Runners, Approach Your Starting Gates . . . .

Blog, January 27, 2017

Fire Rooster – Aquarian New Moon – Ear of God

Astrology is practiced in different forms throughout the world. Chinese astrology has 12 animals representing the 12 divisions or houses in the sky, Rat to Pig. Legend has it that all the animals were told to heed an emperor beckoning their presence and the first 12 animals were given the honored places in the zodiac. Most of us are familiar with the Western astrology with it’s zodiac belt of 12 constellations from Aries to Pisces. Jyotisha or Vedic astrology is practiced in India and has several sub-systems of interpretation and predication with heavenly elements such as lunar mansions or houses.

So how do all three of these systems of astrology view January 27, 2017?

. . . As a beginning or fresh start!


Fire Rooster


Chinese New Year, begins on January 28th which makes January 27th Chinese New Year’s Eve. Thus begins the reign of the Fire Rooster until February 15, 2018. Chinese astrology adds elements to the animal signs. The elements; Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water sequentially cycle through the animal zodiac signs.

This year is a Fire Rooster or Red Rooster. Fiery Rooster years are viewed as being a blend of righteousness, justice with bombastic tendencies and efficient logistics. The Fire enhances the action and dynamic tendencies of Rooster years.

Personally, looking at this Fire Rooster year, we will all have to work hard and be patient in order to achieve our goals. Our career and financial goals will work out, if we are patient, but be sure and watch stress levels. Don’t let impatience push you or stress you out during this Rooster year. With all the loud crowing, strutting, and fiery rhetoric present in a Rooster year, we’ll all have a lot of time to practice patience with one another.


Aquarian New Moon

In Western astrology a new moon is about new beginnings and fresh starts. This Aquarian new moon allows us to shake free of restrains and upgrade, remodel and innovate. It can bring in a breath of fresh air and plant seeds for future growth.


With this new moon comes a square between Venus and Saturn and that means we could have feelings of being unworthy or lacking in love or support. This can cause problems in relationships, be they romance or business. It’s a good time to work towards getting rid of any lingering mistrust between partners. It’s a new beginning that may take a bit of work, but Aquarius will set the stage to help the work get done.


Ear of God


In Vedic astrology new moons don’t have quite the same significance as they do in Western astrology. However, they are seen as a time of spiritual beginnings. A renewal of self as the new moon supports changes internally. The energy of the new moon blesses new projects, negotiating contracts and contacting those you have dreaded contacting. It’s time to ‘get it done’.

You have a new slate, a new dream to make a reality with the universal blessing of new moon energies. This is especially true on the 27th since the new moon is in an area of the Vedic sky known as Sharavana nakshatra. This is a lunar mansion or house known as ‘the ear of God’. Thus, your ability to hear and absorb knowledge will be magnified. Listen closely to your inner voice during this new moon period as new understandings may be coming to you. Understandings that could shift your outlook on relationships, career, and life path.


New Moon


So, this Fiery Red Rooster Year, with the innovative Aquarian New Moon, will help you hear your inner spiritual voice and provide you energy to find new ways to proceed. You may have ‘aha’ moments with innovative solutions to problems or issues that have dogged your heels.

Allow yourself some alone time this during the new moon period to self-reflect and hear your new thoughts and inspirations. Remember, this is a 1 year, the beginning of a new 9 year cycle as we spiral upwards. Finding new solutions to old issues will bring us answers that will allow us to reach new heights and breathe fresher air.



“Call Us”

Hello Dear Ones,

I wish to remind you that we are always with you. I realize, for some of you, this is difficult to understand. How can someone, some being, be with you and you not be aware of it? If you start believing, talking, communing or in any way inter-acting with disincarnate beings can madness not lie ahead?

At one time in your history perhaps this was true, but the times have changed, dramatically. Since Gaia began her ascension, earth and all of humanity have been receiving energies of higher and higher vibrations. These high energetics have loosened up the denseness of earth and, in turn, humanity. Yes, there is no scientific proof of this change, but change always occurs in the spirit realm first before manifesting in the material.

Because of this continuing change in energies we, archangels, angelic beings, ascended masters, and others in higher realms or dimensions are able to make ourselves known to many more of you than in the past. Our dimensions are easier to traverse now as you become lighter and lighter we are able to reach you with our messages.

We know that others of you understand completely and this is but a friendly reminder to call upon us. We have messages of encouragement, hope, joy and love to share with you. We are your cheerleaders, your counselors, your spirit animals or totems; all the multitude of ways Spirit manifests to the Seeker. We are nearer now and you can hear us better. It makes for a perfect match–to listen, hear and begin your own personal exploration of spirit and how it relates to you.

You all have a guardian angel. You have had one since birth and before. Along with your guardian angel you have spirit guides that assist you in achieving your goals and desires. And, you have had the angelic dimension encouraging you and cheering you on. We do this because we love you and it gives us great joy and fulfillment to see you succeed. So use whatever means feels right for you–meditation, daydreaming, dreams, asking for signs–and we will be there.

We come with Light, Love, Joy and Peace.

Archangel Jophiel


How Do You Get There?


Astrological Energies, 2017