Difficult Birth

Blog, July 11, 2016

This newsletter has been slow to be born… I have started, deleted, re-started and deleted it again, three times, because the way to approach the information kept transforming. It’s been a good analogy to the very astrological energies we’ve been dealing with so far this July. When energies are moving backwards or retrograde it’s not so easy for us humans to achieve forward motion or progress. Retrograde means that a planet, to us here on Earth, appears to be moving backwards. Of course, the planet is not moving backwards, it is an optical illusion.

While Mars ended it’s retrograde period on June 29th there are still 4 planets either retrograde right now or soon to be. There are also 2 asteroids retrograde which astrologically have an impact on us. What this means is that there is manifesting a great deal of starting and stopping of projects; confusion and uncertainty about what to do; and anxiety and fear about what’s next. The planets that are impacting us currently are:

Planet Retrograde - Direct

Saturn March 25, 2016 - August 13, 2016

Uranus July 29, 2016 - December 29, 2016

Neptune June 13, 2016 - November 19, 2016

Pluto April 18, 2016 - September 26, 2016

Pallas June 21, 2016 - October 17, 2016

Chiron June 27, 2016 - December 1, 2016

Some planets have more impact than others and here’s a brief synopsis of each planet’s retrograde impact upon us in order of astrological impact:

Uranus is the planet of sudden change, individuality and liberation. During retrograde we may feel at odds with ourselves, questioning our usual identity and how we view things. Urges for freedom and rebellion against confining routines of one’s life. Uranus helps us change what we need to change to move forward in our life.

Saturn is the planet of structure, order and constraint. This retrograde may bring on surprises, frustrations and slow-downs of projects and goals. Time management may seem impossible. Unresolved past issues may arise. We can evaluate what serves our life and what is not as Saturn shows us our structures and limits.

Neptune is the planet of imagination, fantasy and psychic realms. As it goes retrograde dreams and psychic messages can become very clear on an individual level. It’s as though the backward/retrograde motion clears the usual Neptunian fog from the mental/emotional atmosphere. However with this Neptunian influence, images and ideas can roll in at a faster clip than usual, causing insomnia or mental overload.

Pluto is the planet of transformation, regeneration and rebirth. As it goes retrograde it leads us into a rather deep unforgiving exploration of our inner truths. Episodes of low self esteem may arise as an inaccurate focus can come up of past mistakes and guilts. Pluto’s retrograde gives us energy to prioritize and re-consider what our purpose is in life and helps us to realign to that purpose.

Chiron represents our deepest wound and our efforts to heal that wound. During retrograde we face our issues of mis-actions: injustices others have done to us and wrong actions we may have done. Because of Chiron, we can now analyze and take corrective measures. This is the time we come to understand, forgive ourselves and others – and move on.

Pallas represents wisdom of the feminine spirit. During retrograde Pallas will add to the on-going rebellious attitude by short-circuiting our caring, nurturing side. Diplomacy and tact may be abandoned for bluntness and aggression. This period defined by Pallas allows all, male and female, to become aware of their feminine energy and bring it into balance with their male energy.

How this translates on a global scale is the over-turning of injustices and inequalities of all types: governmental, economical, religious, social, racial, sexual, etc. This unrest will not abate until equality and justice become the norm for all, the entire global community—us! The astrological energy will continue hitting us in waves, as it has since 2012, to bring the injustices to the light then a regrouping as humankind rights wrongs and repeats we achieve balance. These are deep emotional, mental and spiritual changes we are undergoing now.

I share this information with you to give you insight into what energies we are dealing with and help you assess how they may impact or be impacting you presently. As we cope with emotional outbursts, pent up frustrations and general emotional upheaval, using our abilities to stay centered and calm will serve us well.

It is also important to know that our will is stronger than any planetary influence. We are not at the mercy of the astrological energies; we can make choices that allow us to use the energies to our advantage and exert our will to stay on a positive, even keel. We should avoid a tendency to be anxious, apathetic, guilty, fearful, angry, over-reactive, and in negative self-judgement. Continuing to focus on positive thoughts and visualizing positive outcomes may sound trite, but it will help immensely.

The plus side of all these energies is that our abilities to create are very high right now. This is a very powerful time for manifesting the reality that you want in your life and what type of world you want to live in, both on the micro and the macro. This is the time of destruction, but it is followed by the time of creation. As bleak as it may seem right now we are making headway and on the right track.

Visualize Whirled Peas!

Okay, maybe World Peace also!!

Love To All

Sharon Holley

Intuitive/Psychic CounselorI use an eclectic mix of my abilities and skills in my psychic counseling practice. I allow the needed knowledge or skill to come forth during a counseling session that best assists me in seeing or reading your truth.


Energy & Harmony


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