Bring The Heart To The Forefront

Blog, October 11, 2016

Develop the Heart

On my office wall is a saying from the Dalai Lama titled Never Give Up and within this he states: “Develop the heart. Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart. Develop the heart, be compassionate…”. In my work I’ve come across the phrases; ‘think with your heart’, ‘let your heart lead’, ‘listen to your heart’, and many such phrases. These all emphasize the need to allow the heart to have prominence over the rational mind, or ego, as we delve further and further into spiritual development. And, for me, I have found this is not an easy task. For eons we have developed a logical mind with strong reasoning powers to guide us through Life. The mind has led, with the heart following. So how do we switch this around? How do we move the heart to the front?

The Heart and the Mind, Connected

Recently, as I re-read ‘think with your heart’, I was reminded of something discovered many years ago in Cosmos Conception, a Rosicrucian book. (I have always been a seeker of mysteries). I recalled reading about a nerve that connects the heart to the mind. This nerve allows the heart’s wisdom to guide one’s choices. A bit of research found the following on my bookshelf: “…in any situation one’s (Higher Self) knows at once what to do and flashes the message of guidance and proper action back to the heart, which as instantaneously flashes it on to the brain through the medium of the pneumo-gastric nerve, resulting in ‘first impressions’, the intuitional impulse, which is always good because it is drawn directly from the fountain of Cosmic Wisdom and Love.”

I realized this is a big part of what I’ve attempted to do over the years in my spiritual/self development. That is, to move my ego/rational mind a bit more to the rear and listen to my heart more for guidance. This definitely runs counter to how we have all been taught over the years to get ahead in life. Humankind has been led by the rational mind into many great discoveries and inventions, but also much mayhem, chaos and destruction. Learning to think with one’s heart means learning to lead in your thinking and actions with compassion, love, respect and joy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have all the creative discoveries and inventions humankind has come up with be used with compassion, love and joy?

Most Relevant Organ in the Body?

With Google at my fingertips, I decided to find out a bit more about this heart-brain nerve connection. I found this on a site called Waking Times: “At the center of our bodies resides a long, sinewy nerve that extends all the way from our medullas down through our chests to beyond our stomachs. This nerve, known as the Vagus Nerve, happens to be at a most fascinating intersection, not only between our two physical nervous systems (our central and autonomic nervous systems), but also between our conscious minds and subconscious minds. As such, it also acts as a bridge between our gross bodies and our subtle bodies. And it’s a nerve probably 99% of the population have never heard of nor even have a clue where it’s located. And yet the Vagus Nerve (ironically pronounced the exact same way as sin city itself, Las Vegas) may be the single most relevant organ in our body relative to our peace of mind and happiness.”

Wow, all these heart-opening exercises I have done over the recent years tie in with information I came across back in the 60’s! However, opening my heart isn’t easy. My ego/rational mind is sharp and quick and has always rushed to the forefront with good solid logic and scientific reasoning as to why such ‘n such is so. Yes, I’ve always wanted to have an open mind, but I have not wanted to have a mind like Swiss cheese. I guess I’ve been doing this balancing act for some time between being open to the mysteries of the Cosmos and not having a mind full of holes. So when I recently read “Quiet your action in the world, focus on your breath and allow your heart’s intelligence to speak as you align with your Soul. This Alignment is your direct connection to the Divine and as such brings your gifts forward into daily life…” I had a deeper understanding of what those words meant and how they applied to thinking with my heart.

Aware While Feeling Good


Being vulnerable and opening your heart so you can stand with compassion is not for sissies, believe me! You are met full on with pain from the horrors we do to one another in the process of being human. You are open to the looks of disbelief as you speak of inclusion rather than exclusion; speaking of forgiveness rather than revenge; trusting rather than guarding. So why would someone want to think with their heart or open their heart to the world? Yes, it allows acknowledgement of incredible pain and suffering, but I’ve slowly learned to acknowledge the pain and suffering and have compassion for what I witness and for myself. For me it has mostly been an incredible freeing and openness to Life. Yes, there are many many horrors, but there are also many many wonders. Thinking with your heart allows you to see the rainbow as well as the rain; it allows you to forgive and move on without a ball of pain in your gut; it allows you to be aware of the dangers, the fears, and still have a smile and feel good about your Self and Life.

Faster Than A Blink

As I said before, the ego/rational mind has certainly had a purpose or we wouldn’t have developed it. The purpose has been to keep us alive and it’s done this mostly by keeping us safe by making sure we ‘fit in’ and ‘kept our heads down’. I’ve been working on convincing my ego/rational mind that I’m very appreciative of all its done for all these many years. Now it just has to rest a bit and take a tiny step back as my heart comes to the foreground. Thinking becomes heart-driven and the world becomes more compassionate. And we certainly need to change to more compassion. The mind is not left out of this heart leading in life. The heart responds and in a nanosecond flashes it’s conception to the brain via the vagus nerve, which in another nanosecond flashes back to the heart with an action plan. This all occurs faster than one can blink, but it makes a world of difference in your outlook on Life.

More Conscious Interaction

We are doing all this growth and ascension to connect more with our Soul/Spirit whether we acknowledge it or not. As we spiral up this ascension path we are making more and more of a conscious connection with the subtle realm (heart/soul/spirit); rather than sole focus on the physical realm (brain/ego/rational mind). The subtle realm has always been there and we’ve always been interacting with it…just not conscious of it. We are still going to interact with the physical realm, that is why we have physical bodies. But we are moving into a more conscious interaction in all ways . . . within the Self, with Others and with Life.

Relax, Look, Smile


Learning to lead with the heart may not come easily, but it is well worth the work to see with the heart’s eyes. Just relax, trust yourself, look out into the world and smile.



Greetings Dear Ones,

I come to you today to speak of Beauty.


Beauty is an aspect of your world that is always present for your enjoyment, inspiration, guidance and communion. Your planet was created as one of the most beautiful in the Omniverse and it is replete with Beauty in Nature.

Upon Earth much Love is expressed in the displays of nature. Beauty helps soothe the soul when dealing with the everyday vicissitudes of Life and feeling pulled in all directions. A beautiful sunset can bring one to a pause and a deep breath as the colorful glory is spread across the sky. The adage of stopping to smell the roses is well meant in that the beauty of the design, color and aroma of a rose or many other flowers can lift spirits and bring a smile to your face.

Having your spirits uplifted may seem like a small thing but it is so important in bringing solace to your soul. Allowing yourself to experience what you deem beautiful is a simple act but one of great importance. Beauty is not an abstract concept but one of singular meaning to each and every one of you. It is true that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and that allows a wonderful array of beautiful expressions to come forth. Beauty is so powerful that it can bring a smile to your heart and a song to your soul, all in an instant.

Beauty also helps to stir humankind’s curiosity and creativeness. Many of your created art pieces throughout the ages have reflected the beauty that you see all around you. Beauty takes many forms of expression, but all are reflections of your creativeness and your voice to the world. You share your inner beauty with your art forms in music, painting, writing, sculpting, photography, poetry, cooking…the list is as endless as the ways you choose to express your creativeness. One of the ways I serve humankind is assisting in expressing one’s own unique beauty. I am always ready to help either with bringing forth an inspiration, a fresh approach or insight. These are just some of the ways I can be of help. Please call upon me for assistance as you bring forth your creations. My name means Beauty of God and I wish to be of help in expressing your concepts of beauty.

May you walk in Beauty!


Jophiel’s Message - “More Beauty”


Beauty Everywhere!