Desiderata with Moonglow

Blog, November 10, 2016

“Go Placidly Amidst the Noise and Haste . . . “

The words of the Desiderata came to mind this morning as I sat to finish writing this newsletter,

“Go placidly amidst the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars…And whether it is clear to you or not, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should…“

A State of Deeper Calmness and Peace

I have only captured a few of the profound words of the Desiderata by Max Erhman that have been powerfully illustrated by Gavin Aung Than at The Daily Good. The words of the Desiderata have always been deeply meaningful to me, but coupled with the brilliant illustrations it really brought a state of deeper calmness and peace, yes peace, this morning after the election.

I know we are in the midst of great change and upheaval and so do you and the heavenly information has shown all this to be true. We have had cosmic storms, solar winds, and magnetic fluxes on a constant basis on an astronomical level. On an astrology level we have had powerful portals opening ushering in huge energy waves upon waves of energies with very little breathing space between the crests. And now we’re in for another major wave.


1st Supermoon, October – Aries


I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t say a few words this month about our upcoming full moon on Monday, November 14th. Closing out this year we are having three Super Full Moons or Supermoon as they are referred to. The first Supermoon has already passed on October 16th in Aries. Being in Aries, this Supermoon gave us a much needed push forward after several months of deep diving into our innerscape.

However, our upcoming Supermoon is in Taurus and astrologically this means we need to stay grounded, indulge our senses and connect with Nature as much as possible. (A moonlight stroll eating chocolates on a seashore maybe?).

This Supermoon is getting so much press because it’s the largest full moon Supermoon since 1948, that’s 68 years since the moon has appeared this large in the heavens. It won’t be this visibly large again until 2034, another 18 years. NASA says this moon will be nearly 15% larger and 30% brighter than any regular full moon and that’s because it will also be a perigree moon. A perigree moon is when the moon is at its closest point in its orbit. The moon will reach the crest of it’s full phase on Monday, November 14th at 5:52 am PST.

Supporting and Calming

2nd Supermoon, November – Taurus

Supermoons tend to produce higher tides and thus more pull on our bodies, mainly our emotions, so being good to yourself if a good idea at this time. A Taurus moon has us longing for serenity, security, peace and comfort so we should relax and enjoy ourselves as best we can. The moon in Taurus is exalted in astrological terms, which means the moon is very comfortable in Taurus. This moon will have tremendous power and depth but in a way that can be supportive and calming. We may get better insight into our innerscapes and more comfortable ways to transverse our psychic spiritual paths. Insight, perhaps, on how to use the past to build towards a better tomorrow. This moon is needed after our riotous political season we have just undergone. A time to reflect and relax for a moment.


Taurus moons’ do pull out issues of finance and self-worth so these issues may arise for some of us. But, again, it should arise in ways that give you ideas on how to resolve these matters in a positive way. At least for the time being. For instance you can indulge in material actions such as applying for a loan, starting a long-term relationship, any activity using music and decorations (like a party!). Even if you sleep through the moonlight or weather prevents you from viewing the moon, you should have peaceful dreams.

Supermoon, December – Gemini

And the last of our Supermoons that we close the year with is on December 16th, in the sign of Gemini. This Supermoon, while not as visibly large as Novembers’, will still be close and bright. In Gemini we will be communicating with friends and having an active social life. When the moon’s in Gemini we want to share information with one another and indulge in mental stimulation like reading or studying.

So enjoy the upcoming Supermoon and, if at all possible, try to get a glimpse of it.

As the Desiderata reminds us,

“…whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul, with all it’s sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.“


Finding Beauty in Chaos

Hello Dear Ones,


I have been asked, how does one find Beauty in the midst of inner turmoil? This is when one needs a sense of calmness, peace or beauty the most and it can be the most difficult time to reach any semblance of order let alone finding beauty. What if the inner turmoil is so great that you do not even have the wherewithal to call for help from your guides, guardians or angels? I understand how often overwhelm can occur in these incredibly stressful times and I wish to be of service.

One way is to give in to the sense of overwhelm and surrender. Acknowledge that too much is too much and embrace the moment. Allow the emotional storm to sweep over you, engulf you and allow yourself to surrender to the moment. Know that THIS WILL PASS. Emotional turmoil will use your energy and it will pass or burn out as you say. As the clearing of the turmoil descends upon you relax and know that you are NOT ALONE. We are here with you to assist you through these emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically trying times. This can not be overstated.

Allow yourself three deep cleansing breaths as assists in reassuring your body that all is well; if for no more than a moment, but a moment is all you need. As your physical body settles down, ask in whichever way is best for you, for the strength, wisdom, fortitude and grace to resolve your issue and move forward. State an intent that you will resolve all that is needed. Intentions are very powerful messages to the Universe that begin the process of bringing what you need for your highest good into manifestation.

We ask that you be discerning and take notice of how resolutions are being brought to you. Answers can come in many forms and they will be unique for each of you. Some will hear inner guidance, another can hear an encouraging word from a friend or associate at a crucial moment, still another may see a billboard, a beloved pet interaction, a song on the radio that will trigger or show a means for resolution or guidance of your issue. Ask for validation of inner guidance to appear to you in some recognizable form if you have uncertainty about ‘hearing‘ correctly. People have had objects such as feathers, flowers, birds and such appear.

There is beauty in the peace and inner calmness that can arise and give you strength to continue on. A beauty that empowers you as you understand that you are loved and supported by a legion of angels who wish deeply to be of service. Please know that beauty comes in a multitude of forms.

You Are Loved


I Am Archangel Jophiel


What if. . . ?


Jophiel’s Message - “More Beauty”