Beauty Everywhere!

Blog, September 8,, 2016

New Waves of Energy


Here we are on the 9th day of September, in the 9th month of September, in a 9 year (2+0+1+6 = 9) 9-9-9. . . we are completing a cycle. We’ve been building up our spiritual muscles for our next cycle as we rise higher in awareness. We have Mercury retrograde for much of this month (Aug. 30th thru Sept. 21st), and had a Solar Eclipse on the 1st of the month/New Moon; Lunar Eclipse arriving on the 16th of the month/Full Moon and the Fall Equinox on Sept. 22nd. All these astrological configurations act as vortexes, gateways, portals bringing in new waves of energy to lift us higher and higher up the consciousness spiral. So, I say be sure and look for the beauty, joy, a smile or two as we traverse the landscape filled with these high vibrational energies.

Rediscovering Beauty

When I was about 16 or so I was grappling with a life issue. How best to address it? What would be the best resolution for all involved? How could I be so stupid and make such a mistake? I’m sure we’ve all faced such dilemmas . . . it’s just that at 16 the issues look so huge, so insurmountable. As I grappled with the emotions and thoughts swirling through my mind and body I felt the world getting darker and darker. I realized this was just my perspective of things, that the world wasn’t actually getting darker, because it was a bright summer evening but the darkness was there, nonetheless. As I wrestled with my thoughts and feelings, I spied a bright glint of gold-green on the ground to my right. It flashed so bright that it caught my eye and cut through all the inner darkness I was indulging in. On closer examination, I saw that it was just a bit of green bottle glass, but it was beautiful.

Stopped In My Tracks

Seeing the beauty of this bit of throw-away glass as the setting sun highlighted it literally stopped me in my tracks mentally, emotionally and physically. I had one of those ‘altered reality states‘ where I had two lines of thoughts running parallel. One was the ‘oh woe is me, what to do, what to do‘ and the other was ‘wow, just when I thought I was lost in fearful feelings I see beauty, real beauty!’ As I left the ‘woe is me’ line of thought I followed the ‘beauty’ thought… If I can find beauty in the midst of my despair maybe there is always beauty around me and I just have to look? I since have found that a glimpse of beauty can, more often than not, help ameliorate the effects of negativity.

The Practice

Thus began a practice that I still follow to this day when I’m grappling with a worry or drowning in sorrow or frustration. When I get a breather from my heavy emotion(s) I will raise my head and look around to try and see a bit of beauty. It often isn’t even conscious, just a breather and more times than not my senses will catch something. It may be no more than a raindrop reflecting a cloudy sky, or a small perfect blossom of some type, or a breeze blowing through sparkling leaves. Beauty can be all around us and that beauty can be a small lifeline to lead us back into the light.

True, it’s not a resolution to the issue or an ending for the sorrow but it’s as though the Universe says, “I am here and if you will but look, I will send a light your way”. It may be small but it will be a light, nevertheless.



Hello Dear Ones,

My name is Jophiel, Archangel Jophiel, and I greet you from the angelic dimensions. I want to speak with you today about the angelic help that is always with you. All of you. We are available to you in many forms. That of Archangels, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, or other angelic beings. We await your call for assistance, clarity or information in whatever way you think we may serve you.

Many of you already call upon us in your time of need, but we urge you to call upon us anytime for we are always ready to speak with you and be of assistance. We are of use in the mundane matters as well as the sacred matters. We love you dearly and await to hear your call. As Earth undergoes the Ascension process more and more of you are becoming aware of the Higher Dimensions in a more personal way. As a more aware consciousness rises in the collective consciousness of Humanity, you are become more aware of our presence in a variety of ways.

You have always spoken with us in meditation, in prayers, in daydreams, in worship, in dream time and creative endeavors, to name a few. Just now, more and more of you are becoming consciously aware of our responses. We have always responded, but the answers may have been difficult, at times, to discern through the ‘veil’ – the borders between dimensions. As you awaken in consciousness, the borders are becoming more and more porous and your awareness of our response is being heard on many different levels. This is why I encourage you to call on us with your queries about Life and ascertaining the best paths through the opportunities in Life.

As I said, we love to serve you and we love you and await your calls. We are never far away and always send support and guidance when you ask. We must wait to be asked, always, because you have free will and that is to honored first and foremost. So call upon us, we await your requests.

Thank you for letting me speak with you today and I look forward to more conversations with you.

You Are Loved

Sharon Comments . . .


I’m sure many of you are surprised to hear a message in my newsletter from Archangel Jophiel. I know I sure was surprised when I heard from her a while ago. It’s been about a year and a half since she first contacted me and asked if I would be interested in conveying messages she had via my newsletter and via Readings. It’s taken me this long to come to terms with the idea of being a channel for an Archangel or for any other Being, for that matter.

In my quest for spiritual growth I had never entertained the idea of being a channel. A channel is someone who allows a non-incarnate Being to speak with their voice. I’ve been on this path for 50 some years now and I’ve met many channels, mediums, psychics, spiritual teachers, enlightened beings and all types of self-development guides. Some have been great, others not-so-great, but by far, most of them have been very very helpful. I’ve always asked, and somehow through serendipity, coincidence, fate, or synchronicity . . . been led to my ‘next step.‘

Well, as best I can remember, I had not asked for an Archangel to channel via me. I had, however, asked for, on a rather continual basis, to continue growing in my understanding of Life and the spiritual/psychic nature of it. I came to realize this, channeling, was evidently my next step.

Angels On My Path?

Now I was never one to follow the ‘angel route‘ through my New Age spiritual explorations. Astrology, Psychic Courses on connecting with Higher Self, Reading Auras, Tarot Cards, Etc, yes. Diving into books on Psychology, Religions, Ancient Civilizations, Myths, and much more, yes. But Angels, no way! I didn’t even know the terminology within the angelic hierarchy. Heck, I didn’t even know there was a terminology. And I shied away from New Age shops heavy on the Angel products because I found them a bit of a turn-off. A little too saccharine for my tastes. I know there is God, Force, Prime Source, Creator, and all the other names for God/Goddess, but I still didn’t associate that with beings flying around playing harps. Besides, what of religious philosophies that don’t have angels like Buddhists, Hindus, and other spiritual teachings?

Yes, I knew of Spirit Guides, and Healing Masters, and other Beings one contacts for guidance but I didn’t deem them angels and they never appeared to me with wings and heavenly choirs. So you can imagine my surprise when I was contacted.

Who Me?

I was stunned, disbelieving and recalling all the times I was clear that I didn’t want to be a channel. In fact, my sister, who is very spiritual/psychic, and I have had discussions in the past about neither of us wanting to channel. So I had to re-think my position. Why didn’t I want to channel? And as I asked that I saw a lot of fears come to the surface of my consciousness. Which is what I’ve been doing this year and half . . . examining my fears around channeling coupled with the knowledge that fears are obstacles on the path of growth.

Yes fears serve a purpose to make me cautious, but I don’t want those fears to govern me and make me afraid to step forward. So I chose curiosity and decided to explore that. So after a year and a half of delving into channeling . . . learning how others who channel spirit had the same fears and how they learned to step past their fears and open up to a whole new world; doing a few practice channeled readings for a few people and having long talks with my Higher Self, I decided this was going to be new exciting adventure and jumped right in. (After 1 1/2 years of bouncing on the high diving board!)

Oh yes, I meant to mention, I researched information about Archangel Jophiel and found out that the name means Beauty of God and she’s the Archangel of Beauty and Order, among other things.

Go figure…


And Yes, she’s doing Readings via me as a channel at the same rate, $100/hr. Just contact me for an appointment.


Bring The Heart To The Forefront


Energy & Harmony