Jophiel’s Message - “More Beauty”

Blog, October26, 2016

Greetings Dear Ones,


I wish to share more with you on the subject of Beauty. With many of the indigenous people who live on your planet there is a knowing of being in harmony with Nature. This way is sometimes called The Beauty Way and practitioners are invited to Walk the Beauty Way.

To Walk The Beauty Way means to be in harmony with all things. All things…people, objects, animals, Life itself. And not just the physical but also harmony with one’s feelings and your inner states.

Starting with Nature is a good way for one to learn to Walk in Beauty or follow the Beauty Way. Allow yourself to feel the earth beneath your feet. Really be one with it and sense it’s presence. The earth is presented to you in many different forms…sand, grass, mud, rocks, dirt, loam, bogs…so many many different expressions for you to explore and see each aspect of unique beauty. This beauty is offered to you for your enrichment, your enjoyment, your Spirit’s sustenance and much more. This acknowledging of your connection with earth allows one to have a greater appreciation for the Earth and how to live in harmony with her.

The beauty of Nature is a doorway through which you can step and have greater connection to your SoulSpirit. Your souls revel in the nourishment of your appreciation of Nature’s gifts.

Yes, I know Nature can bring forth chaos on Earth as well as Beauty. But the chaos occurring now is a balancing of energies that must be brought forward at this time to keep the greater balance of Earth. Energy balancing is a continuous process that must be attended to so that all will flow as smoothly as possible. It is much as though you have an itch or irritation on your big toe or elbow. Do you not respond by clearing or anointing the irritated area? It is much the same with the Earth. The winds move energies in the form of your high and low pressures around the earth while the oceans and rivers move energies to bring balance through their currents and tides. When there is an imbalance the wind may have to be more forceful in the form of a typhoon or hurricane to change balances just as the ocean and rivers may flood from rains or winds. All this is to keep all in balance and functioning harmoniously.


All who read this message are aware that the Earth is struggling to keep this balance. Earth has been abused in a myriad of ways but that balance is slowly being restored as Earth ascends. And through all the eons of turmoil Nature’s beauty has always been presented for your appreciation. The simple act of witnessing a striking sunrise or sunset can reveal your heart and soul to yourself. It does not matter if Nature is no more than a single flower in a vase on your table or a glimpse of a tree through your city window you can appreciate and enjoy Nature where ever you are.

The power of Beauty is that it brings one fully present. Beauty captivates and allows you to be in the Now. When one is in the Now or fully present you are more capable of being in touch with Spirit. This is an important way Nature can bring you into balance as you contemplate it’s beauty. Actually, anything that appeals to your sense of beauty will do bring you into balance in a simple easy manner. Allow yourself to fully appreciate it and quietly be with it. Do not mistake simple and ease for simplistic because they are very different concepts. Try it and see what communion with Spirit Beauty can bring you.


I am here for support at any time, simply go within and ask and I am there. So also are your Guides and other Archangels as close as your request.

Walk In Beauty Dear Ones…Walk In Beauty.


Desiderata with Moonglow


Bring The Heart To The Forefront