Trees, Squirrels, & Hummingbirds

Blog, June 15, 1917

Dancing With External Change

It has been almost 9 weeks since I last wrote a newsletter and much has transpired during this time. I have been noting internal changes with myself as I’ve ‘danced’ with the external changes and it’s been most interesting. Happy to report fewer and fewer emotional ‘hooks‘ internally, in fact, a stronger and stronger return to a center of peace and neutrality as I observe the world and the chaos.

Another Move

On a personal level I’ve been dealing with the onset of another move after just a short one year here in our present location. That’s almost wrapped up as we will be moving a very short distance from where we are (at least that’s the plan as of this writing!). However, as you all know that still entails the packing, unpacking, sorting, and all the other ins and outs that go with changing one’s domicile. It’s been and is an opportunity for me to let go of more unnecessary material goods and well as more unneeded mental/emotional goods! Actually it is and has been an adventure in so many ways.

Leaving Friends


One of the dear friends I will be leaving is this beautiful tall tree that stands guard over our home on the south side. It is truly majestic and I have had many a fine talk this tree. But it is just one of a bevy of friends I will be leaving:

  • my morning hummingbird who flits in to say hello almost daily

  • the striking bird of paradise plant that the hummingbird loves to visit.

  • a squirrel that scampers along the backyard fence (and lives in the majestic tree).

While it’s true that all these friends will be missed I am looking forward to the new friends to be made. This is all indicative of what I stated in the first newsletter in April, 2016: Change. It’s been a constant in my life for quite awhile now and that definitely has given me ample opportunities to deal with my ‘stuff’. I know all of us have had major, minor, and in-between changes in our personal lives because that’s what the energy is calling forth now in all of us. The world stage is reflecting it and our personal stages are reflecting it.

Change Delights Our Spirit

As we all go through these changes our Spirit is delighted. Change is fuel to our Spirit which thrives on new experiences and gaining insights. It’s our mental/emotional/physical self that has a few butterflies contemplating changes, but that’s just our reaction to Spirit flowing and dancing with all the changes. And, of course, we have another big astrological change approaching, Summer Solstice on June 21st!

Summer Solstice

Equinoxes, Solstices, Full Moons, New Moons, and other astrological experiences are opportunities to breathe in the energies that these portals bring. Earth is being bathed constantly in more and more light energy that keeps bringing the Shadow out into the open to be healed. We are doing that on a world basis and on a personal basis as more and more comes to light.

On a personal basis, one way to use this light energy for self-healing and growth can be demonstrated by the next three signs of the Zodiac ushered in by the Solstice: Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Relationships of all types have been a major theme this year (along with constant change) and will continue to be throughout the year. Relationships with self, with family, love partners, work…all our relationships.

  • Cancer wants us to deepen and nurture our relationships, especially with family members. Set aside some time to spend developing close connections to your family, your tribe.

  • Leo wants us to be true to our heart and follow where it leads us in love and life. We should be happy and feel loved, we deserve it.

  • Virgo helps us do things to assist and help others we love to have an easier life. Find ways to be of help to others dealing with errands or tasks.

Personal Responsibility, Attitude

So while it’s true that many of us our resistant to change and prefer things staying the same…they’re not and they won’t. This is the time of Change, Growth, Light. Each one of us is responsible for how we interact with that Change:

  • Do we go with the flow?

  • Do we drag our feet and kick and scream?

  • Do we look with wonder on what is happening?

Our attitude and the way be meet the Change is the deciding factor here. Remember, Spirit embraces change and loves to dance with it. So it’s a good idea to get in touch with your spirit for guidance. It’s a great dance partner and will not step on your toes!

Love & Light


Beauty is a Balm

Hello Dear Ones,

Seeing Beauty in the world can be difficult. There is much Beauty surrounding you at all times but the loudness of the Ugly can catch and hold one’s attention. We understand this and this is why we strive to help you see Beauty as much as possible. Beauty soothes the soul and brings calmness to one’s spirit. It helps assuage the loudness and ugliness of many of the crass acts and behavior in the world. It is not a band-aid or a glossing over of atrocities, but a true balm to the wounds and pains of the world.


This is demonstrated by the outpouring of Love and Beauty that springs up at many instances of mayhem on your planet. Flowers, candles, stuffed toys and other symbols of pushing back the Darkness with Light and Beauty. These spring, almost spontaneously, at the scenes because of the wish to express the eradication of violence and ugly acts and replace the dark energy with energy filled with light, love and beauty.


Beauty takes many forms dependent upon the individual’s expression, but all those forms bring smiles and a bit of joy to the creator. The beauty of Nature which can be expressed so many ways…the enjoyment of a flower and the beauty it adds to a landscape is but one that comes to mind. The beauty of artistic expressions…a soulful saxophone player on a San Francisco street comes to Sharon’s mind. The beauty of sharing or helping someone with a task. Even as small as opening a door for a stranger with their hands full. All these and so many many more are examples of Beauty that continually surrounds you.

Recently M. F. of New Mexico asked; “How can I express or even appreciate Beauty when so many others are in unbelievable dire straits? There are so many without the basics of food, clothes, shelter or anything? Where is the Beauty in that?

I hear and understand your question because it is true, there is much inequity in the world and one can feel guilty or being seen as non-caring by thinking that ‘if I plant a flower or smile at someone’ I’m helping alleviate the horridness in the world. All Life on Earth is in a matrix, a grid of Consciousness. A connection of vibrations that act much like a stone thrown into a pond; energy impacts the entire matrix or pond from the toss. So while it may appear futile to keep one’s energy happy or positive by the expression and enjoyment of Beauty, it is not. Your energy or acts of expression are just as important as the next person’s. And as more and more of you allow Beauty, Love, and Peace to be your emotional states you add those vibrations to the overall matrix. As more and more people do so the Consciousness changes. Remember the 100th monkey story? The hundredth monkey story refers to a sudden spontaneous and mysterious leap of consciousness achieved when an allegedly “critical mass” point is reached.


You are all approaching this critical mass at a very rapid rate even though it seems a snail’s pace to you. From our perspective Earth is getting lighter and brighter with each day as more and more of you access your center of peace and calmness. Beauty is an expression of this peace and calmness. A quiet joy that spreads from one to another and eventually the entire web of Consciousness. Continue looking for Beauty and spreading it and sharing it with others as it helps bring more and more light to your world.


P.S. Hi, Sharon here. Shortly after I finished typing this message from Archangel Jophiel, I received an email (ain’t synchronicity grand?!) that illustrates the power of staying positive and how all is connected. This story is from Good News website: “The Impact of Positive and Negative Emotions”.


In, But Not Of . . .


Changes, They Just Keep Coming . . . .