How Do You Get There?

Blog, February 18, 2017

How Do You Get There?

Have Joy & Peace!

Yes, I’m sure by now you’ve heard that the path through all this din, chaos, calamity, struggle and just plain noise is to be joyful and at peace. But how does one achieve that when you can hardly hear yourself think above the daily trials and tribulations: Have Joy & Peace! Some would settle for just a moment of silence where you could catch your breath?

Jupiter Retrograde is Lending Us a Helping Hand


I repeat, “how do we get there?” Well, the grand old planet Jupiter is lending us a giant helping hand. It’s going retrograde and has been since February 6th and goes direct June 9, 2017. Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness, greater fortune or luck, and optimism. A Jupiter retrograde offers us the chance to slow down a bit and turn inwardly and contemplate things from another perspective.

This is a much welcome opportunity in many ways. So far, this Year of the Fire Rooster, this #1 Year-A New Beginning, has been moving rather quickly and with many unexpected twists and turns. Doesn’t the idea of being able to take a breather and reflect and reevaluate sound appealing? Doesn’t the idea of reviewing any decisions you’ve had to make so far this year sound inviting? This Jupiter retrograde gives you the space to review your progress so far this year. Perhaps there are changes or tweaks that can be made that would be beneficial. Now you have the time to do so.

This retrograde period also gives time to work on our inner landscape. Now we have more breathing room to really contemplate how we could ever possibly have peace, joy, and happiness in our heart.

Your Through-Line

I recently read an article about a river raft guide who spoke of the joy of ‘running a river’. When asked how does one learn to successfully white water raft, he spoke of the through-line, the safe path through the water. You note the obstacles; the rock beneath the surface that will tear a hole in your raft; the dips and whirls that can spin you out of control–and then you focus on the safe path, the through-line. If you attend to all the obstacles they will pull your attention off the through-line and you’re in trouble.


We know of the obstacles–the wars, the injustices, the judgments, the anger and such–we are acutely aware of them. Our awareness of them allows us to steer clear of the negative emotional traps of engaging in hurtful actions, speech and thought. Keep a through-line, an inner path of love, joy, and happiness and steer for them. Allow the positive feelings to become the goal. Trust inner guidance to find the path to the positive thoughts. Obstacles don’t disappear, but we can avoid them and steer into clear, calm waters.

Negative thoughts have a powerful impact on our bodies. When a negative thought enters our mind; our body releases acid, our energy field–aura shrinks, our heart beat increases along with our blood pressure and unwanted hormones are released. These can all lead to inflammation of the system which ages us and can lead to illness. Much better for our bodies if we have positive, optimistic thoughts which allow the release of endorphins, oxytocin, and expansion of our energy field, and decreases our blood pressure. This is following your through-line!

More Time to Look for Positivity

This period of Jupiter in retrograde gives us a bit more time to look for positivity before the year takes off again at break-neck speed. Use whatever means that work best for you to aid yourself in finding that through-line, that path to positivity. Music, Nature, Dance, Humor, Daydreaming, Rest, Relaxation, Sunrise/Sunset Watching, and we can never forget Charlie Brown’s adage: Happiness is a Warm Puppy (or two)!


Help In Interesting Times

Hello Dear Ones,

It is with joy I greet you today. We here in the other dimensions see the light on Earth becoming brighter and brighter. We understand that it does not appear like that to you, but our dimensional difference allows us to see a bit further ahead than you can see on your level. This brightness denotes how many of you are opening your heart chakras more and more and filling the Earth with compassion, kindness, loving and caring. It does not make ‘front-page’ news yet but it does make heart-felt news with your neighbors, your family, your community and one another.

I was asked by V.B., California; How do you angelic beings actually help us move through these,‘interesting times’?

Many of you are familiar with the Prime Directive as defined in your television series, Star Trek which is a prohibition on interfering with other cultures and civilizations that Starfleet encounters. This is similar to your always being allowed to exercise and follow your free will as humans. A guiding principle in all our interactions with you is allowing your free will to be exercised without interference.


We offer guidance to you through your intuitive channels, your Higher Self, your dreams, your Inner Knowing, your Conscience. Remember Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio and how he symbolized Pinocchio’s conscience? That’s an example of how we operate. No, not as insects, but as guidance that assists you in your soul growth. Our guidance to you is always meant to lift your spirits, help you see the best way for you to proceed and to alleviate your sorrows and burdens.

This is why we speak of ‘angels in the woodwork‘ and learning to listen and hear your inner counsel. Each day it becomes easier and easier for you to hear your Spirit, your Higher Self, and your Angelic Guides as Earth progresses through it’s ascension. This is why we urge you to be kind to one another, be compassionate and loving and to look for the best in every situation. These urgings help you to move through the strife and stress, because these positive attributes have vibrations of a higher nature that lead to your Higher Self, your Inner Counsel.

You all came to Earth during this lifetime to assist with the ascension process, for your own soul growth and for the growth of all humanity. Due to the density of the Earth dimension, the vast majority of you knew that your connection to Spirit would be difficult. You also knew that if you learned to turn within, you could still hear Spirit and receive guidance in ‘interesting times’. Every day more and more of you are learning to listen to the ‘still quiet voice within’, which guides through love and peace. This always allows you to have the freedom of free will and make your choices accordingly.

You see, V.B. we do not appear in a flash of light or backed by a heavenly choir (although some of you do perceive us thusly) booming out some loud directive. We do come quietly into your presence when you allow yourself to quietly commune with your Self and hear our voice. We offer this guidance because we love you all very much and we are delighted to be of service to you. Always.


Archangel Jophiel


Out There . . .


Runners, Approach Your Starting Gates . . . .