2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Transition Time

We are in the midst of much physical upheaval here on Earth. We have always had geological upheavals of some type or another, but these are happening in rapid succession when compared to the past. Many of us know that this is the time we have been told was coming: The Transition Times, as we move from fear based 3rd Dimensional environment to a fearless 5th Dimensional environment. …

Blog, September 11, 2017



Conscious Fears

We are in the midst of much physical upheaval here on Earth. We have always had geological upheavals of some type or another, but these are happening in rapid succession when compared to the past. Many of us know that this is the time we have been told was coming. The Transition Times as we move from fear based 3rd Dimensional environment to a fearless 5th Dimensional environment. The trip getting from 3D to 5D is one that many of us are consciously aware of, and others are not consciously aware, they just know something is different and changing. These changes can bring about fears because that’s what uncertainty does, it brings up our fears of ‘what if’ (and everything else).

Acting, Rather Than Reacting

Now’s the time when we use the spiritual practices we learned when times where less chaotic. Meditating, spending time in peaceful Nature, staying heart-centered and not fear based, prayers and means of which to bring one to a quiet centered place. When we’re in that quiet centered place we’re able to act and not react to the external circumstances as they occur. We’re able to allow ourselves to hear our ‘inner knowing‘ that advises us of the best action to take. This knowing comes to the forefront effortlessly when we’re quiet enough to listen.

Choosing Your Best Path


Yes, chaos may be raging around you, but you can still ascertain the best path through the chaos. I know it’s difficult to remember that your goal was to drain the swamp when you’re up to your neck in alligators, but that’s what I’m saying–we can do it. So how, you may be saying, as you smash that alligator on your left on the nose with the stick? Again, this is about trusting ourselves. We are much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and that’s a big part of this 3D to 5D trip. Trusting that your spiritual knowledge will come to the forefront and show you how to avoid being alligator bait and still drain the swamp! The alligators will leave when the swamp’s drained.

More In Touch With Spirit

As we allow our understandings to come to the forefront, which happens when we’re centered, we begin to have more of an appreciation of how our human side is becoming more in touch with our spiritual side. This has nothing to do with any specific religion or religious dogma. We are all spiritual beings and we are learning how to operate more and more from our spiritual side as Earth and humanity move to the 5th Dimension. This is happening whether we are conscious of it or not, so learning how to navigate through this Transition Time is important.

Higher Vibrations

The energy we are being impacted with now is of a higher vibration than we’ve experienced before. It is a light energy that is more intense and radiant and it is clearing us and Gaia of all our negative energy. Since the Spring Equinox (and before) we have been ingesting more and more of this energy and so has Gaia. For us, it is assisting us to release the negative energies of fear, anger, jealousy, dominance, envy, hate, and other uncomfortable feelings. It’s also allowing Earth to clear her space of all the negativity that we have poured into Earth’s aura.

4th Dimension?

Many of you may be wondering what happened to the 4th Dimension? Why do we skip from 3D to 5D? Well 4D, among other things, is the etheric/auric body of Gaia and she’s been holding all our negativity for eons. She’s clearing her space and she moving into 5D, the same as we are. Anger, hate, war energy and the like don’t vanish; the energy has been absorbed in Gaia’s etheric/astral body and that time is over now.

Quiet Joy


So we’re in the midst of it now and will be for some time. However some of the best ways to transverse this transitional landscape is by allowing yourself to do what brings you quiet joy. When we are in a state of quiet joy our vibrational field is one of calmness, peacefulness and inspiration. Yes inspiration! Your Higher Self (spiritual side) can communicate with you (human side) easier and you can hear or intuit easier and be inspired or know the best action in any situation. We’re striving for a unity here of the physical or human part of us reflecting and acting from our spiritual knowledge.

This is what the Change/Ascension/Shift is all about. And yes I understand this ‘quiet joy’ state is one that is very difficult to achieve when in the midst of a hurricane, earthquake and the like. Most try to achieve that state of ‘quiet joy’ when the immediate life threatening situation abates a bit; others can maintain it even in the face of displeasing external circumstances.

Writing Your Own Handbook

There is no handbook with steps 1, 2, 3 for us to follow other than allow ourselves to be at peace, centered and listening to our inner self or Higher Self. This is easier said than done, I know, I’m still working on it every day and have been for years. But it does get easier the more you do it, the more you allow yourself the quiet time for communing with Self. The reason there is no handbook is because each and every one of us is unique, we each have our own way of achieving our outlook on life. We each have to learn to hear our Self and guide ourselves from there—with laughter, love and happiness. And every one’s quiet joy or peace is unique unto them-self. We will each find our path in our unique way.

With Love,




The Beauty of Compassion


Hello Dear Ones,

We have spoken of many forms of beauty in these newsletters such as Beauty of Nature and Beauty of Self. I wish to speak of the beauty of Compassion. Your compassion for one another is appearing in more and more instances all over the globe. As you are confronted with natural disasters, terrorism, random acts of violence and other incredibly stressful circumstances your compassion is coming to the fore. And it is beautiful


In your social media on the Internet there are stories and pictures of you coming to the aid of one another in remarkable ways. Often putting yourself at risk to help or aid another. The compassion you show for one another is wonderfully heart expanding and helps raise the vibrations and energy of the entire planet. The Beauty of Compassion shines like a beacon whenever your caring acts of this nature take place.

Heart openings in the face of danger, destruction and fear are so powerfully healing to each other and to Earth. You always have free will and could decide not to assist one another but you seldom chose that route. Your own safety is often not considered when you are faced with someone’s need and you strive to create a life-saving solution. This may not seem like Beauty to you but it is. One of the best aspects of Beauty.


There is no greater beauty than the love you show one another filled with compassion and caring. The beacons of light that shine all over the planet attest to your great hearts. And, in the aftermaths, you still support and care for one another. Cleaning up, rebuilding, making plans anew. Yes, you have governmental institutions that offer some assistance but the help that comes from neighbor to neighbor, stranger to stranger is the truly heartfelt one. And the light from these acts is glorious.

Here in the angelic realm we see the energy of the Elements during this Transition Time expressed as the Fires – woodlands and fields; Water – floods and storm surges; Air – hurricanes and typhoons and Earth – earthquakes and landslides. These natural disasters are movements of Elemental energy over the Earth assisting Earth to higher dimensions. Negative energies all over the globe must be cleared and Gaia is doing it as carefully as she can but she must shed all the eons and eons of humanity’s negative energies she has borne. We tell you this negative energy is being cleared as rapidly as possible while doing the least harm possible to humanity. As always, during mankind’s trials and tribulations, we stand by to help you with our love, our guidance and support and energy. We are but a heartbeat away and will respond immediately if you but ask. And, ask you must because we cannot overstep your free will–the Prime Directive, in Star Trek language. So please, there are many of us, in many guises, all over the planet ready and willing to be of assistance with loving support and nurturance, call on us as you aid one another. We are here.

With Deepest Love,

I Am Archangel Jophiel speaking from the Angelic Dimensions

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2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

In, But Not Of . . .

What does it mean to ‘be in the world but not of it’? This is a phrase that crops up regularly as one looks at spiritual growth. It definitely sounds like some type of good advice, but how do you apply it to your life? It’s not quite as straight-forward as ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ …

Blog, July 17, 1917



What does it mean to ‘be in the world but not of it’? This is a phrase that crops up regularly as one looks at spiritual growth. It definitely sounds like some type of good advice, but how do you apply it to your life? It’s not quite as straight-forward as ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’; which most of us have a fairly clear idea of what that means. But ‘be in the world, but not of it? Not so clear.

Looking at the Word “In”

Well let’s break it down…we’ll start by looking at the word ‘in’. It certainly is a versatile word; it’s a preposition such as ‘living in New York’ and it’s also an adverb, as ‘come in’. And if that’s not enough, it’s also an adjective as ‘there was no one in when we knocked’, plus it sometimes works as a noun, such as ‘he has an in with the CEO’.

Looking at “Of”

How about ‘of’; what definitions do we have for ‘of’? Here we kind of luck out since it is only defined as a preposition that shows the relationship between a part and a whole. For instance, ‘the door is part of a house’.

Putting It Together

So going back to our phrase of ‘being in the world but not of it’….I believe the first definition of ‘in’, a preposition, is the one that is being referred to in this instance. We are in the world since we appear to be surrounded or in the midst of our life and world. There’s little denying that we’re here with our feet planted on good old terra firma in the midst of our politics, financial, sociological, religious, and other structures and institutions we have constructed.


But how is it that we also should not be of the world as the spiritual adage points out? To understand this I believe one has to first understand that the adage is saying that we are not ‘part (human) of a whole (world)’. We are Divine Beings having a Human Experience; not humans having a worldly experience as it appears to us. Oh yes, our bodies are very human and definitely part of the elements that compromise the world. But that is just our bodies, not our Spirit Soul which is the Divine part and not of the worldly elements.


Beginning to understand how this applies to one’s life gives an insight as to how to stay centered midst the worldly chaos. Yes, the world may appear to ‘be going to hell in a hand-basket’ all around us, but if we stay within our Spirit Soul/Higher Self we will weather the trails and tribulations around us. Hence the need for having a safe haven within, one’s center, a place to stand from and look out. This in no way means you are not caring, compassionate, and passionate about the ways of the world. It just means you can be of so much more help to you and the rest of society (and your family and friends) if you operate from a serene Sprit Soul center.


This is what the Ascension is about, waking up to our Divinity. We are Divine Beings having a human experience here on Earth. We came here from the All That Is/God/Prime Creator to experience separateness at a dense dimension. We have done so. We have gathered experiences and understandings that we bring back to the All That Is as we Ascend and return to the All. We have done this to have more understanding of Self under all circumstances. Well, we’ve explored and delved into the depths of operating at a dense dimension in separation and as more and more intense light energy bathes Earth, we ascend towards more and more compassion, understanding and love.

Inner Strength

Our Spirit Soul self, our I AM Presence, will allow us the wherewithal to not get negatively emotionally caught up in all the horrors we are witnessing in the outer world. The strength of our individual inner world is our connection to the Love, Light & Joy that will allow us diminish the Dark and bring the Love, Light & Joy to the outer world.

As you all know, none of this is easy. We are emotional beings with feelings of love, compassion, joy, and happiness that stand side by side with anger, hate, envy and greed. The changes we are all-seeing in the outer world are reflected in our inner world as we deal with bringing more and more light to our innerscape. We are in the world, but we are not of the world, we are beings of Light/Love in the midst of a massive change to more and more Love/Light in our inner and outer worlds.

Astrological Energy Accelerations


As we clear more and more shadow energy from earth and ourselves, we have many heavenly events transmitting energies to us during the remainder of this summer season.

We are more than half-way through 2017 and there’s lots more. We just experienced a Full Moon on July 9th that brought to the surface very deep feelings and emotions for transformation and clearing. The energy we are in now allows simply releasing of these deep emotions and letting them gently go. No wrestling with them or feeling guilt is needed. Let go and let love.

July 25th is the Mayan, ‘Day Out of Time’, a day the Mayans experienced with reverence and cultural appreciation for the concept that this is a ‘day free of time’; a free day of quiet contemplation. A time when there is a transformation from one-time cycle to another. The ‘pause’ moment between evolutionary cycles for Earth.

July 26th is the Planetary New Year to the Ancient Mayans and Ancient Egyptians. This was viewed as a new evolutionary cycle, Sirius rises in the morning sky, right next to the Sun, a time of two suns rising. A time for all beings to begin a new personal cycle of creation and being. Sirius was known as the Sacred Teacher Star when it’s energy, aligned with the Sun, was sent through the Lion’s Gate portal, which begins to open on July 26th.

The Lion’s Gate Period from July 26th, climaxing August 8th and closes on August 12th. This is a yearly period when a great influx of energies from the galactic center come to us through the Leo constellation.

The Full Moon of August 7th has a partial Lunar Eclipse which will create more empowerment for the Divine Feminine on Earth. This augments our right brain energies of creativity and compassion and allows them to become more active.

The total Solar Eclipse of August 21st integrates all the energy and codes into our crystalline grid surrounding Earth. All this push of energy provides a major impetus for change and transformation on Earth. Yes, more change. That will be a constant.


Well that gets us through the rest of the summer energies of 2017 and it’s certainly living up to the Fire Rooster year we saw entering in January. Wow!

Still With Me?

Well folks, if you’re still with me and have decided that Sharon is not all the way ‘cray cray’…wonderful because we’re going for greater love and compassion. Our growing unified consciousness will show us more and more that we are in this world; but our self-work is also showing us that we are Essence, not of this world.

We approach the Dawning of a New Earth, one that Dag Hammarskjold alluded to when he said:

You wake from dreams of doom and–for a moment–you know: beyond all the noise and the gestures, the only real thing, love’s calm unwavering flame in the half-light of an early dawn.” - Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary General of the United Nations, 1953-1961.

Light to All




Beauty of Your Self


Hello Dear Ones,

I wish to ask you, have you ever considered the Beauty of your Self? I know I oft speak of Beauty, but one of the most beautiful things on Planet Earth is You. Yes, I am speaking to each and every one of you. I’m not speaking of the beauty you see when you see a reflection of yourself; I’m speaking of your Inner Beauty. The outer beauty you see reflected from your mirror is beauty with a small ‘b’. I speak of the true Beauty within, your Inner Light of Beauty with a capital ‘B’.

Each one of you is a sparkling facet of LoveLight that we here in the spiritual dimension can see. You each have your own unique color and wavelength of light and sound and it is a wondrous sight to behold. All the colors of the rainbow and many many more colors that have yet to be seen and named by you.

I realize many of you will find this hard to believe that everyone on Planet Earth has this sparkling LoveLight jewel within, but you do…everyone of you. Now, yes, many have their light dimmed by shadows and darkness, but they have the light nevertheless and we can see it through the clouds of sorrow, anger, loneliness and other dimming feelings. And it sparkles!

Your Signature


You came to Earth with that light and you have kept it through all your many incarnations on the planet. It is your unique signature in the Omniverse. When you are between incarnations and in the spiritual dimensions, this LoveLight is how you are identified. There is also an accompanying tone with the LoveLight, a unique sound signature for all of you.

On Earth there are a variety of names for this inner light: Higher Self, SpiritSoul, I AM Presence, God Particle, and more. These names are used to help you understand about your Inner Light. I know that many of you will recall E.T.’s LoveLight in the movie from the ’80’s. You all have it and you all know, at some level, that it’s there within you. You may not have known, however, how much Beauty your LoveLight adds and enhances for All.


Your LoveLight may be difficult or impossible for you to see yourself, but you do notice this LoveLight in others. Oh, you may not name it as such, but you do recognize it. They seem to have an extra sparkle or glow about them and you feel happy to be in their presence. Where you see that in others–others may see/feel the same LoveLight from you. Some of you have polished and increased the radiance of your LoveLight by finding ways to cultivate joy, compassion, forgiveness and love in your lives. As you experience more and more positive emotional states you become more and more radiant. Your spiritual connection with this LoveLight (I AM Presence, Higher Self, SoulStar, etc.) becomes clearer and clearer as you grow in your capacity to love. As your connection becomes stronger and stronger you sparkle even more. Shadows and darkness are shaken loose from corners within and light begins filling you more and more. This LoveLight is your connection with God/All That Is/Prime Creator. It’s your piece of the All.

Starring Role

This is akin to what is happening to your Planet as it goes through the Shift of the Ages or Ascension. Negativity is being brought out of the shadows for all to see and clear and Gaia is becoming brighter and brighter. You each play a major role in this dramatic production as your LoveLights become more dazzling than before.


Yes, I am aware that many of you are not seeing Love of any type expressed in the chaos around you, but nonetheless it is there. The shadows, the darkness, the pettiness are becoming more and more apparent every day, but you still are able to have love, compassion, joy, happiness, caring and other positive emotions in your heart and soul. And you express these in acts of caring for others; caring for self; caring for your society and wanting to bring the world to a better state of being.

So, know Dear Ones, your lights are brighter than ever and because of you there is more and more LoveLight on your planet than ever before. We can see a bit further down the timeline from our perspective and you do bring about an even more beautiful New Earth. Your Beauty is shining forth as a beacon pushing back the darkness. So know that Beauty takes many forms and yours is one of the most precious and brilliant of all.



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2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Trees, Squirrels, & Hummingbirds

It has been almost 9 weeks since I last wrote a newsletter and much has transpired during this time. I have been noting internal changes with myself as I’ve ‘danced’ with the external changes and it’s been most interesting. Happy to report fewer and fewer emotional ‘hooks‘ internally, in fact, a stronger and stronger return to a center of peace and neutrality as I observe the world and the chaos. …

Blog, June 15, 1917

Dancing With External Change

It has been almost 9 weeks since I last wrote a newsletter and much has transpired during this time. I have been noting internal changes with myself as I’ve ‘danced’ with the external changes and it’s been most interesting. Happy to report fewer and fewer emotional ‘hooks‘ internally, in fact, a stronger and stronger return to a center of peace and neutrality as I observe the world and the chaos.

Another Move

On a personal level I’ve been dealing with the onset of another move after just a short one year here in our present location. That’s almost wrapped up as we will be moving a very short distance from where we are (at least that’s the plan as of this writing!). However, as you all know that still entails the packing, unpacking, sorting, and all the other ins and outs that go with changing one’s domicile. It’s been and is an opportunity for me to let go of more unnecessary material goods and well as more unneeded mental/emotional goods! Actually it is and has been an adventure in so many ways.

Leaving Friends


One of the dear friends I will be leaving is this beautiful tall tree that stands guard over our home on the south side. It is truly majestic and I have had many a fine talk this tree. But it is just one of a bevy of friends I will be leaving:

  • my morning hummingbird who flits in to say hello almost daily

  • the striking bird of paradise plant that the hummingbird loves to visit.

  • a squirrel that scampers along the backyard fence (and lives in the majestic tree).

While it’s true that all these friends will be missed I am looking forward to the new friends to be made. This is all indicative of what I stated in the first newsletter in April, 2016: Change. It’s been a constant in my life for quite awhile now and that definitely has given me ample opportunities to deal with my ‘stuff’. I know all of us have had major, minor, and in-between changes in our personal lives because that’s what the energy is calling forth now in all of us. The world stage is reflecting it and our personal stages are reflecting it.

Change Delights Our Spirit

As we all go through these changes our Spirit is delighted. Change is fuel to our Spirit which thrives on new experiences and gaining insights. It’s our mental/emotional/physical self that has a few butterflies contemplating changes, but that’s just our reaction to Spirit flowing and dancing with all the changes. And, of course, we have another big astrological change approaching, Summer Solstice on June 21st!

Summer Solstice

Equinoxes, Solstices, Full Moons, New Moons, and other astrological experiences are opportunities to breathe in the energies that these portals bring. Earth is being bathed constantly in more and more light energy that keeps bringing the Shadow out into the open to be healed. We are doing that on a world basis and on a personal basis as more and more comes to light.

On a personal basis, one way to use this light energy for self-healing and growth can be demonstrated by the next three signs of the Zodiac ushered in by the Solstice: Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Relationships of all types have been a major theme this year (along with constant change) and will continue to be throughout the year. Relationships with self, with family, love partners, work…all our relationships.

  • Cancer wants us to deepen and nurture our relationships, especially with family members. Set aside some time to spend developing close connections to your family, your tribe.

  • Leo wants us to be true to our heart and follow where it leads us in love and life. We should be happy and feel loved, we deserve it.

  • Virgo helps us do things to assist and help others we love to have an easier life. Find ways to be of help to others dealing with errands or tasks.

Personal Responsibility, Attitude

So while it’s true that many of us our resistant to change and prefer things staying the same…they’re not and they won’t. This is the time of Change, Growth, Light. Each one of us is responsible for how we interact with that Change:

  • Do we go with the flow?

  • Do we drag our feet and kick and scream?

  • Do we look with wonder on what is happening?

Our attitude and the way be meet the Change is the deciding factor here. Remember, Spirit embraces change and loves to dance with it. So it’s a good idea to get in touch with your spirit for guidance. It’s a great dance partner and will not step on your toes!

Love & Light


Beauty is a Balm

Hello Dear Ones,

Seeing Beauty in the world can be difficult. There is much Beauty surrounding you at all times but the loudness of the Ugly can catch and hold one’s attention. We understand this and this is why we strive to help you see Beauty as much as possible. Beauty soothes the soul and brings calmness to one’s spirit. It helps assuage the loudness and ugliness of many of the crass acts and behavior in the world. It is not a band-aid or a glossing over of atrocities, but a true balm to the wounds and pains of the world.


This is demonstrated by the outpouring of Love and Beauty that springs up at many instances of mayhem on your planet. Flowers, candles, stuffed toys and other symbols of pushing back the Darkness with Light and Beauty. These spring, almost spontaneously, at the scenes because of the wish to express the eradication of violence and ugly acts and replace the dark energy with energy filled with light, love and beauty.


Beauty takes many forms dependent upon the individual’s expression, but all those forms bring smiles and a bit of joy to the creator. The beauty of Nature which can be expressed so many ways…the enjoyment of a flower and the beauty it adds to a landscape is but one that comes to mind. The beauty of artistic expressions…a soulful saxophone player on a San Francisco street comes to Sharon’s mind. The beauty of sharing or helping someone with a task. Even as small as opening a door for a stranger with their hands full. All these and so many many more are examples of Beauty that continually surrounds you.

Recently M. F. of New Mexico asked; “How can I express or even appreciate Beauty when so many others are in unbelievable dire straits? There are so many without the basics of food, clothes, shelter or anything? Where is the Beauty in that?

I hear and understand your question because it is true, there is much inequity in the world and one can feel guilty or being seen as non-caring by thinking that ‘if I plant a flower or smile at someone’ I’m helping alleviate the horridness in the world. All Life on Earth is in a matrix, a grid of Consciousness. A connection of vibrations that act much like a stone thrown into a pond; energy impacts the entire matrix or pond from the toss. So while it may appear futile to keep one’s energy happy or positive by the expression and enjoyment of Beauty, it is not. Your energy or acts of expression are just as important as the next person’s. And as more and more of you allow Beauty, Love, and Peace to be your emotional states you add those vibrations to the overall matrix. As more and more people do so the Consciousness changes. Remember the 100th monkey story? The hundredth monkey story refers to a sudden spontaneous and mysterious leap of consciousness achieved when an allegedly “critical mass” point is reached.


You are all approaching this critical mass at a very rapid rate even though it seems a snail’s pace to you. From our perspective Earth is getting lighter and brighter with each day as more and more of you access your center of peace and calmness. Beauty is an expression of this peace and calmness. A quiet joy that spreads from one to another and eventually the entire web of Consciousness. Continue looking for Beauty and spreading it and sharing it with others as it helps bring more and more light to your world.


P.S. Hi, Sharon here. Shortly after I finished typing this message from Archangel Jophiel, I received an email (ain’t synchronicity grand?!) that illustrates the power of staying positive and how all is connected. This story is from Good News website: “The Impact of Positive and Negative Emotions”.

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2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Changes, They Just Keep Coming . . . .

I find it a bit difficult to believe that I wrote my first newsletter just a year ago this month. And that April, 2016 newsletter was titled ‘Comments on Changes…’. The disbelief is about both the time and the subject matter of Changes. Time passes, for me, very rapidly now with something that occurs two or three days ago seeming to be almost weeks ago and things occurring hours ago seem like almost a day or so ago. …

Blog, April 12, 1917


I find it a bit difficult to believe that I wrote my first newsletter just a year ago this month. And that April, 2016 newsletter was titled ‘Comments on Changes…’. The disbelief is about both the time and the subject matter of Changes. Time passes, for me, very rapidly now with something that occurs two or three days ago seeming to be almost weeks ago and things occurring hours ago seem like almost a day or so ago. It’s really very good practice for staying in the Now (present moment) and not worrying about the future or feeling guilty about something that happened in the past.

Out of the Blue

As for the subject of Changes, wow, they just keep coming. Many of them are those proverbial ‘bolts out of the blue’. I know we are all becoming very adept at finding our center and not being pulled into the storm. So far I’m still in the eye of the storm where it’s relatively calm and peaceful. That is, relative to all our world chaos. I’m getting lots of practice at remaining calm, centered, and grounded and using all my energy tools to allow me to move and maintain my changing place at the eye of the storm. I know that if we get pushed or pulled into the storm wall we can miss our goals. Even get blown out to sea by the energetic winds! So anger, fear, anxiety and angst are allowed to pass through as I bob along in the eye and being very aware and conscious of the storm wall.


And yes, it is a busy storm wall of mayhem, strife, chaos, and bizarreness. As the energy pushes us higher and higher we learn to be aware of world happenings and yet maintain our connection to our Higher Self. We all know this isn’t exactly easy to do, but it is well worth it to be able to maintain an ability to deal with all the changes from a place of calm. I certainly am not saying ignore what’s occurring in the storm wall and assist and aid when and where it feels right to you. Be that peaceful protest, letter writing, charitable support….whatever form seems right to you. Trust your Higher Self to guide you to how you can be of assistance in the world.

To assist in maintaining our center in the stormy weather, we are being offered an astrological time for revisiting, regrouping, rethinking and clearing out of any old still remaining negative energies. We have 5 planets in retrograde which provide the impetus for this process.

  • Venus is already retrograde and entered Pisces on April 2nd; goes direct (forward) on April 15th.

  • Jupiter has been retrograde since February 6th and goes direct on June 10th

  • Saturn went retrograde on April 5th and goes direct on August 25th.

  • Mercury went retrograde on April 9th and direct on May 3rd.

  • Pluto will be retrograde on April 21st and going direct September 29th.

This time of reflection allows the resurfacing and rekindling of any old energies we have that we want to release. Especially in the area of relationships with Others and with our Self. Yes, it can be uncomfortable but we want to be ready to move forward with our dreams and creative projects — first, when Jupiter goes direct in mid-June and secondly, when Saturn goes direct on August 25th.

Walk My Walk

April of 2016 my household had been in our new residence a month. This April, 2017 we are making plans to find a new domicile and combining households with my sister. Once again I get an opportunity to ‘walk my talk’, so to speak! This was one of those unexpected turn of events I mean when I talk about constant change and ‘bolts out of the blue’. I am reminded of a saying by Pema Chodron (an American Tibetian Buddhist) who said:

Somehow, in the process of trying to deny that things are always changing, we lose our sense of the sacredness of life. We tend to forget that we are part of the natural scheme of things.

Well, we all are certainly part of the natural scheme of things in each our own way. Right now my main focus or way consists of boxes, packing, storage and searching for a new domicile. I’m having a sense of adventure with generous helpings of Grace and Ease. It will be fun to see what we create for ourselves.


Creators . . .

Hello Dear Ones,

I wish to remind you, at this time, that you are ALL creators. Yes, creators. You create with your intentions and your emotional state. In turn, the Universe responds through the creative force of the Universe–Love and Light, and your creation manifests! If your emotional state is one of happiness, calmness, joy, and feeling positive about yourself your manifestations will reflect this.

The energy of the Universe is that of Love and it responds to your intentions and emotions. I know it sounds odd to hear that you are Creators, but you are. The Love energy of the Universe does not hear or understand English, German, Mandarin, Spanish, etc., but it does understand the energies of intent and emotions. The manifestations of said intent and emotion will be answered in the manner that is in highest keeping with your Soul Growth and your Higher Self.

Many of you are saying that with all the things going wrong in the world and/or with my life I certainly do not feel like a Creator. We understand this and want you to know that is why we are so close to you all now to help you clear yourselves of fear, anxiety, angst and such. As you become clearer and lighter you change the energy around you and in turn your world. Yes, you have much chaos and terror now as it all surfaces for clearing. It took eons for your world to reach this state, but it will NOT take eons for clearing it. You are clearing it now very swiftly. I know this does not appear rapid to you, but it is.


We, in the angelic world, are working with you as you all work very diligently to clear and rid yourself of a fear based reality. And you are doing so. We work with our energies in our dimension as you, you who are the ‘boots on the ground’, work in yours. This work you are all doing is raising the energy of the entire universal field. It is so very important and appreciated. You are moving to a Love-based reality, which we know seems rather unbelievable right now as you look at the world situation, but you are.

We appreciate and love you and hold you in the highest regard. This is not easy work, but you are doing it faster than thought possible. As the vibrations become higher and higher your work is becoming easier and easier. You are Creators and you are creating. Allow yourself to listen to your Higher Self and Trust and Believe in yourself!

We Love You,

Archangel Jophiel

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2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Out There . . .

“Out beyond the ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” ~ Rumi

Sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? But how do we get there from here? Is it even possible that there really is a field like that out there? What if I start on a journey to that field and fall into the abyss? What if I’m the only one out there standing like a fool in the middle of this field all alone? …

Blog, March 18, 2017

Out beyond the ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” ~ Rumi


Here in this field we can be with one another in a place of non-judgement. We can share with one another in a place of peace and love. Sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? But how do we get there from here? Is it even possible that there really is a field like that out there? What if I start on a journey to that field and fall into the abyss? What if I’m the only one out there standing like a fool in the middle of this field all alone?

Fears and Obstacles

These and many more fears and obstacles can stop us from even considering reaching such a field. So, again I say, how do we get there? How do we reach a state of freedom and peace where we’re free of assumptions that there is only right or wrong, black or white, or good or evil?

Kindness, Goodness, and Compassion?

Right now there is a major feeling of being overwhelmed with what we’re faced with in the world and personally. TV news shows; social media; conversations with friends, family and co-workers are reflecting back to us a world that doesn’t resemble the one we wanted. Where’s the kindness, the goodness, the compassion and care for one another? Why is fear and distrust spreading wider and wider over the world?

Finding Ways

It is tiring and dispiriting. A field beyond right and wrong? Sounds like a pipe dream, a fairy tale, a fantasy. A place where we can all meet in understanding and support of one another seems far out of reach. Yet it isn’t. We have the kindness, the goodness, the compassion and caring for one another and we find ways to express it to one another. I’m not saying that at times it can seem overwhelming, but we take a deep breath and rise to the occasion with a smile and a helping hand for our neighbor. We, each one of us, are the counter-weight to the unwieldy tilting we see in the world.

First, Love and Compassion for Self

We make sure our interactions are filled with the compassion in our hearts, the care we have for one another and the, dare I say, love, yes love of our fellow humans. And all of this starts and ends with the love and compassion we have for our Self. Some days you just won’t feel like smiling, you just can’t muster the energy to care for yourself, let alone another. Allow yourself to experience those feelings with compassion. Do not berate yourself if you have a down day or feel full of despair. These feelings will pass as you grow more and more love in your heart for yourself. As this compassion and love builds within for yourself you will be able to share your kindness with others. You’ll be able to rise above the divisiveness.

We Can Be There For Each Other . . .

Yes, we can meet in that field beyond right and wrong and see one another with understanding and a smile on our lips. We can learn how to hear one another; one another’s fears, worries, triumphs, failures and all that makes us human. Letting go of dogma and judgment allows for a new consciousness. One of new understandings and wisdom. We can be there for each other with whatever gifts we have to offer. Be they walking in a protest to peacefully proclaim your views; holding a door open for a stranger who’s arms are full; paying it forward in whatever means possible. We are creative, loving beings and we can find ways to express this with one another.

I Know A Place

Rumi’s words remind me of Mavis Stapleton singing about I Know A Place.


“Listen…you can hear it welling up from the background….”Ahh, oh…I know a place, y’all…I’ll take you there…Ain’t nobody cryin’ there…I’ll take you there…Ain’t nobody worried, y’all…I’ll take you there…Just smilin’ faces…I’ll take you there…”

I’ll meet you out there in the field where we can see one another with compassion and kindness.


Hello Dear Ones,

A question was asked that is very pertinent to the time we are in.

I was asked by G.W., New York; ‘I understand that these are trying times and we are to try and stay as centered and peaceful as we can. I know that this is useful for not only myself but for the collective whole. My question is how do we do this when we are dealing with physical pain? You speak often of emotional/mental or spiritual processes, but we have bodies and sometimes they are very painful. Do you have any suggestions?

Yes, I very clearly hear your questions and understand the concern. It is difficult to have a smile on one’s face when there is physical discomfort to deal with, in addition to all the chaos seen in the world. This makes it imperative that you be good to yourself physically. Many of you have done much work in the realms of emotions, thoughts and spirit work and this is to be commended for it helps you and others immensely through this ascension process.

Now it is just as important to tend to your physical needs. Do you need more rest and/or sleep? Walking in nature? Receiving a massage? Immersion in warm or hot water for soothing aching joints? Change of dietary needs to meet the changing needs of the body? Perhaps more strenuous exercise than a nature walk? Anything that you feel would be soothing and restorative to your body would be most helpful at present. Your bodies are changing along with your mental/emotional/spiritual changes; just at a slower rate.

If you are at a loss as to what to do to feel better, I suggest you commune with your body. I know this may seem like an odd suggestion to many of you, but your body holds the answers as to what is needed to make it (and you) feel better. In your quiet time, your meditation time, your being with Self time; ask your body what would make it feel better. You will be pleasantly surprised as thoughts, pictures and feelings emerge with the response from your body. Tune in to these messages from your body and it will become easier and easier to ‘hear’ what your body is telling you.

Do not neglect your nurturing of your self due to time constraints or responsibilities that seem more pressing. What could be more important than the care and nurturing of the vehicle that carries you through this life? You often do not respond to it until it loudly proclaims it’s needs through pain or aches. Ameliorate those pains by being good to your body. Your path through life will become more joyous as you integrate your physical needs with your mental/emotional/spiritual needs. This too is part of ascension and change.

I send Love to you all and remember to call on us for assistance. We are all here and Archangel Raphael is the archangel of Healing (even for small aches and pains). He wanted me to remind you of all of that. And yes, there are many other beings who assist in healing. You have but to ask in your quiet time.


Archangel Jophiel

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2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

How Do You Get There?

Yes, I’m sure by now you’ve heard that the path through all this din, chaos, calamity, struggle and just plain noise is to be joyful and at peace. But how does one achieve that when you can hardly hear yourself think above the daily trials and tribulations: Have Joy & Peace! …

Blog, February 18, 2017

How Do You Get There?

Have Joy & Peace!

Yes, I’m sure by now you’ve heard that the path through all this din, chaos, calamity, struggle and just plain noise is to be joyful and at peace. But how does one achieve that when you can hardly hear yourself think above the daily trials and tribulations: Have Joy & Peace! Some would settle for just a moment of silence where you could catch your breath?

Jupiter Retrograde is Lending Us a Helping Hand


I repeat, “how do we get there?” Well, the grand old planet Jupiter is lending us a giant helping hand. It’s going retrograde and has been since February 6th and goes direct June 9, 2017. Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness, greater fortune or luck, and optimism. A Jupiter retrograde offers us the chance to slow down a bit and turn inwardly and contemplate things from another perspective.

This is a much welcome opportunity in many ways. So far, this Year of the Fire Rooster, this #1 Year-A New Beginning, has been moving rather quickly and with many unexpected twists and turns. Doesn’t the idea of being able to take a breather and reflect and reevaluate sound appealing? Doesn’t the idea of reviewing any decisions you’ve had to make so far this year sound inviting? This Jupiter retrograde gives you the space to review your progress so far this year. Perhaps there are changes or tweaks that can be made that would be beneficial. Now you have the time to do so.

This retrograde period also gives time to work on our inner landscape. Now we have more breathing room to really contemplate how we could ever possibly have peace, joy, and happiness in our heart.

Your Through-Line

I recently read an article about a river raft guide who spoke of the joy of ‘running a river’. When asked how does one learn to successfully white water raft, he spoke of the through-line, the safe path through the water. You note the obstacles; the rock beneath the surface that will tear a hole in your raft; the dips and whirls that can spin you out of control–and then you focus on the safe path, the through-line. If you attend to all the obstacles they will pull your attention off the through-line and you’re in trouble.


We know of the obstacles–the wars, the injustices, the judgments, the anger and such–we are acutely aware of them. Our awareness of them allows us to steer clear of the negative emotional traps of engaging in hurtful actions, speech and thought. Keep a through-line, an inner path of love, joy, and happiness and steer for them. Allow the positive feelings to become the goal. Trust inner guidance to find the path to the positive thoughts. Obstacles don’t disappear, but we can avoid them and steer into clear, calm waters.

Negative thoughts have a powerful impact on our bodies. When a negative thought enters our mind; our body releases acid, our energy field–aura shrinks, our heart beat increases along with our blood pressure and unwanted hormones are released. These can all lead to inflammation of the system which ages us and can lead to illness. Much better for our bodies if we have positive, optimistic thoughts which allow the release of endorphins, oxytocin, and expansion of our energy field, and decreases our blood pressure. This is following your through-line!

More Time to Look for Positivity

This period of Jupiter in retrograde gives us a bit more time to look for positivity before the year takes off again at break-neck speed. Use whatever means that work best for you to aid yourself in finding that through-line, that path to positivity. Music, Nature, Dance, Humor, Daydreaming, Rest, Relaxation, Sunrise/Sunset Watching, and we can never forget Charlie Brown’s adage: Happiness is a Warm Puppy (or two)!


Help In Interesting Times

Hello Dear Ones,

It is with joy I greet you today. We here in the other dimensions see the light on Earth becoming brighter and brighter. We understand that it does not appear like that to you, but our dimensional difference allows us to see a bit further ahead than you can see on your level. This brightness denotes how many of you are opening your heart chakras more and more and filling the Earth with compassion, kindness, loving and caring. It does not make ‘front-page’ news yet but it does make heart-felt news with your neighbors, your family, your community and one another.

I was asked by V.B., California; How do you angelic beings actually help us move through these,‘interesting times’?

Many of you are familiar with the Prime Directive as defined in your television series, Star Trek which is a prohibition on interfering with other cultures and civilizations that Starfleet encounters. This is similar to your always being allowed to exercise and follow your free will as humans. A guiding principle in all our interactions with you is allowing your free will to be exercised without interference.


We offer guidance to you through your intuitive channels, your Higher Self, your dreams, your Inner Knowing, your Conscience. Remember Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio and how he symbolized Pinocchio’s conscience? That’s an example of how we operate. No, not as insects, but as guidance that assists you in your soul growth. Our guidance to you is always meant to lift your spirits, help you see the best way for you to proceed and to alleviate your sorrows and burdens.

This is why we speak of ‘angels in the woodwork‘ and learning to listen and hear your inner counsel. Each day it becomes easier and easier for you to hear your Spirit, your Higher Self, and your Angelic Guides as Earth progresses through it’s ascension. This is why we urge you to be kind to one another, be compassionate and loving and to look for the best in every situation. These urgings help you to move through the strife and stress, because these positive attributes have vibrations of a higher nature that lead to your Higher Self, your Inner Counsel.

You all came to Earth during this lifetime to assist with the ascension process, for your own soul growth and for the growth of all humanity. Due to the density of the Earth dimension, the vast majority of you knew that your connection to Spirit would be difficult. You also knew that if you learned to turn within, you could still hear Spirit and receive guidance in ‘interesting times’. Every day more and more of you are learning to listen to the ‘still quiet voice within’, which guides through love and peace. This always allows you to have the freedom of free will and make your choices accordingly.

You see, V.B. we do not appear in a flash of light or backed by a heavenly choir (although some of you do perceive us thusly) booming out some loud directive. We do come quietly into your presence when you allow yourself to quietly commune with your Self and hear our voice. We offer this guidance because we love you all very much and we are delighted to be of service to you. Always.


Archangel Jophiel

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2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Runners, Approach Your Starting Gates . . . .

Astrology is practiced in different forms throughout the world. Chinese astrology has 12 animals representing the 12 divisions or houses in the sky, Rat to Pig. Legend has it that all the animals were told to heed an emperor beckoning their presence and the first 12 animals were given the honored places in the zodiac. Most of us are familiar with the Western astrology with it’s zodiac belt of 12 constellations from Aries to Pisces. Jyotisha or Vedic astrology is practiced in India and has several sub-systems of interpretation and predication with heavenly elements such as lunar mansions or houses.

So how do all three of these systems of astrology view January 27, 2017? …

Blog, January 27, 2017

Fire Rooster – Aquarian New Moon – Ear of God

Astrology is practiced in different forms throughout the world. Chinese astrology has 12 animals representing the 12 divisions or houses in the sky, Rat to Pig. Legend has it that all the animals were told to heed an emperor beckoning their presence and the first 12 animals were given the honored places in the zodiac. Most of us are familiar with the Western astrology with it’s zodiac belt of 12 constellations from Aries to Pisces. Jyotisha or Vedic astrology is practiced in India and has several sub-systems of interpretation and predication with heavenly elements such as lunar mansions or houses.

So how do all three of these systems of astrology view January 27, 2017?

. . . As a beginning or fresh start!


Fire Rooster


Chinese New Year, begins on January 28th which makes January 27th Chinese New Year’s Eve. Thus begins the reign of the Fire Rooster until February 15, 2018. Chinese astrology adds elements to the animal signs. The elements; Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water sequentially cycle through the animal zodiac signs.

This year is a Fire Rooster or Red Rooster. Fiery Rooster years are viewed as being a blend of righteousness, justice with bombastic tendencies and efficient logistics. The Fire enhances the action and dynamic tendencies of Rooster years.

Personally, looking at this Fire Rooster year, we will all have to work hard and be patient in order to achieve our goals. Our career and financial goals will work out, if we are patient, but be sure and watch stress levels. Don’t let impatience push you or stress you out during this Rooster year. With all the loud crowing, strutting, and fiery rhetoric present in a Rooster year, we’ll all have a lot of time to practice patience with one another.


Aquarian New Moon

In Western astrology a new moon is about new beginnings and fresh starts. This Aquarian new moon allows us to shake free of restrains and upgrade, remodel and innovate. It can bring in a breath of fresh air and plant seeds for future growth.


With this new moon comes a square between Venus and Saturn and that means we could have feelings of being unworthy or lacking in love or support. This can cause problems in relationships, be they romance or business. It’s a good time to work towards getting rid of any lingering mistrust between partners. It’s a new beginning that may take a bit of work, but Aquarius will set the stage to help the work get done.


Ear of God


In Vedic astrology new moons don’t have quite the same significance as they do in Western astrology. However, they are seen as a time of spiritual beginnings. A renewal of self as the new moon supports changes internally. The energy of the new moon blesses new projects, negotiating contracts and contacting those you have dreaded contacting. It’s time to ‘get it done’.

You have a new slate, a new dream to make a reality with the universal blessing of new moon energies. This is especially true on the 27th since the new moon is in an area of the Vedic sky known as Sharavana nakshatra. This is a lunar mansion or house known as ‘the ear of God’. Thus, your ability to hear and absorb knowledge will be magnified. Listen closely to your inner voice during this new moon period as new understandings may be coming to you. Understandings that could shift your outlook on relationships, career, and life path.


New Moon


So, this Fiery Red Rooster Year, with the innovative Aquarian New Moon, will help you hear your inner spiritual voice and provide you energy to find new ways to proceed. You may have ‘aha’ moments with innovative solutions to problems or issues that have dogged your heels.

Allow yourself some alone time this during the new moon period to self-reflect and hear your new thoughts and inspirations. Remember, this is a 1 year, the beginning of a new 9 year cycle as we spiral upwards. Finding new solutions to old issues will bring us answers that will allow us to reach new heights and breathe fresher air.



“Call Us”

Hello Dear Ones,

I wish to remind you that we are always with you. I realize, for some of you, this is difficult to understand. How can someone, some being, be with you and you not be aware of it? If you start believing, talking, communing or in any way inter-acting with disincarnate beings can madness not lie ahead?

At one time in your history perhaps this was true, but the times have changed, dramatically. Since Gaia began her ascension, earth and all of humanity have been receiving energies of higher and higher vibrations. These high energetics have loosened up the denseness of earth and, in turn, humanity. Yes, there is no scientific proof of this change, but change always occurs in the spirit realm first before manifesting in the material.

Because of this continuing change in energies we, archangels, angelic beings, ascended masters, and others in higher realms or dimensions are able to make ourselves known to many more of you than in the past. Our dimensions are easier to traverse now as you become lighter and lighter we are able to reach you with our messages.

We know that others of you understand completely and this is but a friendly reminder to call upon us. We have messages of encouragement, hope, joy and love to share with you. We are your cheerleaders, your counselors, your spirit animals or totems; all the multitude of ways Spirit manifests to the Seeker. We are nearer now and you can hear us better. It makes for a perfect match–to listen, hear and begin your own personal exploration of spirit and how it relates to you.

You all have a guardian angel. You have had one since birth and before. Along with your guardian angel you have spirit guides that assist you in achieving your goals and desires. And, you have had the angelic dimension encouraging you and cheering you on. We do this because we love you and it gives us great joy and fulfillment to see you succeed. So use whatever means feels right for you–meditation, daydreaming, dreams, asking for signs–and we will be there.

We come with Light, Love, Joy and Peace.

Archangel Jophiel

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2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2017 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Astrological Energies, 2017

I was considering what to talk about in my January newsletter and astrology came up. Many people are interested in what the stars portend for a brand new year, right? And I realized that there are many astrological sources available via internet, social media and articles that describe 2017 in astrological terms. So what could I add to the conversation? What could I share that would be of interest? …

Blog, January 10, 2017

I was considering what to talk about in my January newsletter and astrology came up. Many people are interested in what the stars portend for a brand new year, right? And I realized that there are many astrological sources available via internet, social media and articles that describe 2017 in astrological terms. So what could I add to the conversation? What could I share that would be of interest?

Going inward to contemplate, I recalled a beautiful Astrological Tarot deck I have, Astrology Reading Cards: Your Personal Guidance From The Stars by Alison Chester Lambert. I decided to do an astrological card reading to get some insight into the year’s energies. This would give me astrological information, but from a different viewpoint.

This deck uses 36 cards, divided into 3 sets of 12 cards each: Zodiac, Planets, and Houses.

Zodiac Card Drawn For 2017

The Zodiac card represents the universal or overall energies for humanity in 2017.

Libra – This energy is diplomatic and gracious. It seeks harmony and balance in relationships.


It was fascinating to me that this card was drawn, because Relationships are one of the main foci for us during 2017 and Libra is the sign of relationships. Many astrologers are addressing the fact that Jupiter is in Libra – from September 9, 2016 through October 10, 2017 – and this indicates the importance of our growth through relationships. These are not just our romantic relationships but all: siblings, familial, business, friends, clubs and just about any relationship you can imagine. Of course the most important of our relationships is our relationship with Self. These all will be in the limelight in 2017.

Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness, confidence, good luck and optimism. So we can expect smooth sailing and good times in our relationships, yes? Well not quite.

Those positive feelings definitely can occur, but we also have Uranus in Aries and have had Uranus there since March 12, 201l and it will stay there until 2018. Here Uranus pushes for independence, freedom and self-determination. Jupiter and Uranus will be in opposition though most of 2017 which denotes a ‘push me-pull me’ energy in relationships. One we must work on to bring harmony and balance.

Planet Card for 2017

The Planet card represents how the energies may affect humanity in 2017.

Chiron – Our healing power, empathy and ability to teach and learn remedies for healing.


Chiron is a comet with a unique and erratic orbit. In the natal chart it represents our deepest wound, and our efforts to heal the wound. Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was a healer and teacher who, ironically, could not heal himself.

Drawing this card tells me that we have a wonderful opportunity to heal our relationships with our empathy and sympathy. As we learn ‘to walk in another’s shoes’ and see from different points of view we can learn to forgive and move on in our growth. We can expand our self-healing and our understanding of other’s through our relationships and release our pain and suffering in those areas.

Perhaps this will mean restructuring a present relationship into one of more balance and equality, a gentle nudge here, a slight pull there, or a total rebuilding. Or, it may mean we realize a relationship is not meant to be and we are able to release and move on to our next adventure with understanding and wisdom. I believe we will learn a new way to be in relationships. One of independence and interdependent — both qualities being balanced and intertwined.

House Card for 2017

The House card represents the areas, within humanity, where the energies will be felt in 2017.

First House – The energies will be expressed though what people see of each of us and the impressions we have of one another.


This card tells me that we have the opportunity to express ourselves in new ways. Ways that show compassion, gentleness and acceptance. This same opportunity will also allow us to see others with new eyes. The First House is who we are becoming, internally and externally. How do we present to the world, what are are essential qualities and basic sensibilities?

Through the mirror of relationships we can see how we appear in other’s eyes and learn more about our self-presentation. If we can remain open to our own self-knowledge, we can use it to better understand our Self and Others. As we learn to heal more and more of our wounded parts, we will present a brighter, happier more joyous Self to ourselves and the world. We’ll bring more of our authenticity to our relationships. The First House also represents our aura, our electromagnetic field. So both our energy and our image can grow brighter this year.


From this reading of the astrological energy of the cards it appears that the Libran traits of balance and justice will be paramount in our relationships. Chiron says we will have the opportunity to heal and reframe current and past relationships with acceptance and wisdom. All this work will be reflected in what face we put forward in 2017. Will it be the face of compassion, forgiveness and understanding? We have the year before us to bring forth more loving healthier relationships.

Let us go forth!



Dear Archangel Jophiel . . . How is one to maintain courage and belief in goodness in the face of an endless barrage of atrocities in the world? Mass shootings, bombings, wars, hunger…the list appears endless. Finding the Beauty, that you speak of, appears to be a useless act in the face of all that we are assaulted with daily.– A. S., Washington


Dear One . . . I hear your frustration and anguish as you look upon the world before you. There are countless acts of indecency committed on humans every day, by other humans. It makes no sense, yet it happens. The hungry children, the senseless acts of destruction, the inhumane treatment of another . . . yes, the list does appear infinite. However, it is not infinite, it just appears as such. There are stories on your news, articles in your magazines and instant pictures on your social media to support the appearance that all is in mayhem and chaos.

There are also an ever growing and seemingly endless amount of stories, articles and social media reports on acts of human kindness towards one another. True, these stories do not get as much attention by your mainstream outlets such as television news, but that is slowly changing. Many news shows today end their presentations with a story of human interest, a coda of feel-good news. There will be more and more of such stories as the television news sees that more and more people are reaching out for these positive stories. Not wanting to lose viewers, they will follow your lead of looking for examples of humane compassionate treatment.


Many, and more each day, are reaching out to one another on fund-raising internet sites and the like to assist each other with issues and needs. You are not waiting for your governmental institutions to come to the rescue. You are making sure that you do what you can to be of assistance to a fellow human. Many of you are helping the animals of the world to have a better existence in face of hardships. Social activists are speaking out and demonstrating to make sure their voices and point of view is expressed in a peaceful manner. Even if one does no more than smile at a stranger or put a coin in a homeless person’s cup, these acts are of great importance. Do not underestimate the power of your ‘random acts of kindness and senseless beauty’. Just allowing yourself to feel happy radiates outward to impact all of humanity. Yes, I know that sounds unbelievable, but it is so.

Your artists expressing themselves via their medium are bringing the light of creativity into the world and brightening Earth. Artists of all mediums: painting, cooking, dancing, writing, filming, story telling, weaving, healing, inventing, gardening, and many more, are all demonstrations of art forms., The simple creative artistic act of being kind to yourself and others is incredibly powerful and does wonders to push back the darkness. Expressing and finding Beauty may seem like a trivial act in the face of overwhelming negativity, but it isn’t. It is a candle lit in a dark room; it illuminates and joins with other candles to spread the light.


This is what you are doing as you find Beauty, Love, Kindness, Compassion within yourself and within your fellow humans. You are spreading your love and peace and that is never a useless endeavor.

Thank you for your question A.S, please keep looking for the rainbows, they are there and they are becoming more numerous.

Remember . . . I will respond to questions that are of a general interest to all. Please address your questions to Ask Jophiel. You may continue scheduling personal readings for individual guidance, but I welcome your questions of a general manner for this column


Archangel Jophiel

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2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

Broken . . . But Beautiful!

As we contemplate the Holiday Season and look to a New Year, we often review what we have been through in our lives. Throughout life we face situations where we become, for awhile, broken, crushed, and downtrodden. Many of us have felt like this lately, in light of the state of the world and how it appears and our own personal travails. …

Blog, December 26, 2016

Reviewing Our Lives

As we contemplate the Holiday Season and look to a New Year, we often review what we have been through in our lives. Throughout life we face situations where we become, for awhile, broken, crushed, and downtrodden. Many of us have felt like this lately, in light of the state of the world and how it appears and our own personal travails.

Some of us never quite recover from these moments in life. A heart gets broken in an unhappy love affair and you become closed and bitter, never allowing yourself to be vulnerable again to love. Or, you may decide on a revenge lifestyle and become a breaker-of-hearts, love ‘em and leave ‘em–especially before you begin to care again.

Any of us may lose a job and decide we were not worthy of the job, hence that’s why we lost it. Then, we become mired in self-pity and low self esteem. We begin to see ourselves as ‘broken’ individuals.

A New Way


There are others – many – who hit the road bumps and pick themselves up and dust themselves off. They look within and see where they made a choice or turn that didn’t work out the way they planned. They incorporate this self knowledge and go forward to the next life experience with wisdom and a chance to try a new way.

Many people, who see these life experiences as a burnishing of one’s soul, grow and learn to better handle life’s situations. How do we remain open to life and embrace it’s experiences?



There is a wonderful Japanese technique that incorporates breaks or shatterings of pottery into a beautiful work of art – Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi, “golden joinery”. The flaw or imperfection is used as a highlight, not hidden but illuminating the piece’s uniqueness. Any powdered metal may be used; such as silver, brass, bronze, copper, as well as gold.

So how does this apply to us as we undergo sorrows and hardships? Anger, hurt, fear, sadness are all weighty emotions that often make cracks in our facade, even breaks.

How does Kintsugi apply to our lives? How can we undergo difficulty and come out stronger on the other side?

Being Kind To Ourselves

We have to be kind to ourself. We must have as much love and compassion for our self as we would for a friend. From this viewpoint we begin to mend. When we rise above the heavy emotion to a more objective viewpoint, we create a different ‘take‘ on the situation. We begin to transform the past unhappiness or sorrow into a learning or growth opportunity.

Though this takes a bit of time; by transforming and transcending the emotions of sorrow, sadness and the like into neutrality, expansion and perhaps, even peace, we repair our psyches. We use our mettle to rise through our pain to a new beginning. This is something that many of us do and incorporate into our lives.

Wabi Sabi

There is a Japanese philosophy interwoven with the art of Kintsugi that embraces the beauty in the imperfect–Wabi-Sabi. The importance of the history of the piece or person, where it comes from, what it’s been through and how it’s navigated through life are highlighted, not hidden away. Some call this “re-purposing”: something broken or tossed away is brought back in a different manner. Breaks and cracks add to the character of an item or person.

“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in broken places.” — Ernest Hemingway, Farewell to Arms.

If we try and hide breaks in our psyche there is always a trace of the break–a pain, a distrust gnawing at our souls. What if it happens again? What will become of me? How will I survive? A flinching at life, a withdrawing.

Mending Psyche Breaks

If pottery can be beautifully mended we can do the same with our psyche breaks. Investigate your broken psyche, shine the light of love and compassion on self and allow yourself to come out stronger than before. Your breaks are what make you “uniquely you”.


A New Year

As we enter this new year of 2017, let your light shine. Be filled with love and compassion for self and for others. Proudly own your ‘breaks’. Breaks make you more beautiful.

We are ending a “9” year cycle (2+0+1+6 = 9). Hopefully, we have faced the reality of our past with an understanding of how it impacts our present and have decided how we want to create our future.


Hopefully, we’ve repaired our cracks and breaks with the gold of our wisdom. Our reality is made of everything that has ever happened to us . . . everyone we’ve ever met, anything we’ve done and any feelings we’ve had–felt or denied.

We’re entering a “1” year, (2+0+1+7=10 or 1+0 = 1) of new beginnings, initiative and creation. Let’s use our kindness, compassion, love and caring for ourselves and one another to move with clarity into this next 9 year cycle.

Leonard Cohen so aptly said, “There’s a crack in everything . . . that’s how the light gets in.”

Let your light and beauty shine for all to see.


Ask Jophiel


Hello Dear Ones,

I wish to offer my services to you in a new manner as we soon begin a new year. Many of you have asked questions about all the changes Earth and Humankind are undergoing. Rather than continue to respond on an individual basis, I will be happy to respond to your questions in this monthly column.

I will respond to questions that would be of a general interest to all; not questions of a personal nature. You may continue scheduling personal readings for individual guidance, but many of the issues that are asked about can be addressed in a general manner that may be of service to all.

As an example of a general interest question, I will respond here to one asked recently about the recent election.

Dear Archangel Jophiel . . . I found the recent election to be disheartening and an indication that we as a nation and a world are slipping back into more of a patriarchal, authoritarian, exclusive society, rather than an egalitarian, inclusive world. Is there still hope? – S.T., Arizona

Dear S.T . . . It is understandable. At first glance the election may indicate a backwards step, but it is actually one more step in clearing Earth of energies that no longer serve Humankind. The polarities that have surfaced, very clearly I might say, in this recent election give a clear picture of what has been somewhat concealed before in societal actions and institutions. Issues are more outstanding and cleanly defined now, whereas before they could have been perceived as muddled or “not as bad as all that”.

You always have free will and that will always be yours, however sometimes before that free will can be executed regarding an issue, the issue must be clearly delineated. This delineation helps those who were unaware or unconscious of the issues to be much more perceptive and to make clear choices. Everything must come to the surface and be present in the light for all to see. Earth is still in the process of bringing all to the surface.

It is much like Spring cleaning where the home is completely turned upside down and all the furniture is re-arranged, with much sweeping of the corners and dark areas hidden from sight. You are in the midst of the heavy cleaning right now and hope is always there. The hope for a clean sparkling home with plenty of light, no cobwebs or hidden dust piles. The hope for fresh air and beauty to fill the home with joy and love.

Cleaning is difficult work and takes time to be thorough, but the reward is a place one is happy and proud to be in. Hope is always present in the midst of the chaos, the hope that this thorough cleaning will bring the desired results. The house looks incredibly chaotic during the cleaning and all is akimbo, but the eventual result in a home with room for all to feel comfortable in . . . an inclusive home. A home or world that opens it’s doors to all and has room and respect for the individual and the sharing of all.

We in the angelic realm can see a beautiful Earth at the end of this ‘housekeeping’. You all are doing an incredibly thorough and swift cleaning/clearing. Though it may not seem to swift to you, you must remember, there are eons of negative energies or dirt and dust to clean out and you are moving more rapidly than thought possible.

I trust this response gives you some insight into the type of questions you send in. Please address your questions to Ask Jophiel. I will respond to the chosen questions with due diligence in future columns.

Blessings Dear Ones,

Archangel Jophiel

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2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel 2016 Sharon Holley & Archangel Jophiel

What if. . . ?

Many of us are feeling very unsettled, uneasy, unsure of what’s to come and how to handle these uncomfortable feelings or even what to do about them. We are in the midst of times of great change and restructuring of our personal inner worlds of feelings and thoughts, and most obviously, many many external systems are undergoing transformation. How do we reconcile differing opinions of friends, families, neighbors, society, the world in general and live in peace? How do we weather these tides of change, these storms of chaos? …

Blog, December 8, 2016

Times of Great Change

Many of us are feeling very unsettled, uneasy, unsure of what’s to come and how to handle these uncomfortable feelings or even what to do about them. We are in the midst of times of great change and restructuring of our personal inner worlds of feelings and thoughts, and most obviously, many many external systems are undergoing transformation. How do we reconcile differing opinions of friends, families, neighbors, society, the world in general and live in peace? How do we weather these tides of change, these storms of chaos?

Points on a Giant Web


Well, we could picture ourselves as points on a giant web or matrix. How about seeing ourselves as a web joined via our consciousness, our light, our energy? What if our individual footing depends on how well we balance on these points on this flexible web? Wouldn’t it behoove us to learn how to balance better so the person next to us or even eight nodes or 180 degrees away keeps their balance and we keep ours? This all could be a giant balancing, dancing act we’re doing with each of us dependent on the other to keep an even keel.

Learning How to Keep Our Balance

If this is so…just supposing here, it seems we would like to learn, to the best of our abilities, as to how to keep our balance so that everything would work as smooth as possible. A network where we rely on each other to keep our position stable and help the entire matrix remain flexible yet steady. I could see it requiring that we learn what keeps us in balance on our node point; how to easily best maintain that balance and use it to our advantage. In any balancing act one must maintain a state of calmness because jarring, jagged, negative energy causes wobbles and such. One must also be very flexible in order to move with the changing motions of the surrounding field or matrix. Somewhat like a surfer riding a wave. Balanced, focussed and relaxed. Yet alert and cognizant of the surrounding field. This state would allow action when called for that would be the best for the balancer and the surrounding environment.

So how does one achieve this state of calmness and balance when the field is in constant motion? This is not a static matrix or web, it’s a very lively and dynamic one. Each of us has our place on the web, our point of light, our consciousness. So how do we stay balanced? I think one way would be to become as centered within as possible and to keep one’s knees slightly flexed. The inner calmness and centered-ness allows for mental and emotional correct action in the face of the dynamic changes in the matrix. The slightly bent knees allows for physically correct action as your body reads the movements of the web. I believe this requires a sense of trust in ones self that you’ll be able to know the correct action and movement needed to ride your node point no matter what your neighbor is doing on his or hers. All of us want to be heard, respected, listened to…to have our light shine bright and true.


Hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of lights filling the matrix, and each one shining clear and strong. Be nice wouldn’t it?

Handling Erratic Behavior

I mean they could be jumping up and down, running in circles or even lying down kicking and screaming. Now that’s going to cause a lot of different movements in the matrix field and affect your node point isn’t it? How to best handle this erratic behavior? Balance, self-trust, love, compassion and flexible knees. This steadies your node point and, in turn, the calm movement radiates outward from your point and helps smooth the erratic behavior of others on their node points. There is great importance in keeping ones’ own balance smooth and steady and when you do that it just happens to smooth out the waves near you. The Beach Boys had it right…”Good, Good, Good Vibrations“.

But we know it doesn’t quite work that way….yet. We all seem to have a bit more work to do on our self-trust, our self-love and our bent knees. What if we all decided that we can be the best node rider we can be, that we trust ourself to be able to handle the movement and still stay with our inner centeredness and self-love and let our light shine brightly? I’m pretty sure the ride would get smoother and more pleasant and brighter. Right now we’ve got many many balanced riders and more are steadily getting their ‘sea-legs‘ as we speak. It’s definitely a growing population on a moment to moment basis. As more and more of us join the balanced riders I’m pretty sure we’ll all have a much easier ride.

Kindness, Collaboration, Understanding


Our interconnectedness is both subtle and powerful. If we use kindness, collaboration, understanding and even love with one another, wouldn’t that be incredible? Don’t give in to fear, distrust and hate which cause a lot of disturbance in the connected energy field. As we become better and better node riders our light becomes steadier and smoother and we will probably even be able to see one another more clearly. Wouldn’t that be something? Love, light and compassion helping us navigate the web.

And don’t forget……Gaia is here for us all, supporting the web and providing grounding to help stabilize the matrix.

Just saying. . . . .


You…The Beholder


Dear Ones,

As you look upon your world you each see the view from your perspective. Each of you behold the world about you from a slightly different angle than your neighbor. You both may think you are seeing the same objective view, but there is the subjective nature of internal judgement. Is the red you’re seeing the same red that the person next to you is seeing? It may or may not be, but for ease of communication you have decided to call the hue viewed by both as red.

I state this to show you the truth in the adage, ‘Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder’. As you look out of the prism of your eye, it is your inner energy that is deciding what you’re seeing. Think of it this way; if you’re frustrated, angry, confused and full of angst, what you see as you look at your world may very well be viewed as ugly, gray, futile, hopeless. And another may look out of an innerscape that is filled with peace, calmness, balance and love and see the same scene filled with light, grace and joy.

How can this be you say? Reality is reality and truth is truth, is it not? Well, yes and no, because it all depends from what perspective one is viewing the reality or truth. A fire can be viewed as a disaster for the destruction caused and the damage to the land. Yet, is it not true that a fire cleanses the land of dry and dying growth and leaves the land prepared for new growth and a fresh start. On one hand there is the immediate destruction which in the longer view prepares the earth for a new beginning. Yes, it is understood if the fire has destroyed one’s dwelling or property it can be difficult to see the new beginning, but it is there nevertheless.

There is energy emitted from you as you view your world and this energy ‘colors’ your perception. Viewing the world through an energetic field filled with hope, faith, joy, love and compassion makes for a very different world view than one who sees the world through depression, sadness or grief. Beauty, as the energy heightens on Gaia, has a more encompassing meaning than just pleasing the aesthetic sense of sight. Beauty can be a way of living, a feeling of wonder and awe, a thoughtfully phrased sentence. Beauty can be anything that elevates your feelings and the feelings of those around you. Music comes to mind as one of the most powerful ways to experience Beauty in a moment.


During the energies of the Holiday Season, allow your senses to be filled with beauty. Take a deep breath and slow yourself down and appreciate all that you are, the Beauty of You.


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