaks’. Breaks make you more beautiful.

We are ending a “9” year cycle (2+0+1+6 = 9). Hopefully, we have faced the reality of our past with an understanding of how it impacts our present and have decided how we want to create our future.


Hopefully, we’ve repaired our cracks and breaks with the gold of our wisdom. Our reality is made of everything that has ever happened to us . . . everyone we’ve ever met, anything we’ve done and any feelings we’ve had–felt or denied.

We’re entering a “1” year, (2+0+1+7=10 or 1+0 = 1) of new beginnings, initiative and creation. Let’s use our kindness, compassion, love and caring for ourselves and one another to move with clarity into this next 9 year cycle.

Leonard Cohen so aptly said, “There’s a crack in everything . . . that’s how the light gets in.”

Let your light and beauty shine for all to see.


Ask Jophiel


Hello Dear Ones,

I wish to offer my services to you in a new manner as we soon begin a new year. Many of you have asked questions about all the changes Earth and Humankind are undergoing. Rather than continue to respond on an individual basis, I will be happy to respond to your questions in this monthly column.

I will respond to questions that would be of a general interest to all; not questions of a personal nature. You may continue scheduling personal readings for individual guidance, but many of the issues that are asked about can be addressed in a general manner that may be of service to all.

As an example of a general interest question, I will respond here to one asked recently about the recent election.

Dear Archangel Jophiel . . . I found the recent election to be disheartening and an indication that we as a nation and a world are slipping back into more of a patriarchal, authoritarian, exclusive society, rather than an egalitarian, inclusive world. Is there still hope? – S.T., Arizona

Dear S.T . . . It is understandable. At first glance the election may indicate a backwards step, but it is actually one more step in clearing Earth of energies that no longer serve Humankind. The polarities that have surfaced, very clearly I might say, in this recent election give a clear picture of what has been somewhat concealed before in societal actions and institutions. Issues are more outstanding and cleanly defined now, whereas before they could have been perceived as muddled or “not as bad as all that”.

You always have free will and that will always be yours, however sometimes before that free will can be executed regarding an issue, the issue must be clearly delineated. This delineation helps those who were unaware or unconscious of the issues to be much more perceptive and to make clear choices. Everything must come to the surface and be present in the light for all to see. Earth is still in the process of bringing all to the surface.

It is much like Spring cleaning where the home is completely turned upside down and all the furniture is re-arranged, with much sweeping of the corners and dark areas hidden from sight. You are in the midst of the heavy cleaning right now and hope is always there. The hope for a clean sparkling home with plenty of light, no cobwebs or hidden dust piles. The hope for fresh air and beauty to fill the home with joy and love.

Cleaning is difficult work and takes time to be thorough, but the reward is a place one is happy and proud to be in. Hope is always present in the midst of the chaos, the hope that this thorough cleaning will bring the desired results. The house looks incredibly chaotic during the cleaning and all is akimbo, but the eventual result in a home with room for all to feel comfortable in . . . an inclusive home. A home or world that opens it’s doors to all and has room and respect for the individual and the sharing of all.

We in the angelic realm can see a beautiful Earth at the end of this ‘housekeeping’. You all are doing an incredibly thorough and swift cleaning/clearing. Though it may not seem to swift to you, you must remember, there are eons of negative energies or dirt and dust to clean out and you are moving more rapidly than thought possible.

I trust this response gives you some insight into the type of questions you send in. Please address your questions to Ask Jophiel. I will respond to the chosen questions with due diligence in future columns.

Blessings Dear Ones,

Archangel Jophiel

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2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

What if. . . ?

Many of us are feeling very unsettled, uneasy, unsure of what’s to come and how to handle these uncomfortable feelings or even what to do about them. We are in the midst of times of great change and restructuring of our personal inner worlds of feelings and thoughts, and most obviously, many many external systems are undergoing transformation. How do we reconcile differing opinions of friends, families, neighbors, society, the world in general and live in peace? How do we weather these tides of change, these storms of chaos? …

Blog, December 8, 2016

Times of Great Change

Many of us are feeling very unsettled, uneasy, unsure of what’s to come and how to handle these uncomfortable feelings or even what to do about them. We are in the midst of times of great change and restructuring of our personal inner worlds of feelings and thoughts, and most obviously, many many external systems are undergoing transformation. How do we reconcile differing opinions of friends, families, neighbors, society, the world in general and live in peace? How do we weather these tides of change, these storms of chaos?

Points on a Giant Web


Well, we could picture ourselves as points on a giant web or matrix. How about seeing ourselves as a web joined via our consciousness, our light, our energy? What if our individual footing depends on how well we balance on these points on this flexible web? Wouldn’t it behoove us to learn how to balance better so the person next to us or even eight nodes or 180 degrees away keeps their balance and we keep ours? This all could be a giant balancing, dancing act we’re doing with each of us dependent on the other to keep an even keel.

Learning How to Keep Our Balance

If this is so…just supposing here, it seems we would like to learn, to the best of our abilities, as to how to keep our balance so that everything would work as smooth as possible. A network where we rely on each other to keep our position stable and help the entire matrix remain flexible yet steady. I could see it requiring that we learn what keeps us in balance on our node point; how to easily best maintain that balance and use it to our advantage. In any balancing act one must maintain a state of calmness because jarring, jagged, negative energy causes wobbles and such. One must also be very flexible in order to move with the changing motions of the surrounding field or matrix. Somewhat like a surfer riding a wave. Balanced, focussed and relaxed. Yet alert and cognizant of the surrounding field. This state would allow action when called for that would be the best for the balancer and the surrounding environment.

So how does one achieve this state of calmness and balance when the field is in constant motion? This is not a static matrix or web, it’s a very lively and dynamic one. Each of us has our place on the web, our point of light, our consciousness. So how do we stay balanced? I think one way would be to become as centered within as possible and to keep one’s knees slightly flexed. The inner calmness and centered-ness allows for mental and emotional correct action in the face of the dynamic changes in the matrix. The slightly bent knees allows for physically correct action as your body reads the movements of the web. I believe this requires a sense of trust in ones self that you’ll be able to know the correct action and movement needed to ride your node point no matter what your neighbor is doing on his or hers. All of us want to be heard, respected, listened to…to have our light shine bright and true.


Hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of lights filling the matrix, and each one shining clear and strong. Be nice wouldn’t it?

Handling Erratic Behavior

I mean they could be jumping up and down, running in circles or even lying down kicking and screaming. Now that’s going to cause a lot of different movements in the matrix field and affect your node point isn’t it? How to best handle this erratic behavior? Balance, self-trust, love, compassion and flexible knees. This steadies your node point and, in turn, the calm movement radiates outward from your point and helps smooth the erratic behavior of others on their node points. There is great importance in keeping ones’ own balance smooth and steady and when you do that it just happens to smooth out the waves near you. The Beach Boys had it right…”Good, Good, Good Vibrations“.

But we know it doesn’t quite work that way….yet. We all seem to have a bit more work to do on our self-trust, our self-love and our bent knees. What if we all decided that we can be the best node rider we can be, that we trust ourself to be able to handle the movement and still stay with our inner centeredness and self-love and let our light shine brightly? I’m pretty sure the ride would get smoother and more pleasant and brighter. Right now we’ve got many many balanced riders and more are steadily getting their ‘sea-legs‘ as we speak. It’s definitely a growing population on a moment to moment basis. As more and more of us join the balanced riders I’m pretty sure we’ll all have a much easier ride.

Kindness, Collaboration, Understanding


Our interconnectedness is both subtle and powerful. If we use kindness, collaboration, understanding and even love with one another, wouldn’t that be incredible? Don’t give in to fear, distrust and hate which cause a lot of disturbance in the connected energy field. As we become better and better node riders our light becomes steadier and smoother and we will probably even be able to see one another more clearly. Wouldn’t that be something? Love, light and compassion helping us navigate the web.

And don’t forget……Gaia is here for us all, supporting the web and providing grounding to help stabilize the matrix.

Just saying. . . . .


You…The Beholder


Dear Ones,

As you look upon your world you each see the view from your perspective. Each of you behold the world about you from a slightly different angle than your neighbor. You both may think you are seeing the same objective view, but there is the subjective nature of internal judgement. Is the red you’re seeing the same red that the person next to you is seeing? It may or may not be, but for ease of communication you have decided to call the hue viewed by both as red.

I state this to show you the truth in the adage, ‘Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder’. As you look out of the prism of your eye, it is your inner energy that is deciding what you’re seeing. Think of it this way; if you’re frustrated, angry, confused and full of angst, what you see as you look at your world may very well be viewed as ugly, gray, futile, hopeless. And another may look out of an innerscape that is filled with peace, calmness, balance and love and see the same scene filled with light, grace and joy.

How can this be you say? Reality is reality and truth is truth, is it not? Well, yes and no, because it all depends from what perspective one is viewing the reality or truth. A fire can be viewed as a disaster for the destruction caused and the damage to the land. Yet, is it not true that a fire cleanses the land of dry and dying growth and leaves the land prepared for new growth and a fresh start. On one hand there is the immediate destruction which in the longer view prepares the earth for a new beginning. Yes, it is understood if the fire has destroyed one’s dwelling or property it can be difficult to see the new beginning, but it is there nevertheless.

There is energy emitted from you as you view your world and this energy ‘colors’ your perception. Viewing the world through an energetic field filled with hope, faith, joy, love and compassion makes for a very different world view than one who sees the world through depression, sadness or grief. Beauty, as the energy heightens on Gaia, has a more encompassing meaning than just pleasing the aesthetic sense of sight. Beauty can be a way of living, a feeling of wonder and awe, a thoughtfully phrased sentence. Beauty can be anything that elevates your feelings and the feelings of those around you. Music comes to mind as one of the most powerful ways to experience Beauty in a moment.


During the energies of the Holiday Season, allow your senses to be filled with beauty. Take a deep breath and slow yourself down and appreciate all that you are, the Beauty of You.


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2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Desiderata with Moonglow

I have only captured a few of the profound words of the Desiderata by Max Erhman that have been powerfully illustrated by Gavin Aung Than at The Daily Good. The words of the Desiderata have always been deeply meaningful to me, but coupled with the brilliant illustrations it really brought a state of deeper calmness and peace, yes peace, this morning after the election. …

Blog, November 10, 2016

“Go Placidly Amidst the Noise and Haste . . . “

The words of the Desiderata came to mind this morning as I sat to finish writing this newsletter,

“Go placidly amidst the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars…And whether it is clear to you or not, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should…“

A State of Deeper Calmness and Peace

I have only captured a few of the profound words of the Desiderata by Max Erhman that have been powerfully illustrated by Gavin Aung Than at The Daily Good. The words of the Desiderata have always been deeply meaningful to me, but coupled with the brilliant illustrations it really brought a state of deeper calmness and peace, yes peace, this morning after the election.

I know we are in the midst of great change and upheaval and so do you and the heavenly information has shown all this to be true. We have had cosmic storms, solar winds, and magnetic fluxes on a constant basis on an astronomical level. On an astrology level we have had powerful portals opening ushering in huge energy waves upon waves of energies with very little breathing space between the crests. And now we’re in for another major wave.


1st Supermoon, October – Aries


I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t say a few words this month about our upcoming full moon on Monday, November 14th. Closing out this year we are having three Super Full Moons or Supermoon as they are referred to. The first Supermoon has already passed on October 16th in Aries. Being in Aries, this Supermoon gave us a much needed push forward after several months of deep diving into our innerscape.

However, our upcoming Supermoon is in Taurus and astrologically this means we need to stay grounded, indulge our senses and connect with Nature as much as possible. (A moonlight stroll eating chocolates on a seashore maybe?).

This Supermoon is getting so much press because it’s the largest full moon Supermoon since 1948, that’s 68 years since the moon has appeared this large in the heavens. It won’t be this visibly large again until 2034, another 18 years. NASA says this moon will be nearly 15% larger and 30% brighter than any regular full moon and that’s because it will also be a perigree moon. A perigree moon is when the moon is at its closest point in its orbit. The moon will reach the crest of it’s full phase on Monday, November 14th at 5:52 am PST.

Supporting and Calming

2nd Supermoon, November – Taurus

Supermoons tend to produce higher tides and thus more pull on our bodies, mainly our emotions, so being good to yourself if a good idea at this time. A Taurus moon has us longing for serenity, security, peace and comfort so we should relax and enjoy ourselves as best we can. The moon in Taurus is exalted in astrological terms, which means the moon is very comfortable in Taurus. This moon will have tremendous power and depth but in a way that can be supportive and calming. We may get better insight into our innerscapes and more comfortable ways to transverse our psychic spiritual paths. Insight, perhaps, on how to use the past to build towards a better tomorrow. This moon is needed after our riotous political season we have just undergone. A time to reflect and relax for a moment.


Taurus moons’ do pull out issues of finance and self-worth so these issues may arise for some of us. But, again, it should arise in ways that give you ideas on how to resolve these matters in a positive way. At least for the time being. For instance you can indulge in material actions such as applying for a loan, starting a long-term relationship, any activity using music and decorations (like a party!). Even if you sleep through the moonlight or weather prevents you from viewing the moon, you should have peaceful dreams.

Supermoon, December – Gemini

And the last of our Supermoons that we close the year with is on December 16th, in the sign of Gemini. This Supermoon, while not as visibly large as Novembers’, will still be close and bright. In Gemini we will be communicating with friends and having an active social life. When the moon’s in Gemini we want to share information with one another and indulge in mental stimulation like reading or studying.

So enjoy the upcoming Supermoon and, if at all possible, try to get a glimpse of it.

As the Desiderata reminds us,

“…whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul, with all it’s sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.“


Finding Beauty in Chaos

Hello Dear Ones,


I have been asked, how does one find Beauty in the midst of inner turmoil? This is when one needs a sense of calmness, peace or beauty the most and it can be the most difficult time to reach any semblance of order let alone finding beauty. What if the inner turmoil is so great that you do not even have the wherewithal to call for help from your guides, guardians or angels? I understand how often overwhelm can occur in these incredibly stressful times and I wish to be of service.

One way is to give in to the sense of overwhelm and surrender. Acknowledge that too much is too much and embrace the moment. Allow the emotional storm to sweep over you, engulf you and allow yourself to surrender to the moment. Know that THIS WILL PASS. Emotional turmoil will use your energy and it will pass or burn out as you say. As the clearing of the turmoil descends upon you relax and know that you are NOT ALONE. We are here with you to assist you through these emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically trying times. This can not be overstated.

Allow yourself three deep cleansing breaths as assists in reassuring your body that all is well; if for no more than a moment, but a moment is all you need. As your physical body settles down, ask in whichever way is best for you, for the strength, wisdom, fortitude and grace to resolve your issue and move forward. State an intent that you will resolve all that is needed. Intentions are very powerful messages to the Universe that begin the process of bringing what you need for your highest good into manifestation.

We ask that you be discerning and take notice of how resolutions are being brought to you. Answers can come in many forms and they will be unique for each of you. Some will hear inner guidance, another can hear an encouraging word from a friend or associate at a crucial moment, still another may see a billboard, a beloved pet interaction, a song on the radio that will trigger or show a means for resolution or guidance of your issue. Ask for validation of inner guidance to appear to you in some recognizable form if you have uncertainty about ‘hearing‘ correctly. People have had objects such as feathers, flowers, birds and such appear.

There is beauty in the peace and inner calmness that can arise and give you strength to continue on. A beauty that empowers you as you understand that you are loved and supported by a legion of angels who wish deeply to be of service. Please know that beauty comes in a multitude of forms.

You Are Loved


I Am Archangel Jophiel

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2016 Archangel Jophiel 2016 Archangel Jophiel

Jophiel’s Message - “More Beauty”

Greetings Dear Ones,

I wish to share more with you on the subject of Beauty. With many of the indigenous people who live on your planet there is a knowing of being in harmony with Nature. This way is sometimes called The Beauty Way and practitioners are invited to Walk the Beauty Way. …

Blog, October26, 2016

Greetings Dear Ones,


I wish to share more with you on the subject of Beauty. With many of the indigenous people who live on your planet there is a knowing of being in harmony with Nature. This way is sometimes called The Beauty Way and practitioners are invited to Walk the Beauty Way.

To Walk The Beauty Way means to be in harmony with all things. All things…people, objects, animals, Life itself. And not just the physical but also harmony with one’s feelings and your inner states.

Starting with Nature is a good way for one to learn to Walk in Beauty or follow the Beauty Way. Allow yourself to feel the earth beneath your feet. Really be one with it and sense it’s presence. The earth is presented to you in many different forms…sand, grass, mud, rocks, dirt, loam, bogs…so many many different expressions for you to explore and see each aspect of unique beauty. This beauty is offered to you for your enrichment, your enjoyment, your Spirit’s sustenance and much more. This acknowledging of your connection with earth allows one to have a greater appreciation for the Earth and how to live in harmony with her.

The beauty of Nature is a doorway through which you can step and have greater connection to your SoulSpirit. Your souls revel in the nourishment of your appreciation of Nature’s gifts.

Yes, I know Nature can bring forth chaos on Earth as well as Beauty. But the chaos occurring now is a balancing of energies that must be brought forward at this time to keep the greater balance of Earth. Energy balancing is a continuous process that must be attended to so that all will flow as smoothly as possible. It is much as though you have an itch or irritation on your big toe or elbow. Do you not respond by clearing or anointing the irritated area? It is much the same with the Earth. The winds move energies in the form of your high and low pressures around the earth while the oceans and rivers move energies to bring balance through their currents and tides. When there is an imbalance the wind may have to be more forceful in the form of a typhoon or hurricane to change balances just as the ocean and rivers may flood from rains or winds. All this is to keep all in balance and functioning harmoniously.


All who read this message are aware that the Earth is struggling to keep this balance. Earth has been abused in a myriad of ways but that balance is slowly being restored as Earth ascends. And through all the eons of turmoil Nature’s beauty has always been presented for your appreciation. The simple act of witnessing a striking sunrise or sunset can reveal your heart and soul to yourself. It does not matter if Nature is no more than a single flower in a vase on your table or a glimpse of a tree through your city window you can appreciate and enjoy Nature where ever you are.

The power of Beauty is that it brings one fully present. Beauty captivates and allows you to be in the Now. When one is in the Now or fully present you are more capable of being in touch with Spirit. This is an important way Nature can bring you into balance as you contemplate it’s beauty. Actually, anything that appeals to your sense of beauty will do bring you into balance in a simple easy manner. Allow yourself to fully appreciate it and quietly be with it. Do not mistake simple and ease for simplistic because they are very different concepts. Try it and see what communion with Spirit Beauty can bring you.


I am here for support at any time, simply go within and ask and I am there. So also are your Guides and other Archangels as close as your request.

Walk In Beauty Dear Ones…Walk In Beauty.

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2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Bring The Heart To The Forefront

Develop the Heart

On my office wall is a saying from the Dalai Lama titled Never Give Up and within this he states: “Develop the heart. Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart. Develop the heart, be compassionate…”. For eons we have developed a logical mind with strong reasoning powers to guide us through Life. The mind has led, with the heart following. So how do we switch this around? How do we move the heart to the front? …

Blog, October 11, 2016

Develop the Heart

On my office wall is a saying from the Dalai Lama titled Never Give Up and within this he states: “Develop the heart. Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart. Develop the heart, be compassionate…”. In my work I’ve come across the phrases; ‘think with your heart’, ‘let your heart lead’, ‘listen to your heart’, and many such phrases. These all emphasize the need to allow the heart to have prominence over the rational mind, or ego, as we delve further and further into spiritual development. And, for me, I have found this is not an easy task. For eons we have developed a logical mind with strong reasoning powers to guide us through Life. The mind has led, with the heart following. So how do we switch this around? How do we move the heart to the front?

The Heart and the Mind, Connected

Recently, as I re-read ‘think with your heart’, I was reminded of something discovered many years ago in Cosmos Conception, a Rosicrucian book. (I have always been a seeker of mysteries). I recalled reading about a nerve that connects the heart to the mind. This nerve allows the heart’s wisdom to guide one’s choices. A bit of research found the following on my bookshelf: “…in any situation one’s (Higher Self) knows at once what to do and flashes the message of guidance and proper action back to the heart, which as instantaneously flashes it on to the brain through the medium of the pneumo-gastric nerve, resulting in ‘first impressions’, the intuitional impulse, which is always good because it is drawn directly from the fountain of Cosmic Wisdom and Love.”

I realized this is a big part of what I’ve attempted to do over the years in my spiritual/self development. That is, to move my ego/rational mind a bit more to the rear and listen to my heart more for guidance. This definitely runs counter to how we have all been taught over the years to get ahead in life. Humankind has been led by the rational mind into many great discoveries and inventions, but also much mayhem, chaos and destruction. Learning to think with one’s heart means learning to lead in your thinking and actions with compassion, love, respect and joy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have all the creative discoveries and inventions humankind has come up with be used with compassion, love and joy?

Most Relevant Organ in the Body?

With Google at my fingertips, I decided to find out a bit more about this heart-brain nerve connection. I found this on a site called Waking Times: “At the center of our bodies resides a long, sinewy nerve that extends all the way from our medullas down through our chests to beyond our stomachs. This nerve, known as the Vagus Nerve, happens to be at a most fascinating intersection, not only between our two physical nervous systems (our central and autonomic nervous systems), but also between our conscious minds and subconscious minds. As such, it also acts as a bridge between our gross bodies and our subtle bodies. And it’s a nerve probably 99% of the population have never heard of nor even have a clue where it’s located. And yet the Vagus Nerve (ironically pronounced the exact same way as sin city itself, Las Vegas) may be the single most relevant organ in our body relative to our peace of mind and happiness.”

Wow, all these heart-opening exercises I have done over the recent years tie in with information I came across back in the 60’s! However, opening my heart isn’t easy. My ego/rational mind is sharp and quick and has always rushed to the forefront with good solid logic and scientific reasoning as to why such ‘n such is so. Yes, I’ve always wanted to have an open mind, but I have not wanted to have a mind like Swiss cheese. I guess I’ve been doing this balancing act for some time between being open to the mysteries of the Cosmos and not having a mind full of holes. So when I recently read “Quiet your action in the world, focus on your breath and allow your heart’s intelligence to speak as you align with your Soul. This Alignment is your direct connection to the Divine and as such brings your gifts forward into daily life…” I had a deeper understanding of what those words meant and how they applied to thinking with my heart.

Aware While Feeling Good


Being vulnerable and opening your heart so you can stand with compassion is not for sissies, believe me! You are met full on with pain from the horrors we do to one another in the process of being human. You are open to the looks of disbelief as you speak of inclusion rather than exclusion; speaking of forgiveness rather than revenge; trusting rather than guarding. So why would someone want to think with their heart or open their heart to the world? Yes, it allows acknowledgement of incredible pain and suffering, but I’ve slowly learned to acknowledge the pain and suffering and have compassion for what I witness and for myself. For me it has mostly been an incredible freeing and openness to Life. Yes, there are many many horrors, but there are also many many wonders. Thinking with your heart allows you to see the rainbow as well as the rain; it allows you to forgive and move on without a ball of pain in your gut; it allows you to be aware of the dangers, the fears, and still have a smile and feel good about your Self and Life.

Faster Than A Blink

As I said before, the ego/rational mind has certainly had a purpose or we wouldn’t have developed it. The purpose has been to keep us alive and it’s done this mostly by keeping us safe by making sure we ‘fit in’ and ‘kept our heads down’. I’ve been working on convincing my ego/rational mind that I’m very appreciative of all its done for all these many years. Now it just has to rest a bit and take a tiny step back as my heart comes to the foreground. Thinking becomes heart-driven and the world becomes more compassionate. And we certainly need to change to more compassion. The mind is not left out of this heart leading in life. The heart responds and in a nanosecond flashes it’s conception to the brain via the vagus nerve, which in another nanosecond flashes back to the heart with an action plan. This all occurs faster than one can blink, but it makes a world of difference in your outlook on Life.

More Conscious Interaction

We are doing all this growth and ascension to connect more with our Soul/Spirit whether we acknowledge it or not. As we spiral up this ascension path we are making more and more of a conscious connection with the subtle realm (heart/soul/spirit); rather than sole focus on the physical realm (brain/ego/rational mind). The subtle realm has always been there and we’ve always been interacting with it…just not conscious of it. We are still going to interact with the physical realm, that is why we have physical bodies. But we are moving into a more conscious interaction in all ways . . . within the Self, with Others and with Life.

Relax, Look, Smile


Learning to lead with the heart may not come easily, but it is well worth the work to see with the heart’s eyes. Just relax, trust yourself, look out into the world and smile.



Greetings Dear Ones,

I come to you today to speak of Beauty.


Beauty is an aspect of your world that is always present for your enjoyment, inspiration, guidance and communion. Your planet was created as one of the most beautiful in the Omniverse and it is replete with Beauty in Nature.

Upon Earth much Love is expressed in the displays of nature. Beauty helps soothe the soul when dealing with the everyday vicissitudes of Life and feeling pulled in all directions. A beautiful sunset can bring one to a pause and a deep breath as the colorful glory is spread across the sky. The adage of stopping to smell the roses is well meant in that the beauty of the design, color and aroma of a rose or many other flowers can lift spirits and bring a smile to your face.

Having your spirits uplifted may seem like a small thing but it is so important in bringing solace to your soul. Allowing yourself to experience what you deem beautiful is a simple act but one of great importance. Beauty is not an abstract concept but one of singular meaning to each and every one of you. It is true that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and that allows a wonderful array of beautiful expressions to come forth. Beauty is so powerful that it can bring a smile to your heart and a song to your soul, all in an instant.

Beauty also helps to stir humankind’s curiosity and creativeness. Many of your created art pieces throughout the ages have reflected the beauty that you see all around you. Beauty takes many forms of expression, but all are reflections of your creativeness and your voice to the world. You share your inner beauty with your art forms in music, painting, writing, sculpting, photography, poetry, cooking…the list is as endless as the ways you choose to express your creativeness. One of the ways I serve humankind is assisting in expressing one’s own unique beauty. I am always ready to help either with bringing forth an inspiration, a fresh approach or insight. These are just some of the ways I can be of help. Please call upon me for assistance as you bring forth your creations. My name means Beauty of God and I wish to be of help in expressing your concepts of beauty.

May you walk in Beauty!

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2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Beauty Everywhere!

Here we are on the 9th day of September, in the 9th month of September, in a 9 year (2+0+1+6 = 9) 9-9-9. . . we are completing a cycle. We’ve been building up our spiritual muscles for our next cycle as we rise higher in awareness. We have Mercury retrograde for much of this month (Aug. 30th thru Sept. 21st), and had a Solar Eclipse on the 1st of the month/New Moon; Lunar Eclipse arriving on the 16th of the month/Full Moon and the Fall Equinox on Sept. 22nd. All these astrological configurations act as vortexes, gateways, portals bringing in new waves of energy to lift us higher and higher up the consciousness spiral. So, I say be sure and look for the beauty, joy, a smile or two as we traverse the landscape filled with these high vibrational energies. …

Blog, September 8,, 2016

New Waves of Energy


Here we are on the 9th day of September, in the 9th month of September, in a 9 year (2+0+1+6 = 9) 9-9-9. . . we are completing a cycle. We’ve been building up our spiritual muscles for our next cycle as we rise higher in awareness. We have Mercury retrograde for much of this month (Aug. 30th thru Sept. 21st), and had a Solar Eclipse on the 1st of the month/New Moon; Lunar Eclipse arriving on the 16th of the month/Full Moon and the Fall Equinox on Sept. 22nd. All these astrological configurations act as vortexes, gateways, portals bringing in new waves of energy to lift us higher and higher up the consciousness spiral. So, I say be sure and look for the beauty, joy, a smile or two as we traverse the landscape filled with these high vibrational energies.

Rediscovering Beauty

When I was about 16 or so I was grappling with a life issue. How best to address it? What would be the best resolution for all involved? How could I be so stupid and make such a mistake? I’m sure we’ve all faced such dilemmas . . . it’s just that at 16 the issues look so huge, so insurmountable. As I grappled with the emotions and thoughts swirling through my mind and body I felt the world getting darker and darker. I realized this was just my perspective of things, that the world wasn’t actually getting darker, because it was a bright summer evening but the darkness was there, nonetheless. As I wrestled with my thoughts and feelings, I spied a bright glint of gold-green on the ground to my right. It flashed so bright that it caught my eye and cut through all the inner darkness I was indulging in. On closer examination, I saw that it was just a bit of green bottle glass, but it was beautiful.

Stopped In My Tracks

Seeing the beauty of this bit of throw-away glass as the setting sun highlighted it literally stopped me in my tracks mentally, emotionally and physically. I had one of those ‘altered reality states‘ where I had two lines of thoughts running parallel. One was the ‘oh woe is me, what to do, what to do‘ and the other was ‘wow, just when I thought I was lost in fearful feelings I see beauty, real beauty!’ As I left the ‘woe is me’ line of thought I followed the ‘beauty’ thought… If I can find beauty in the midst of my despair maybe there is always beauty around me and I just have to look? I since have found that a glimpse of beauty can, more often than not, help ameliorate the effects of negativity.

The Practice

Thus began a practice that I still follow to this day when I’m grappling with a worry or drowning in sorrow or frustration. When I get a breather from my heavy emotion(s) I will raise my head and look around to try and see a bit of beauty. It often isn’t even conscious, just a breather and more times than not my senses will catch something. It may be no more than a raindrop reflecting a cloudy sky, or a small perfect blossom of some type, or a breeze blowing through sparkling leaves. Beauty can be all around us and that beauty can be a small lifeline to lead us back into the light.

True, it’s not a resolution to the issue or an ending for the sorrow but it’s as though the Universe says, “I am here and if you will but look, I will send a light your way”. It may be small but it will be a light, nevertheless.



Hello Dear Ones,

My name is Jophiel, Archangel Jophiel, and I greet you from the angelic dimensions. I want to speak with you today about the angelic help that is always with you. All of you. We are available to you in many forms. That of Archangels, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, or other angelic beings. We await your call for assistance, clarity or information in whatever way you think we may serve you.

Many of you already call upon us in your time of need, but we urge you to call upon us anytime for we are always ready to speak with you and be of assistance. We are of use in the mundane matters as well as the sacred matters. We love you dearly and await to hear your call. As Earth undergoes the Ascension process more and more of you are becoming aware of the Higher Dimensions in a more personal way. As a more aware consciousness rises in the collective consciousness of Humanity, you are become more aware of our presence in a variety of ways.

You have always spoken with us in meditation, in prayers, in daydreams, in worship, in dream time and creative endeavors, to name a few. Just now, more and more of you are becoming consciously aware of our responses. We have always responded, but the answers may have been difficult, at times, to discern through the ‘veil’ – the borders between dimensions. As you awaken in consciousness, the borders are becoming more and more porous and your awareness of our response is being heard on many different levels. This is why I encourage you to call on us with your queries about Life and ascertaining the best paths through the opportunities in Life.

As I said, we love to serve you and we love you and await your calls. We are never far away and always send support and guidance when you ask. We must wait to be asked, always, because you have free will and that is to honored first and foremost. So call upon us, we await your requests.

Thank you for letting me speak with you today and I look forward to more conversations with you.

You Are Loved

Sharon Comments . . .


I’m sure many of you are surprised to hear a message in my newsletter from Archangel Jophiel. I know I sure was surprised when I heard from her a while ago. It’s been about a year and a half since she first contacted me and asked if I would be interested in conveying messages she had via my newsletter and via Readings. It’s taken me this long to come to terms with the idea of being a channel for an Archangel or for any other Being, for that matter.

In my quest for spiritual growth I had never entertained the idea of being a channel. A channel is someone who allows a non-incarnate Being to speak with their voice. I’ve been on this path for 50 some years now and I’ve met many channels, mediums, psychics, spiritual teachers, enlightened beings and all types of self-development guides. Some have been great, others not-so-great, but by far, most of them have been very very helpful. I’ve always asked, and somehow through serendipity, coincidence, fate, or synchronicity . . . been led to my ‘next step.‘

Well, as best I can remember, I had not asked for an Archangel to channel via me. I had, however, asked for, on a rather continual basis, to continue growing in my understanding of Life and the spiritual/psychic nature of it. I came to realize this, channeling, was evidently my next step.

Angels On My Path?

Now I was never one to follow the ‘angel route‘ through my New Age spiritual explorations. Astrology, Psychic Courses on connecting with Higher Self, Reading Auras, Tarot Cards, Etc, yes. Diving into books on Psychology, Religions, Ancient Civilizations, Myths, and much more, yes. But Angels, no way! I didn’t even know the terminology within the angelic hierarchy. Heck, I didn’t even know there was a terminology. And I shied away from New Age shops heavy on the Angel products because I found them a bit of a turn-off. A little too saccharine for my tastes. I know there is God, Force, Prime Source, Creator, and all the other names for God/Goddess, but I still didn’t associate that with beings flying around playing harps. Besides, what of religious philosophies that don’t have angels like Buddhists, Hindus, and other spiritual teachings?

Yes, I knew of Spirit Guides, and Healing Masters, and other Beings one contacts for guidance but I didn’t deem them angels and they never appeared to me with wings and heavenly choirs. So you can imagine my surprise when I was contacted.

Who Me?

I was stunned, disbelieving and recalling all the times I was clear that I didn’t want to be a channel. In fact, my sister, who is very spiritual/psychic, and I have had discussions in the past about neither of us wanting to channel. So I had to re-think my position. Why didn’t I want to channel? And as I asked that I saw a lot of fears come to the surface of my consciousness. Which is what I’ve been doing this year and half . . . examining my fears around channeling coupled with the knowledge that fears are obstacles on the path of growth.

Yes fears serve a purpose to make me cautious, but I don’t want those fears to govern me and make me afraid to step forward. So I chose curiosity and decided to explore that. So after a year and a half of delving into channeling . . . learning how others who channel spirit had the same fears and how they learned to step past their fears and open up to a whole new world; doing a few practice channeled readings for a few people and having long talks with my Higher Self, I decided this was going to be new exciting adventure and jumped right in. (After 1 1/2 years of bouncing on the high diving board!)

Oh yes, I meant to mention, I researched information about Archangel Jophiel and found out that the name means Beauty of God and she’s the Archangel of Beauty and Order, among other things.

Go figure…


And Yes, she’s doing Readings via me as a channel at the same rate, $100/hr. Just contact me for an appointment.

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2016 Sharon Holley 2016 Sharon Holley

Energy & Harmony

The astrological energies this month have loosened up a bit. Mars left Scorpio on June 29th and is now in Sagittarius where it can act as an energetic push into lighter more future-oriented endeavors. Also we have Saturn going direct (moving forward) in Sagittarius on August 13th. So with two important planets in Sagittarius we may now have energy to move forward on projects that had seemed stalled or progressing slowly. …

Blog, August 10,, 2016

Astrological Energies


The astrological energies this month have loosened up a bit. Mars left Scorpio on June 29th and is now in Sagittarius where it can act as an energetic push into lighter more future-oriented endeavors. Also we have Saturn going direct (moving forward) in Sagittarius on August 13th. So with two important planets in Sagittarius we may now have energy to move forward on projects that had seemed stalled or progressing slowly.

Mars brings a sense of excitement and ideas to help us move along. You have more clarity on where you want to go now. Saturn has been retrograde (moving backward) for the past 5 months which had us looking deeply into the dark corners of our psyche and pulling out our fears for us to examine and release. While we may always have fears, the ones that Saturn brought out during this retrograde period are no longer needed. So now we can all move forward a bit lighter and brighter.

The astrological energies will assist humankind as we attempt to heal our divisiveness and learn how to have a sense of unity. We live in an illusion that we are separate individuals, separate from Nature, separate from the Cosmos when the truth is that we are all one. We began as one, and then divided into separateness to learn how duality worked. We have delved deep into duality and have learned all there is to learn of this issue. We now are re-learning how to be inclusive, to allow one another to have their thoughts and feelings yet acknowledge that we are one. It is not easy, as our politics here in America show but one example of the great divisiveness, but it can be healed through respect and honoring of differing viewpoints. This blatant exposure of differences is being repeated throughout the entire globe.

This plays out in us each on an individual level as our internal fears, angers, wishes, desires and such rise to the consciousness within us. New layers of our psyche are continually being brought to the surface for confronting, clearing and adjusting. As we make our own personal adjustments to our choices and life styles internally this will, in turn, be reflected in our environment–our society, our world. Our nerves are frayed, our strengths waxing and waning, and we are tired. This is not an easy path but it’s one we all signed up for this time around. We all decided we wanted to be here at this incredibly important time of earth and humanity’s growth. And here we are here, frayed nerves and all.

One important tool that my help you through this time is learning to ground your energy. I know many of you already make good use of this tool but we all can use a refresher now and then. Using this tool really helps with the constant energy changes bombarding us on a daily basis. It helps us even our energy fields and be able to maintain a sense of balance.



On spirit levels we are all in a state of flux. Grounding is simply dropping a ‘cord’ from our 1st chakra (base of the spine) to the center of the earth. This cord can take any shape: a beam of light, a waterfall, a chain, a tree, a feather boa, whatever you want and whatever works best for you. This cord grounds our thoughts which are electric. For our emotions we use a second cord with the first. Wrap the second cord around the first cord and ground them both into the center of the earth. Just imagine, pretend or envision–whatever works for you. This second cord may also look or be whatever you find comfortable to use. This cord helps ground our emotions which are magnetic so we’re setting up an electro-magnetic grounding cord.

Use of these grounding cords will help center us and keep us in our bodies and our head on our shoulders as we rock ‘n roll through these interesting times. It’s a very good practice to set your cords as soon as your feet hit the floor upon awakening and sitting on the side of the bed. Set your cord for today’s energy by simply intending or saying, ‘I’m setting my grounding cord(s) for today’s energy’. This is so important to say ‘today’ because with all the energy hitting earth daily with a myriad of frequencies, setting the cords helps us to allow that energy to pass right through without ‘fritzing’ us.

Ground your cords into the Earth’s heart chakra. Believe me, the Earth welcomes the grounding cords as part of her work in this Change Process. She is more than capable of neutralizing all of humanity, yep, all 7 billion of us, if everyone would do it (they don’t but some of us do!). If she neutralizes it through her center or earth heart chakra our negativity, frustration, angst, etc. does not go into the atmosphere where she has to clear it with volcanic dust, earthquakes, wind storms, and other chaotic climate methods.

Notes & Chords

As we each achieve a quietness and peace within ourselves, we shall see more and more of a peace without–in our environment and eventually a global society that lives in harmony. Harmony is an important word here because the definition of harmony is: “the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.” Note that it says musical notes–not musical note. This harmony is not every note being the same, it is a combination of notes producing pleasing sounds. Each of us must find our own path to our inner peace, our center, our holy of holies. This is why so many of us are a bit confused as to what to do, what path to follow, how to go about this quest. It is crucial that we each find the path that is our individual path to our awakening consciousness. We each find the note that sounds the best for us. This doesn’t mean that one cannot take a bit from here, a bit from there or even some from way over there but all the bits are mixed in your individuality to make your note, your addition to the chord of humanity.

The key to your part in the harmony is following the path, the means, the way that brings you the most joy. Trust yourself that you will do what works best for you to add to the awakening of humankind, to a rising of consciousness. Right now there are many many notes sounding a great discord — but in the background, like a faint hum, is a harmonious glorious chord that is slowly but steadily gaining strength and having more and more notes added in wondrous harmony.

Keep listening, it is growing and we are all adding to it.


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2016 Sharon Holley 2016 Sharon Holley

Difficult Birth

This newsletter has been slow to be born… I have started, deleted, re-started and deleted it again, three times, because the way to approach the information kept transforming. It’s been a good analogy to the very astrological energies we’ve been dealing with so far this July. When energies are moving backwards or retrograde it’s not so easy for us humans to achieve forward motion or progress. …

Blog, July 11, 2016

This newsletter has been slow to be born… I have started, deleted, re-started and deleted it again, three times, because the way to approach the information kept transforming. It’s been a good analogy to the very astrological energies we’ve been dealing with so far this July. When energies are moving backwards or retrograde it’s not so easy for us humans to achieve forward motion or progress. Retrograde means that a planet, to us here on Earth, appears to be moving backwards. Of course, the planet is not moving backwards, it is an optical illusion.

While Mars ended it’s retrograde period on June 29th there are still 4 planets either retrograde right now or soon to be. There are also 2 asteroids retrograde which astrologically have an impact on us. What this means is that there is manifesting a great deal of starting and stopping of projects; confusion and uncertainty about what to do; and anxiety and fear about what’s next. The planets that are impacting us currently are:

Planet Retrograde - Direct

Saturn March 25, 2016 - August 13, 2016

Uranus July 29, 2016 - December 29, 2016

Neptune June 13, 2016 - November 19, 2016

Pluto April 18, 2016 - September 26, 2016

Pallas June 21, 2016 - October 17, 2016

Chiron June 27, 2016 - December 1, 2016

Some planets have more impact than others and here’s a brief synopsis of each planet’s retrograde impact upon us in order of astrological impact:

Uranus is the planet of sudden change, individuality and liberation. During retrograde we may feel at odds with ourselves, questioning our usual identity and how we view things. Urges for freedom and rebellion against confining routines of one’s life. Uranus helps us change what we need to change to move forward in our life.

Saturn is the planet of structure, order and constraint. This retrograde may bring on surprises, frustrations and slow-downs of projects and goals. Time management may seem impossible. Unresolved past issues may arise. We can evaluate what serves our life and what is not as Saturn shows us our structures and limits.

Neptune is the planet of imagination, fantasy and psychic realms. As it goes retrograde dreams and psychic messages can become very clear on an individual level. It’s as though the backward/retrograde motion clears the usual Neptunian fog from the mental/emotional atmosphere. However with this Neptunian influence, images and ideas can roll in at a faster clip than usual, causing insomnia or mental overload.

Pluto is the planet of transformation, regeneration and rebirth. As it goes retrograde it leads us into a rather deep unforgiving exploration of our inner truths. Episodes of low self esteem may arise as an inaccurate focus can come up of past mistakes and guilts. Pluto’s retrograde gives us energy to prioritize and re-consider what our purpose is in life and helps us to realign to that purpose.

Chiron represents our deepest wound and our efforts to heal that wound. During retrograde we face our issues of mis-actions: injustices others have done to us and wrong actions we may have done. Because of Chiron, we can now analyze and take corrective measures. This is the time we come to understand, forgive ourselves and others – and move on.

Pallas represents wisdom of the feminine spirit. During retrograde Pallas will add to the on-going rebellious attitude by short-circuiting our caring, nurturing side. Diplomacy and tact may be abandoned for bluntness and aggression. This period defined by Pallas allows all, male and female, to become aware of their feminine energy and bring it into balance with their male energy.

How this translates on a global scale is the over-turning of injustices and inequalities of all types: governmental, economical, religious, social, racial, sexual, etc. This unrest will not abate until equality and justice become the norm for all, the entire global community—us! The astrological energy will continue hitting us in waves, as it has since 2012, to bring the injustices to the light then a regrouping as humankind rights wrongs and repeats we achieve balance. These are deep emotional, mental and spiritual changes we are undergoing now.

I share this information with you to give you insight into what energies we are dealing with and help you assess how they may impact or be impacting you presently. As we cope with emotional outbursts, pent up frustrations and general emotional upheaval, using our abilities to stay centered and calm will serve us well.

It is also important to know that our will is stronger than any planetary influence. We are not at the mercy of the astrological energies; we can make choices that allow us to use the energies to our advantage and exert our will to stay on a positive, even keel. We should avoid a tendency to be anxious, apathetic, guilty, fearful, angry, over-reactive, and in negative self-judgement. Continuing to focus on positive thoughts and visualizing positive outcomes may sound trite, but it will help immensely.

The plus side of all these energies is that our abilities to create are very high right now. This is a very powerful time for manifesting the reality that you want in your life and what type of world you want to live in, both on the micro and the macro. This is the time of destruction, but it is followed by the time of creation. As bleak as it may seem right now we are making headway and on the right track.

Visualize Whirled Peas!

Okay, maybe World Peace also!!

Love To All

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2016 Sharon Holley 2016 Sharon Holley

Comments on Love

Have you contemplated Love lately? I’m not speaking necessarily of the romantic, Hollywood, fairytale type of Love. June is the 6th month and in numerology, 6 represents love, caring and nurturing. And while that can, of course, pertain to our relationship with others, I’m talking more about our relationship with ourself. While it’s wonderful to love and care for others, be they lover, spouse, child, pet or any significant other, it is equally important to love ourselves. …

Blog, June 30, 2016


Have you contemplated Love lately? I’m not speaking necessarily of the romantic, Hollywood, fairytale type of Love. June is the 6th month and in numerology, 6 represents love, caring and nurturing. And while that can, of course, pertain to our relationship with others, I’m talking more about our relationship with ourself. While it’s wonderful to love and care for others, be they lover, spouse, child, pet or any significant other, it is equally important to love ourselves. And this is not something we are very good at. Our society and culture is usually telling us to try harder…be better…feel bad about yourself for failing to do that…etc. I’m sure you get the picture, those continuous negative thoughts that loudly run across our consciousness or the quieter, sneakier ones that just keep a running dialogue in the back of our mind.

How about loving ourselves just the way we are? Warts and all! Yes, I know, we’ve all done this and that wrong, or said this or that when we shouldn’t have or done some other nefarious deed or two and, while that all may be true, how about loving ourself anyway? Consider the novel ideal that you are not your actions. That you are perfect just the way you are. Yes your behavior may have been less than sterling, in fact it may have been downright horrific, that does not mean that you are not a being to be loved. While this may be difficult to contemplate think about the fact that each and every one of us is here on Earth to be loved. First by ourself, than by others.

Okay, I know this sounds like some type of New Age airy-fairy talk and I hear you, I really do. So how about we just start out liking ourselves? We don’t have to jump into love right away…just like ourself and treat ourself like we would our best friend. We would not let a best friend continually talk disparagingly about them self yet we do let our mind natter on about ‘we could do better’, ‘we’re not trying hard enough’, ‘how can we be so stupid’, and more. Yes, we can do better and we can try harder and we can be smarter but that has nothing to do with our lovability or like-ability. If we truly learn to like and even love ourself we can then really love someone or something else. Loving ourself is the first step in learning to love another, than a community, than a world. We have to start with our Self.

So how do we do that? Well first you can decide what you would like to make you happy right now. A chocolate truffle? a massage? swinging in a hammock? a movie? Whatever! Just pick one thing right now that would bring a smile to your face and make you feel good. That’s one of the first steps to liking and/or loving yourself. You have to give to yourself what you want. Do you feel like dancing? Put on a CD and dance away! Do you want to sleep? Curl up on the couch, a chair, the grass and sleep deeply. Enjoy yourself. Allow yourself to be happy.

Now I hear you saying, well that’s all well and good but if we all play the grasshopper there’ll be no winter stores put away; we need to be more like the ants and work, work, work. I am not advocating becoming irresponsible; I’m just talking about allowing yourself to feel good about yourself. Dropping responsibilities does not make me happy, there has to be some type of balance for me to feel happy. When we feel good about ourselves we can achieve our goals and desires with greater ease because we are open to more solutions. This is a type of self nurturing that feeds us on so many levels. Physically our body relaxes a bit more; emotionally we feel a lightness to our mood; mentally our mind calms and allows more creative space to open up and spiritually our spirit/soul transcends a bit more. Don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself. Be good to you.


I call it Positive Selfishness, meaning you put yourself first and being sure your wants and needs are met, in turn, allows you to turn around and pass it on. You feel great so why not share it? A smile on your face for no reason other than it feels good. I know we’ve all heard many times, aboard the plane, about putting the oxygen mask on your self first before masking your child. What good are you to your child or anyone if you pass out before you can help or assist them? Make sure your love tank is topped off by being good to yourself. Treat yourself like you would your best friend. We are worth it, each and every one of us. And one by one, the world becomes a little bit brighter. And we do need the brightness, we do indeed.


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2016 Sharon Holley 2016 Sharon Holley

Coloring & Hummingbirds

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that coloring is a wonderful meditative state for me. When all else fails I put on a CD or audio tape I want to hear and get out the coloring book and pens. I’ve been doing this for a number of years but I’ve just found out recently that coloring for adults is the ‘new thing’. Well, if so, that’s great because we adults need the head/heart/soul space coloring can bring. …

Blog, May 30, 2016

I don’t know about you but I’ve found that coloring is a wonderful meditative state for me. When all else fails I put on a CD or audio tape I want to hear and get out the coloring book and pens. I’ve been doing this for a number of years but I’ve just found out recently that coloring for adults is the ‘new thing’. Well, if so, that’s great because we adults need the head/heart/soul space coloring can bring.

I get lost in the repetitive movements and time passes effortlessly. And, at the same time my mind soars free and quiet intuitive hits begin emerging from the background, knowledge comes to the forefront, and I begin to see resolutions that were elusive before. It’s a very calming creative space for me and very enjoyable. Of course, you have to quiet the nattering ‘voices’ that try to come up at the beginning like, ‘what are you doing now? You should be (fill in the blank with appropriate chores/responsibilities) but you’re going to color?! Incredible! Is that a good use of your time? How does that resolve (whatever issue that is currently on the horizon)? I’m very happy to report that repeated use of the colored pens and books have silenced most of these irritating little voices before they even get a chance to begin.

Astrologically, right now we have five planets in retrograde, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. (Retrograde means that a planet apparently appears to be moving backwards in the Zodiac in relation to Earth.) Jupiter will go Direct (forward) on May 9th but the other 4 will be retrograde and end at various dates with Pluto being the last to go Direct on September 26, 2016. All this means is that it’s definitely a summer for reflection and inner contemplation and a bit of navel gazing. No, that doesn’t mean that we can’t get things done but it does mean to stop and reflect and listen for your inner guidance as you carry out your plans. All those planets are saying, in their various voices, slow down, ponder and look within.

So coloring, daydreaming, meditating…whatever works for you to get in touch with your Higher Self/Guidance/Inner Voice will be in the forefront this month of May and through the summer.

Ruby Throated Emerald Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Emerald Hummingbird

And as for the hummingbirds…well in my new backyard there is a vibrant Bird of Paradise plant and this beautiful ruby-throated emerald green hummingbird appears every morning and while I have tea, he has nectar. It’s a wonderful arrangement and she appeared every morning for about 10 days, when it wasn’t raining. This was especially welcomed because it always brightened my mood and helped start the day. What I was wonderfully amused by was the fact, no matter what time I sat down for a bite to eat and a cup of tea, there he was. 8 AM to 11 AM made no difference, he’d flit in for a quick sip and take off leaving me with a grin and a thank you.

Hummingbird Back Story: About two years ago, Stan & I were at the Self- Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine in Pacific Palisades. This was a spot we visited often to enjoy the beauty, quietness and rich flora and fauna. A few days before the mentioned visit I had given Stan a birthday card that had a beautiful gold seal on the envelope that was embossed with a hummingbird and a notation that the hummingbird signified Joy. I thought, at the time, that ‘wow I didn’t know that and they are a great symbol for joy.‘ That day at the Lake Shrine Stan & I were sitting on a bench enjoying the sun and I was feeling very happy and content. I’m pretty sure I thought to myself, I feel rather joyous. We strolled further along the lake to a floating platform on the lake and admired a waterfall. As we stood there in the sunshine and I was feeling very content, suddenly a group of 5 hummingbirds appeared before us and just fluttered in the air. We had never seen a flock of hummingbirds before. Usually only one or two at a time but five all flying and flitting around in the same air space and staying there for a good 30 seconds! We both were grinning from ear to ear at the beautiful air dancers and feeling pretty special to get to witness that. Since that time I’ve always equated hummingbirds with joy.

So you can see how the morning tea hummingbird lifted my spirits seeing him or her for that matter, every morning. So coloring, hummingbirds, whatever it takes to put you in touch with your Self; be sure and allow it to happen, especially now. In the midst of all this chaos and noise in the world we can always find a positive news story, a rainbow, a spark of happiness and joy, if we let it in. Namaste Y’All!

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