Changes, They Just Keep Coming . . . .

Blog, April 12, 1917


I find it a bit difficult to believe that I wrote my first newsletter just a year ago this month. And that April, 2016 newsletter was titled ‘Comments on Changes…’. The disbelief is about both the time and the subject matter of Changes. Time passes, for me, very rapidly now with something that occurs two or three days ago seeming to be almost weeks ago and things occurring hours ago seem like almost a day or so ago. It’s really very good practice for staying in the Now (present moment) and not worrying about the future or feeling guilty about something that happened in the past.

Out of the Blue

As for the subject of Changes, wow, they just keep coming. Many of them are those proverbial ‘bolts out of the blue’. I know we are all becoming very adept at finding our center and not being pulled into the storm. So far I’m still in the eye of the storm where it’s relatively calm and peaceful. That is, relative to all our world chaos. I’m getting lots of practice at remaining calm, centered, and grounded and using all my energy tools to allow me to move and maintain my changing place at the eye of the storm. I know that if we get pushed or pulled into the storm wall we can miss our goals. Even get blown out to sea by the energetic winds! So anger, fear, anxiety and angst are allowed to pass through as I bob along in the eye and being very aware and conscious of the storm wall.


And yes, it is a busy storm wall of mayhem, strife, chaos, and bizarreness. As the energy pushes us higher and higher we learn to be aware of world happenings and yet maintain our connection to our Higher Self. We all know this isn’t exactly easy to do, but it is well worth it to be able to maintain an ability to deal with all the changes from a place of calm. I certainly am not saying ignore what’s occurring in the storm wall and assist and aid when and where it feels right to you. Be that peaceful protest, letter writing, charitable support….whatever form seems right to you. Trust your Higher Self to guide you to how you can be of assistance in the world.

To assist in maintaining our center in the stormy weather, we are being offered an astrological time for revisiting, regrouping, rethinking and clearing out of any old still remaining negative energies. We have 5 planets in retrograde which provide the impetus for this process.

  • Venus is already retrograde and entered Pisces on April 2nd; goes direct (forward) on April 15th.

  • Jupiter has been retrograde since February 6th and goes direct on June 10th

  • Saturn went retrograde on April 5th and goes direct on August 25th.

  • Mercury went retrograde on April 9th and direct on May 3rd.

  • Pluto will be retrograde on April 21st and going direct September 29th.

This time of reflection allows the resurfacing and rekindling of any old energies we have that we want to release. Especially in the area of relationships with Others and with our Self. Yes, it can be uncomfortable but we want to be ready to move forward with our dreams and creative projects — first, when Jupiter goes direct in mid-June and secondly, when Saturn goes direct on August 25th.

Walk My Walk

April of 2016 my household had been in our new residence a month. This April, 2017 we are making plans to find a new domicile and combining households with my sister. Once again I get an opportunity to ‘walk my talk’, so to speak! This was one of those unexpected turn of events I mean when I talk about constant change and ‘bolts out of the blue’. I am reminded of a saying by Pema Chodron (an American Tibetian Buddhist) who said:

Somehow, in the process of trying to deny that things are always changing, we lose our sense of the sacredness of life. We tend to forget that we are part of the natural scheme of things.

Well, we all are certainly part of the natural scheme of things in each our own way. Right now my main focus or way consists of boxes, packing, storage and searching for a new domicile. I’m having a sense of adventure with generous helpings of Grace and Ease. It will be fun to see what we create for ourselves.


Creators . . .

Hello Dear Ones,

I wish to remind you, at this time, that you are ALL creators. Yes, creators. You create with your intentions and your emotional state. In turn, the Universe responds through the creative force of the Universe–Love and Light, and your creation manifests! If your emotional state is one of happiness, calmness, joy, and feeling positive about yourself your manifestations will reflect this.

The energy of the Universe is that of Love and it responds to your intentions and emotions. I know it sounds odd to hear that you are Creators, but you are. The Love energy of the Universe does not hear or understand English, German, Mandarin, Spanish, etc., but it does understand the energies of intent and emotions. The manifestations of said intent and emotion will be answered in the manner that is in highest keeping with your Soul Growth and your Higher Self.

Many of you are saying that with all the things going wrong in the world and/or with my life I certainly do not feel like a Creator. We understand this and want you to know that is why we are so close to you all now to help you clear yourselves of fear, anxiety, angst and such. As you become clearer and lighter you change the energy around you and in turn your world. Yes, you have much chaos and terror now as it all surfaces for clearing. It took eons for your world to reach this state, but it will NOT take eons for clearing it. You are clearing it now very swiftly. I know this does not appear rapid to you, but it is.


We, in the angelic world, are working with you as you all work very diligently to clear and rid yourself of a fear based reality. And you are doing so. We work with our energies in our dimension as you, you who are the ‘boots on the ground’, work in yours. This work you are all doing is raising the energy of the entire universal field. It is so very important and appreciated. You are moving to a Love-based reality, which we know seems rather unbelievable right now as you look at the world situation, but you are.

We appreciate and love you and hold you in the highest regard. This is not easy work, but you are doing it faster than thought possible. As the vibrations become higher and higher your work is becoming easier and easier. You are Creators and you are creating. Allow yourself to listen to your Higher Self and Trust and Believe in yourself!

We Love You,

Archangel Jophiel


Trees, Squirrels, & Hummingbirds


Out There . . .