"Our transitional time presents us with a

myriad of opportunities.”

Counseling Session, Fees, and Testimonials

Counseling - The session lasts about 45 minutes to an hour depending on your issues and how many questions that you might have and the ensuing discussion. The session may be in person or via long distance, via Skype, phone, FaceTime, and/or emails. A session can take many forms depending upon your needs and issues. It can be a psychic reading of your aura; it can be primarily an Astrology reading; it can be in a coaching form, if you need an accountability or guidance coach in a long-term project. Or, it can be any combination and more of the aforementioned.

Fees - My fee is $100/hour for a Reading.

Payment – After you contact me - no charge for this initial contact - and we discuss the parameters of the session, I will email you an invoice-link to be paid prior to our session.

Testimonials – I have included a few remarks of my former and current clients:


- I just want to take this time to thank you for suggesting to my Mom that I would benefit from acupuncture. She made an appointment for me right away! And you know what? I am feeling fantastic!! The results from the treatment were almost immediate. My hind legs feel more flexible and less stiff. For the first time this year, I am now able to get all the way up on my hind legs and do the ‘happy dance’ when my Mommy comes home from work. I have a bgger bounce in my walk when my mom and I hit the pavement, I can run really fast again and almost catch the rabbits in our neighborhood. And finally, I can jump up on the furniture again and get my human snuggles. Sharon I can’t thank you enough. It’s wonderful to feel great again. Love and Licks, SCRUFFY

“Me, easily up on the furniture once more!”

“Me, easily up on the furniture once more!”


- I don’t know where to begin, but let me start off by saying that Sharon is amazing! Not only does she share in-depth insight into what’s happening, but also, I find her counseling abilities to be the most beneficial. You know, sometimes you need someone to just make it real plain and Sharon knows just how to do that. Her wisdom and insight is priceless and separates her from the rest. She knows her clients well and has the ability to communicate in a way that her clients will “get it”. For that reason and many more, I must say, I am so happy to have her in my life :-). T T-L

- Sharon has a special gift of being able to balance her sensitive and highly intuitive psychic awareness, with a down-to-earth, no-nonsense grounded-ness, that puts her squarely in this world, but not of it! As a life coach she has kept me accountable with practical suggestions and action steps that I am responsible for implementing. But I always feel encouraged by her compassion, humor and positive attitude. Whenever I need to check in spiritually, whether through astrology, a psychic reading or some simple, friendly advice, I can count on Sharon’s keen insights and loving support. Over the years I find that her insights, intuition and ability to hone in on the issues at hand seems to sharpen along with wise counsel. C B-S


- While I never liked to be labeled or pigeonholed I will admit I am a single woman wondering where my man as it. Typical? Over the years I have read self help books, prayed, pondered the astrological and Chinese Zodiac and still I wonder what is wrong with me? I am good looking (no really I am it’s not a personal opinion or my mothers) smart, I have a good job so what’s the problem? I have had other more wiser woman and men ask me, what’s the problem? I have opened my horizons considered any potential suitor who met the criteria I wrote down in a wish list nothing major just 35 or so important points… tall, active, good teeth, good job, smart, creative, funny… the list goes on. Enter Sharon…In my quest to find the perfect man, I felt that I needed to become the perfect woman to attract that man–loose weight, cook gourmet meals, run marathons, mind you this was not a conscious decision more one a spiritual level where I decided I could not accept love until I was perfect. I was repeating a past incarnation where I had shunned my baser needs as a human being in order to attempt acension as a spiritual being. While I am not living in cave these days I may as well have been since I had created walls around myself and guards to keep myself safe. Our spiritual journey’s are ongoing and we all need guidance — “a quick hey look at what your doing here” to help us on you’re way. Sharon is able to point out what I am doing to sabotage myself and she does it with grace and a welcome sense of humor. B R

- Sharon Holley, my wondrous spirit in life, soul sister.. . Being a double Scorpio, I have throughout my existence on the planet had/have so many, many connections, messages, suggestions, near “walk-ins”, nudges, pushes, pulls . . . to the point that not only my dream state, meditation place, but also within my waking state, I have been overwhelmed with “other” awarenesses, dimension travels and more. This WAS my existence for most of my 50+ years in this lifetime. After meeting and gaining our grand mutual trust and grounding, Sharon has FINALLY made my life possible to completely and fully ground myself and begin to comprehend all of the insight that I have to offer not just to myself, but to the loved ones around me. Sharon can within minutes, either in person or via phone bring me back to “center” or as she says ‘comfortably and fully’ bring me back “behind my eyes” I now have some of the most amazing tools and methods for grounding, clearing MY space and clearly opening the channels that I need to focus on for a progressive spirit filled day-to-day protected reality. I could say even more about Sharon and the experience that I have had through her guidance . . . . . . this is fine for this time. Love light, thank you Sharon. S S


- I met Sharon through what I believe was a well-crafted set up by the Universe, in order for her to introduce me to my spirit guide. From the moment Sharon and I were introduced, I felt comfortable, safe and trusted her gift of second sight. I can say the same about the advice she has given me in her role as a life coach. I think of Sharon as the workbook, which accompanies information from my spirit guide. Sharon is kind, generous, compassionate, but also direct in her communication. If you are seeking Truth, this is your go-to girl. Sharon continues to be a significant contributor on my spiritual journey. J P


- I could fill this page with my ‘Sharon testimonials’. She has shared her spiritual gift with me several times, but the one that stands out the most is when I found out I was pregnant. My husband, family and I were convinced it was gonna be a boy. And even strangers said I was carrying as if I was having a boy. But I met with Sharon one day and she informed me that there was a battle going on for my womb… a girl, and a boy, and the girl was winning! Now when I look at my daughter who is attached to my hip, and craves my attention and showers me with her 12 month old wet, open mouth kisses, I have a different perspective. SHE chose me to bring her into this world, and nurture her. So those moments where my irritation arrives, as it does for all mothers, I hear Sharon’s voice in my head, ‘She fought for you’! Thank you Sharon. N J-B


- Sharon has a gift. She can see, connect and communicate information on many levels and in many ways. She is constantly growing her abilities and also providing you with information to grow your own. She is extremely informed on what is happening now and how it might affect and effect you. Sharon is compassionate with the precision and drive for the truth of a Sherlock Holmes. I am ever grateful to Sharon for the message from my Mother (who had recently passed) and the insight she had with regards to the message. It has had a profound effect on my life. I love her periodic updates, suggestions and general information about the constantly changing state of the universe and practical suggestions to help you navigate through it. Sharon is a gem. She sparkles with light and love. N G-L