Transition Time

Blog, September 11, 2017



Conscious Fears

We are in the midst of much physical upheaval here on Earth. We have always had geological upheavals of some type or another, but these are happening in rapid succession when compared to the past. Many of us know that this is the time we have been told was coming. The Transition Times as we move from fear based 3rd Dimensional environment to a fearless 5th Dimensional environment. The trip getting from 3D to 5D is one that many of us are consciously aware of, and others are not consciously aware, they just know something is different and changing. These changes can bring about fears because that’s what uncertainty does, it brings up our fears of ‘what if’ (and everything else).

Acting, Rather Than Reacting

Now’s the time when we use the spiritual practices we learned when times where less chaotic. Meditating, spending time in peaceful Nature, staying heart-centered and not fear based, prayers and means of which to bring one to a quiet centered place. When we’re in that quiet centered place we’re able to act and not react to the external circumstances as they occur. We’re able to allow ourselves to hear our ‘inner knowing‘ that advises us of the best action to take. This knowing comes to the forefront effortlessly when we’re quiet enough to listen.

Choosing Your Best Path


Yes, chaos may be raging around you, but you can still ascertain the best path through the chaos. I know it’s difficult to remember that your goal was to drain the swamp when you’re up to your neck in alligators, but that’s what I’m saying–we can do it. So how, you may be saying, as you smash that alligator on your left on the nose with the stick? Again, this is about trusting ourselves. We are much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and that’s a big part of this 3D to 5D trip. Trusting that your spiritual knowledge will come to the forefront and show you how to avoid being alligator bait and still drain the swamp! The alligators will leave when the swamp’s drained.

More In Touch With Spirit

As we allow our understandings to come to the forefront, which happens when we’re centered, we begin to have more of an appreciation of how our human side is becoming more in touch with our spiritual side. This has nothing to do with any specific religion or religious dogma. We are all spiritual beings and we are learning how to operate more and more from our spiritual side as Earth and humanity move to the 5th Dimension. This is happening whether we are conscious of it or not, so learning how to navigate through this Transition Time is important.

Higher Vibrations

The energy we are being impacted with now is of a higher vibration than we’ve experienced before. It is a light energy that is more intense and radiant and it is clearing us and Gaia of all our negative energy. Since the Spring Equinox (and before) we have been ingesting more and more of this energy and so has Gaia. For us, it is assisting us to release the negative energies of fear, anger, jealousy, dominance, envy, hate, and other uncomfortable feelings. It’s also allowing Earth to clear her space of all the negativity that we have poured into Earth’s aura.

4th Dimension?

Many of you may be wondering what happened to the 4th Dimension? Why do we skip from 3D to 5D? Well 4D, among other things, is the etheric/auric body of Gaia and she’s been holding all our negativity for eons. She’s clearing her space and she moving into 5D, the same as we are. Anger, hate, war energy and the like don’t vanish; the energy has been absorbed in Gaia’s etheric/astral body and that time is over now.

Quiet Joy


So we’re in the midst of it now and will be for some time. However some of the best ways to transverse this transitional landscape is by allowing yourself to do what brings you quiet joy. When we are in a state of quiet joy our vibrational field is one of calmness, peacefulness and inspiration. Yes inspiration! Your Higher Self (spiritual side) can communicate with you (human side) easier and you can hear or intuit easier and be inspired or know the best action in any situation. We’re striving for a unity here of the physical or human part of us reflecting and acting from our spiritual knowledge.

This is what the Change/Ascension/Shift is all about. And yes I understand this ‘quiet joy’ state is one that is very difficult to achieve when in the midst of a hurricane, earthquake and the like. Most try to achieve that state of ‘quiet joy’ when the immediate life threatening situation abates a bit; others can maintain it even in the face of displeasing external circumstances.

Writing Your Own Handbook

There is no handbook with steps 1, 2, 3 for us to follow other than allow ourselves to be at peace, centered and listening to our inner self or Higher Self. This is easier said than done, I know, I’m still working on it every day and have been for years. But it does get easier the more you do it, the more you allow yourself the quiet time for communing with Self. The reason there is no handbook is because each and every one of us is unique, we each have our own way of achieving our outlook on life. We each have to learn to hear our Self and guide ourselves from there—with laughter, love and happiness. And every one’s quiet joy or peace is unique unto them-self. We will each find our path in our unique way.

With Love,




The Beauty of Compassion


Hello Dear Ones,

We have spoken of many forms of beauty in these newsletters such as Beauty of Nature and Beauty of Self. I wish to speak of the beauty of Compassion. Your compassion for one another is appearing in more and more instances all over the globe. As you are confronted with natural disasters, terrorism, random acts of violence and other incredibly stressful circumstances your compassion is coming to the fore. And it is beautiful


In your social media on the Internet there are stories and pictures of you coming to the aid of one another in remarkable ways. Often putting yourself at risk to help or aid another. The compassion you show for one another is wonderfully heart expanding and helps raise the vibrations and energy of the entire planet. The Beauty of Compassion shines like a beacon whenever your caring acts of this nature take place.

Heart openings in the face of danger, destruction and fear are so powerfully healing to each other and to Earth. You always have free will and could decide not to assist one another but you seldom chose that route. Your own safety is often not considered when you are faced with someone’s need and you strive to create a life-saving solution. This may not seem like Beauty to you but it is. One of the best aspects of Beauty.


There is no greater beauty than the love you show one another filled with compassion and caring. The beacons of light that shine all over the planet attest to your great hearts. And, in the aftermaths, you still support and care for one another. Cleaning up, rebuilding, making plans anew. Yes, you have governmental institutions that offer some assistance but the help that comes from neighbor to neighbor, stranger to stranger is the truly heartfelt one. And the light from these acts is glorious.

Here in the angelic realm we see the energy of the Elements during this Transition Time expressed as the Fires – woodlands and fields; Water – floods and storm surges; Air – hurricanes and typhoons and Earth – earthquakes and landslides. These natural disasters are movements of Elemental energy over the Earth assisting Earth to higher dimensions. Negative energies all over the globe must be cleared and Gaia is doing it as carefully as she can but she must shed all the eons and eons of humanity’s negative energies she has borne. We tell you this negative energy is being cleared as rapidly as possible while doing the least harm possible to humanity. As always, during mankind’s trials and tribulations, we stand by to help you with our love, our guidance and support and energy. We are but a heartbeat away and will respond immediately if you but ask. And, ask you must because we cannot overstep your free will–the Prime Directive, in Star Trek language. So please, there are many of us, in many guises, all over the planet ready and willing to be of assistance with loving support and nurturance, call on us as you aid one another. We are here.

With Deepest Love,

I Am Archangel Jophiel speaking from the Angelic Dimensions


Dancing With Jupiter


In, But Not Of . . .