Coloring & Hummingbirds

Blog, May 30, 2016

I don’t know about you but I’ve found that coloring is a wonderful meditative state for me. When all else fails I put on a CD or audio tape I want to hear and get out the coloring book and pens. I’ve been doing this for a number of years but I’ve just found out recently that coloring for adults is the ‘new thing’. Well, if so, that’s great because we adults need the head/heart/soul space coloring can bring.

I get lost in the repetitive movements and time passes effortlessly. And, at the same time my mind soars free and quiet intuitive hits begin emerging from the background, knowledge comes to the forefront, and I begin to see resolutions that were elusive before. It’s a very calming creative space for me and very enjoyable. Of course, you have to quiet the nattering ‘voices’ that try to come up at the beginning like, ‘what are you doing now? You should be (fill in the blank with appropriate chores/responsibilities) but you’re going to color?! Incredible! Is that a good use of your time? How does that resolve (whatever issue that is currently on the horizon)? I’m very happy to report that repeated use of the colored pens and books have silenced most of these irritating little voices before they even get a chance to begin.

Astrologically, right now we have five planets in retrograde, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. (Retrograde means that a planet apparently appears to be moving backwards in the Zodiac in relation to Earth.) Jupiter will go Direct (forward) on May 9th but the other 4 will be retrograde and end at various dates with Pluto being the last to go Direct on September 26, 2016. All this means is that it’s definitely a summer for reflection and inner contemplation and a bit of navel gazing. No, that doesn’t mean that we can’t get things done but it does mean to stop and reflect and listen for your inner guidance as you carry out your plans. All those planets are saying, in their various voices, slow down, ponder and look within.

So coloring, daydreaming, meditating…whatever works for you to get in touch with your Higher Self/Guidance/Inner Voice will be in the forefront this month of May and through the summer.

Ruby Throated Emerald Hummingbird

Ruby Throated Emerald Hummingbird

And as for the hummingbirds…well in my new backyard there is a vibrant Bird of Paradise plant and this beautiful ruby-throated emerald green hummingbird appears every morning and while I have tea, he has nectar. It’s a wonderful arrangement and she appeared every morning for about 10 days, when it wasn’t raining. This was especially welcomed because it always brightened my mood and helped start the day. What I was wonderfully amused by was the fact, no matter what time I sat down for a bite to eat and a cup of tea, there he was. 8 AM to 11 AM made no difference, he’d flit in for a quick sip and take off leaving me with a grin and a thank you.

Hummingbird Back Story: About two years ago, Stan & I were at the Self- Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine in Pacific Palisades. This was a spot we visited often to enjoy the beauty, quietness and rich flora and fauna. A few days before the mentioned visit I had given Stan a birthday card that had a beautiful gold seal on the envelope that was embossed with a hummingbird and a notation that the hummingbird signified Joy. I thought, at the time, that ‘wow I didn’t know that and they are a great symbol for joy.‘ That day at the Lake Shrine Stan & I were sitting on a bench enjoying the sun and I was feeling very happy and content. I’m pretty sure I thought to myself, I feel rather joyous. We strolled further along the lake to a floating platform on the lake and admired a waterfall. As we stood there in the sunshine and I was feeling very content, suddenly a group of 5 hummingbirds appeared before us and just fluttered in the air. We had never seen a flock of hummingbirds before. Usually only one or two at a time but five all flying and flitting around in the same air space and staying there for a good 30 seconds! We both were grinning from ear to ear at the beautiful air dancers and feeling pretty special to get to witness that. Since that time I’ve always equated hummingbirds with joy.

So you can see how the morning tea hummingbird lifted my spirits seeing him or her for that matter, every morning. So coloring, hummingbirds, whatever it takes to put you in touch with your Self; be sure and allow it to happen, especially now. In the midst of all this chaos and noise in the world we can always find a positive news story, a rainbow, a spark of happiness and joy, if we let it in. Namaste Y’All!

Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.

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