Out There . . .

Blog, March 18, 2017

Out beyond the ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” ~ Rumi


Here in this field we can be with one another in a place of non-judgement. We can share with one another in a place of peace and love. Sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? But how do we get there from here? Is it even possible that there really is a field like that out there? What if I start on a journey to that field and fall into the abyss? What if I’m the only one out there standing like a fool in the middle of this field all alone?

Fears and Obstacles

These and many more fears and obstacles can stop us from even considering reaching such a field. So, again I say, how do we get there? How do we reach a state of freedom and peace where we’re free of assumptions that there is only right or wrong, black or white, or good or evil?

Kindness, Goodness, and Compassion?

Right now there is a major feeling of being overwhelmed with what we’re faced with in the world and personally. TV news shows; social media; conversations with friends, family and co-workers are reflecting back to us a world that doesn’t resemble the one we wanted. Where’s the kindness, the goodness, the compassion and care for one another? Why is fear and distrust spreading wider and wider over the world?

Finding Ways

It is tiring and dispiriting. A field beyond right and wrong? Sounds like a pipe dream, a fairy tale, a fantasy. A place where we can all meet in understanding and support of one another seems far out of reach. Yet it isn’t. We have the kindness, the goodness, the compassion and caring for one another and we find ways to express it to one another. I’m not saying that at times it can seem overwhelming, but we take a deep breath and rise to the occasion with a smile and a helping hand for our neighbor. We, each one of us, are the counter-weight to the unwieldy tilting we see in the world.

First, Love and Compassion for Self

We make sure our interactions are filled with the compassion in our hearts, the care we have for one another and the, dare I say, love, yes love of our fellow humans. And all of this starts and ends with the love and compassion we have for our Self. Some days you just won’t feel like smiling, you just can’t muster the energy to care for yourself, let alone another. Allow yourself to experience those feelings with compassion. Do not berate yourself if you have a down day or feel full of despair. These feelings will pass as you grow more and more love in your heart for yourself. As this compassion and love builds within for yourself you will be able to share your kindness with others. You’ll be able to rise above the divisiveness.

We Can Be There For Each Other . . .

Yes, we can meet in that field beyond right and wrong and see one another with understanding and a smile on our lips. We can learn how to hear one another; one another’s fears, worries, triumphs, failures and all that makes us human. Letting go of dogma and judgment allows for a new consciousness. One of new understandings and wisdom. We can be there for each other with whatever gifts we have to offer. Be they walking in a protest to peacefully proclaim your views; holding a door open for a stranger who’s arms are full; paying it forward in whatever means possible. We are creative, loving beings and we can find ways to express this with one another.

I Know A Place

Rumi’s words remind me of Mavis Stapleton singing about I Know A Place.


“Listen…you can hear it welling up from the background….”Ahh, oh…I know a place, y’all…I’ll take you there…Ain’t nobody cryin’ there…I’ll take you there…Ain’t nobody worried, y’all…I’ll take you there…Just smilin’ faces…I’ll take you there…”

I’ll meet you out there in the field where we can see one another with compassion and kindness.


Hello Dear Ones,

A question was asked that is very pertinent to the time we are in.

I was asked by G.W., New York; ‘I understand that these are trying times and we are to try and stay as centered and peaceful as we can. I know that this is useful for not only myself but for the collective whole. My question is how do we do this when we are dealing with physical pain? You speak often of emotional/mental or spiritual processes, but we have bodies and sometimes they are very painful. Do you have any suggestions?

Yes, I very clearly hear your questions and understand the concern. It is difficult to have a smile on one’s face when there is physical discomfort to deal with, in addition to all the chaos seen in the world. This makes it imperative that you be good to yourself physically. Many of you have done much work in the realms of emotions, thoughts and spirit work and this is to be commended for it helps you and others immensely through this ascension process.

Now it is just as important to tend to your physical needs. Do you need more rest and/or sleep? Walking in nature? Receiving a massage? Immersion in warm or hot water for soothing aching joints? Change of dietary needs to meet the changing needs of the body? Perhaps more strenuous exercise than a nature walk? Anything that you feel would be soothing and restorative to your body would be most helpful at present. Your bodies are changing along with your mental/emotional/spiritual changes; just at a slower rate.

If you are at a loss as to what to do to feel better, I suggest you commune with your body. I know this may seem like an odd suggestion to many of you, but your body holds the answers as to what is needed to make it (and you) feel better. In your quiet time, your meditation time, your being with Self time; ask your body what would make it feel better. You will be pleasantly surprised as thoughts, pictures and feelings emerge with the response from your body. Tune in to these messages from your body and it will become easier and easier to ‘hear’ what your body is telling you.

Do not neglect your nurturing of your self due to time constraints or responsibilities that seem more pressing. What could be more important than the care and nurturing of the vehicle that carries you through this life? You often do not respond to it until it loudly proclaims it’s needs through pain or aches. Ameliorate those pains by being good to your body. Your path through life will become more joyous as you integrate your physical needs with your mental/emotional/spiritual needs. This too is part of ascension and change.

I send Love to you all and remember to call on us for assistance. We are all here and Archangel Raphael is the archangel of Healing (even for small aches and pains). He wanted me to remind you of all of that. And yes, there are many other beings who assist in healing. You have but to ask in your quiet time.


Archangel Jophiel


Changes, They Just Keep Coming . . . .


How Do You Get There?