In, But Not Of . . .

Blog, July 17, 1917



What does it mean to ‘be in the world but not of it’? This is a phrase that crops up regularly as one looks at spiritual growth. It definitely sounds like some type of good advice, but how do you apply it to your life? It’s not quite as straight-forward as ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’; which most of us have a fairly clear idea of what that means. But ‘be in the world, but not of it? Not so clear.

Looking at the Word “In”

Well let’s break it down…we’ll start by looking at the word ‘in’. It certainly is a versatile word; it’s a preposition such as ‘living in New York’ and it’s also an adverb, as ‘come in’. And if that’s not enough, it’s also an adjective as ‘there was no one in when we knocked’, plus it sometimes works as a noun, such as ‘he has an in with the CEO’.

Looking at “Of”

How about ‘of’; what definitions do we have for ‘of’? Here we kind of luck out since it is only defined as a preposition that shows the relationship between a part and a whole. For instance, ‘the door is part of a house’.

Putting It Together

So going back to our phrase of ‘being in the world but not of it’….I believe the first definition of ‘in’, a preposition, is the one that is being referred to in this instance. We are in the world since we appear to be surrounded or in the midst of our life and world. There’s little denying that we’re here with our feet planted on good old terra firma in the midst of our politics, financial, sociological, religious, and other structures and institutions we have constructed.


But how is it that we also should not be of the world as the spiritual adage points out? To understand this I believe one has to first understand that the adage is saying that we are not ‘part (human) of a whole (world)’. We are Divine Beings having a Human Experience; not humans having a worldly experience as it appears to us. Oh yes, our bodies are very human and definitely part of the elements that compromise the world. But that is just our bodies, not our Spirit Soul which is the Divine part and not of the worldly elements.


Beginning to understand how this applies to one’s life gives an insight as to how to stay centered midst the worldly chaos. Yes, the world may appear to ‘be going to hell in a hand-basket’ all around us, but if we stay within our Spirit Soul/Higher Self we will weather the trails and tribulations around us. Hence the need for having a safe haven within, one’s center, a place to stand from and look out. This in no way means you are not caring, compassionate, and passionate about the ways of the world. It just means you can be of so much more help to you and the rest of society (and your family and friends) if you operate from a serene Sprit Soul center.


This is what the Ascension is about, waking up to our Divinity. We are Divine Beings having a human experience here on Earth. We came here from the All That Is/God/Prime Creator to experience separateness at a dense dimension. We have done so. We have gathered experiences and understandings that we bring back to the All That Is as we Ascend and return to the All. We have done this to have more understanding of Self under all circumstances. Well, we’ve explored and delved into the depths of operating at a dense dimension in separation and as more and more intense light energy bathes Earth, we ascend towards more and more compassion, understanding and love.

Inner Strength

Our Spirit Soul self, our I AM Presence, will allow us the wherewithal to not get negatively emotionally caught up in all the horrors we are witnessing in the outer world. The strength of our individual inner world is our connection to the Love, Light & Joy that will allow us diminish the Dark and bring the Love, Light & Joy to the outer world.

As you all know, none of this is easy. We are emotional beings with feelings of love, compassion, joy, and happiness that stand side by side with anger, hate, envy and greed. The changes we are all-seeing in the outer world are reflected in our inner world as we deal with bringing more and more light to our innerscape. We are in the world, but we are not of the world, we are beings of Light/Love in the midst of a massive change to more and more Love/Light in our inner and outer worlds.

Astrological Energy Accelerations


As we clear more and more shadow energy from earth and ourselves, we have many heavenly events transmitting energies to us during the remainder of this summer season.

We are more than half-way through 2017 and there’s lots more. We just experienced a Full Moon on July 9th that brought to the surface very deep feelings and emotions for transformation and clearing. The energy we are in now allows simply releasing of these deep emotions and letting them gently go. No wrestling with them or feeling guilt is needed. Let go and let love.

July 25th is the Mayan, ‘Day Out of Time’, a day the Mayans experienced with reverence and cultural appreciation for the concept that this is a ‘day free of time’; a free day of quiet contemplation. A time when there is a transformation from one-time cycle to another. The ‘pause’ moment between evolutionary cycles for Earth.

July 26th is the Planetary New Year to the Ancient Mayans and Ancient Egyptians. This was viewed as a new evolutionary cycle, Sirius rises in the morning sky, right next to the Sun, a time of two suns rising. A time for all beings to begin a new personal cycle of creation and being. Sirius was known as the Sacred Teacher Star when it’s energy, aligned with the Sun, was sent through the Lion’s Gate portal, which begins to open on July 26th.

The Lion’s Gate Period from July 26th, climaxing August 8th and closes on August 12th. This is a yearly period when a great influx of energies from the galactic center come to us through the Leo constellation.

The Full Moon of August 7th has a partial Lunar Eclipse which will create more empowerment for the Divine Feminine on Earth. This augments our right brain energies of creativity and compassion and allows them to become more active.

The total Solar Eclipse of August 21st integrates all the energy and codes into our crystalline grid surrounding Earth. All this push of energy provides a major impetus for change and transformation on Earth. Yes, more change. That will be a constant.


Well that gets us through the rest of the summer energies of 2017 and it’s certainly living up to the Fire Rooster year we saw entering in January. Wow!

Still With Me?

Well folks, if you’re still with me and have decided that Sharon is not all the way ‘cray cray’…wonderful because we’re going for greater love and compassion. Our growing unified consciousness will show us more and more that we are in this world; but our self-work is also showing us that we are Essence, not of this world.

We approach the Dawning of a New Earth, one that Dag Hammarskjold alluded to when he said:

You wake from dreams of doom and–for a moment–you know: beyond all the noise and the gestures, the only real thing, love’s calm unwavering flame in the half-light of an early dawn.” - Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary General of the United Nations, 1953-1961.

Light to All




Beauty of Your Self


Hello Dear Ones,

I wish to ask you, have you ever considered the Beauty of your Self? I know I oft speak of Beauty, but one of the most beautiful things on Planet Earth is You. Yes, I am speaking to each and every one of you. I’m not speaking of the beauty you see when you see a reflection of yourself; I’m speaking of your Inner Beauty. The outer beauty you see reflected from your mirror is beauty with a small ‘b’. I speak of the true Beauty within, your Inner Light of Beauty with a capital ‘B’.

Each one of you is a sparkling facet of LoveLight that we here in the spiritual dimension can see. You each have your own unique color and wavelength of light and sound and it is a wondrous sight to behold. All the colors of the rainbow and many many more colors that have yet to be seen and named by you.

I realize many of you will find this hard to believe that everyone on Planet Earth has this sparkling LoveLight jewel within, but you do…everyone of you. Now, yes, many have their light dimmed by shadows and darkness, but they have the light nevertheless and we can see it through the clouds of sorrow, anger, loneliness and other dimming feelings. And it sparkles!

Your Signature


You came to Earth with that light and you have kept it through all your many incarnations on the planet. It is your unique signature in the Omniverse. When you are between incarnations and in the spiritual dimensions, this LoveLight is how you are identified. There is also an accompanying tone with the LoveLight, a unique sound signature for all of you.

On Earth there are a variety of names for this inner light: Higher Self, SpiritSoul, I AM Presence, God Particle, and more. These names are used to help you understand about your Inner Light. I know that many of you will recall E.T.’s LoveLight in the movie from the ’80’s. You all have it and you all know, at some level, that it’s there within you. You may not have known, however, how much Beauty your LoveLight adds and enhances for All.


Your LoveLight may be difficult or impossible for you to see yourself, but you do notice this LoveLight in others. Oh, you may not name it as such, but you do recognize it. They seem to have an extra sparkle or glow about them and you feel happy to be in their presence. Where you see that in others–others may see/feel the same LoveLight from you. Some of you have polished and increased the radiance of your LoveLight by finding ways to cultivate joy, compassion, forgiveness and love in your lives. As you experience more and more positive emotional states you become more and more radiant. Your spiritual connection with this LoveLight (I AM Presence, Higher Self, SoulStar, etc.) becomes clearer and clearer as you grow in your capacity to love. As your connection becomes stronger and stronger you sparkle even more. Shadows and darkness are shaken loose from corners within and light begins filling you more and more. This LoveLight is your connection with God/All That Is/Prime Creator. It’s your piece of the All.

Starring Role

This is akin to what is happening to your Planet as it goes through the Shift of the Ages or Ascension. Negativity is being brought out of the shadows for all to see and clear and Gaia is becoming brighter and brighter. You each play a major role in this dramatic production as your LoveLights become more dazzling than before.


Yes, I am aware that many of you are not seeing Love of any type expressed in the chaos around you, but nonetheless it is there. The shadows, the darkness, the pettiness are becoming more and more apparent every day, but you still are able to have love, compassion, joy, happiness, caring and other positive emotions in your heart and soul. And you express these in acts of caring for others; caring for self; caring for your society and wanting to bring the world to a better state of being.

So, know Dear Ones, your lights are brighter than ever and because of you there is more and more LoveLight on your planet than ever before. We can see a bit further down the timeline from our perspective and you do bring about an even more beautiful New Earth. Your Beauty is shining forth as a beacon pushing back the darkness. So know that Beauty takes many forms and yours is one of the most precious and brilliant of all.




Transition Time


Trees, Squirrels, & Hummingbirds