Astrological Energies, 2017

Blog, January 10, 2017

I was considering what to talk about in my January newsletter and astrology came up. Many people are interested in what the stars portend for a brand new year, right? And I realized that there are many astrological sources available via internet, social media and articles that describe 2017 in astrological terms. So what could I add to the conversation? What could I share that would be of interest?

Going inward to contemplate, I recalled a beautiful Astrological Tarot deck I have, Astrology Reading Cards: Your Personal Guidance From The Stars by Alison Chester Lambert. I decided to do an astrological card reading to get some insight into the year’s energies. This would give me astrological information, but from a different viewpoint.

This deck uses 36 cards, divided into 3 sets of 12 cards each: Zodiac, Planets, and Houses.

Zodiac Card Drawn For 2017

The Zodiac card represents the universal or overall energies for humanity in 2017.

Libra – This energy is diplomatic and gracious. It seeks harmony and balance in relationships.


It was fascinating to me that this card was drawn, because Relationships are one of the main foci for us during 2017 and Libra is the sign of relationships. Many astrologers are addressing the fact that Jupiter is in Libra – from September 9, 2016 through October 10, 2017 – and this indicates the importance of our growth through relationships. These are not just our romantic relationships but all: siblings, familial, business, friends, clubs and just about any relationship you can imagine. Of course the most important of our relationships is our relationship with Self. These all will be in the limelight in 2017.

Jupiter is the planet of expansiveness, confidence, good luck and optimism. So we can expect smooth sailing and good times in our relationships, yes? Well not quite.

Those positive feelings definitely can occur, but we also have Uranus in Aries and have had Uranus there since March 12, 201l and it will stay there until 2018. Here Uranus pushes for independence, freedom and self-determination. Jupiter and Uranus will be in opposition though most of 2017 which denotes a ‘push me-pull me’ energy in relationships. One we must work on to bring harmony and balance.

Planet Card for 2017

The Planet card represents how the energies may affect humanity in 2017.

Chiron – Our healing power, empathy and ability to teach and learn remedies for healing.


Chiron is a comet with a unique and erratic orbit. In the natal chart it represents our deepest wound, and our efforts to heal the wound. Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was a healer and teacher who, ironically, could not heal himself.

Drawing this card tells me that we have a wonderful opportunity to heal our relationships with our empathy and sympathy. As we learn ‘to walk in another’s shoes’ and see from different points of view we can learn to forgive and move on in our growth. We can expand our self-healing and our understanding of other’s through our relationships and release our pain and suffering in those areas.

Perhaps this will mean restructuring a present relationship into one of more balance and equality, a gentle nudge here, a slight pull there, or a total rebuilding. Or, it may mean we realize a relationship is not meant to be and we are able to release and move on to our next adventure with understanding and wisdom. I believe we will learn a new way to be in relationships. One of independence and interdependent — both qualities being balanced and intertwined.

House Card for 2017

The House card represents the areas, within humanity, where the energies will be felt in 2017.

First House – The energies will be expressed though what people see of each of us and the impressions we have of one another.


This card tells me that we have the opportunity to express ourselves in new ways. Ways that show compassion, gentleness and acceptance. This same opportunity will also allow us to see others with new eyes. The First House is who we are becoming, internally and externally. How do we present to the world, what are are essential qualities and basic sensibilities?

Through the mirror of relationships we can see how we appear in other’s eyes and learn more about our self-presentation. If we can remain open to our own self-knowledge, we can use it to better understand our Self and Others. As we learn to heal more and more of our wounded parts, we will present a brighter, happier more joyous Self to ourselves and the world. We’ll bring more of our authenticity to our relationships. The First House also represents our aura, our electromagnetic field. So both our energy and our image can grow brighter this year.


From this reading of the astrological energy of the cards it appears that the Libran traits of balance and justice will be paramount in our relationships. Chiron says we will have the opportunity to heal and reframe current and past relationships with acceptance and wisdom. All this work will be reflected in what face we put forward in 2017. Will it be the face of compassion, forgiveness and understanding? We have the year before us to bring forth more loving healthier relationships.

Let us go forth!



Dear Archangel Jophiel . . . How is one to maintain courage and belief in goodness in the face of an endless barrage of atrocities in the world? Mass shootings, bombings, wars, hunger…the list appears endless. Finding the Beauty, that you speak of, appears to be a useless act in the face of all that we are assaulted with daily.– A. S., Washington


Dear One . . . I hear your frustration and anguish as you look upon the world before you. There are countless acts of indecency committed on humans every day, by other humans. It makes no sense, yet it happens. The hungry children, the senseless acts of destruction, the inhumane treatment of another . . . yes, the list does appear infinite. However, it is not infinite, it just appears as such. There are stories on your news, articles in your magazines and instant pictures on your social media to support the appearance that all is in mayhem and chaos.

There are also an ever growing and seemingly endless amount of stories, articles and social media reports on acts of human kindness towards one another. True, these stories do not get as much attention by your mainstream outlets such as television news, but that is slowly changing. Many news shows today end their presentations with a story of human interest, a coda of feel-good news. There will be more and more of such stories as the television news sees that more and more people are reaching out for these positive stories. Not wanting to lose viewers, they will follow your lead of looking for examples of humane compassionate treatment.


Many, and more each day, are reaching out to one another on fund-raising internet sites and the like to assist each other with issues and needs. You are not waiting for your governmental institutions to come to the rescue. You are making sure that you do what you can to be of assistance to a fellow human. Many of you are helping the animals of the world to have a better existence in face of hardships. Social activists are speaking out and demonstrating to make sure their voices and point of view is expressed in a peaceful manner. Even if one does no more than smile at a stranger or put a coin in a homeless person’s cup, these acts are of great importance. Do not underestimate the power of your ‘random acts of kindness and senseless beauty’. Just allowing yourself to feel happy radiates outward to impact all of humanity. Yes, I know that sounds unbelievable, but it is so.

Your artists expressing themselves via their medium are bringing the light of creativity into the world and brightening Earth. Artists of all mediums: painting, cooking, dancing, writing, filming, story telling, weaving, healing, inventing, gardening, and many more, are all demonstrations of art forms., The simple creative artistic act of being kind to yourself and others is incredibly powerful and does wonders to push back the darkness. Expressing and finding Beauty may seem like a trivial act in the face of overwhelming negativity, but it isn’t. It is a candle lit in a dark room; it illuminates and joins with other candles to spread the light.


This is what you are doing as you find Beauty, Love, Kindness, Compassion within yourself and within your fellow humans. You are spreading your love and peace and that is never a useless endeavor.

Thank you for your question A.S, please keep looking for the rainbows, they are there and they are becoming more numerous.

Remember . . . I will respond to questions that are of a general interest to all. Please address your questions to Ask Jophiel. You may continue scheduling personal readings for individual guidance, but I welcome your questions of a general manner for this column


Archangel Jophiel


Runners, Approach Your Starting Gates . . . .


Broken . . . But Beautiful!