Ways of Beauty

by Archangel Jophiel

Blog, September 18, 2019

I want to talk to you of Beauty. I have addressed this topic many times before but I wish to share with you more avenues to Beauty. Following the paths to Beauty can and will help you gain a deeper connection to your Higher Self, your SpiritSoul, the God of your Heart and all the various names humankind has for connecting with their Truth. These connections are needed now, more than ever, as you pass through these, The Transition Times, a time of confusion, chaos, trials and tribulations. But we can see, from the Angelic Realm, the Light you are all bringing to the Darkness; and from our viewpoint we know that Gaia and Humankind make it through these times. From a slightly higher perspective we can see further along the way. Beauty is a Path that is always nearby in its many many forms and aspects; so it’s a tool, a means, a way, you always have at your side to assist in keeping your Light steady and bright.

The Beauty Paths via Nature or Art or Music are some of known Paths you are all aware of. The quiet peace that fills one when viewing a sunset; or viewing a particularly captivating piece of art and the soaring feelings one can reach with transcendent music. All these are examples of the more well-known Beauty Paths that give you a peek at your spiritual innerscape. But I want to talk to you of the Paths of Beauty less followed or less identified as Beauty.


Consider the simple, mundane act of housecleaning. Dusting, sweeping, washing, vacuuming, polishing, mopping, straightening books on bookshelves, realigning furniture—all, and more are part of the process of housecleaning. The Beauty therein lies in the feelings that arise in the housecleaner as order, cleanliness and clarity come into being from your work. The Beauty, not only of a job well done, but the clarity of thought that can be achieved with this mundane act. As you tame chaos and disorder in the environment around yourself, you slow down and bring more calmness to your life. This in turn helps tame the ego and assists in promoting positive feelings. What may seem as a simple act of cleaning can hold a wealth of Beauty.


Another Path of Beauty lies in the simple act of learning something new and adding to your store of wisdom. The Beauty of learning and understanding a new concept at a deeper level illuminates the mind. Your ‘aha’ moments are often depicted as a lightbulb suddenly lighting over your head and that is a very apt illustration of what occurs for you. Neurons firing, clarity and knowledge forming new brain pathways leading you to deeper, clearer knowledge. The Universal Mind holds an infinity of data points for your Consciousness to mine as you seek answers and knowledge. It’s not just your scientists and researchers who experience this phenomena, but all of you as you reach for new ways to achieve your goals. Answers can appear from known sources of information such as books, journals, papers, media, even your social media. Answers can also appear from visions, dreams and daydreams as you pattern and re-pattern the mosaic bits of data into new and different answers. A Path not thought of ordinarily as a Beauty Path, but it is bright with inner Beauty as you feel the deep sense of satisfaction at ascertaining the best way to resolve an issue.


There is also the Beauty of Fellowship. The communal sharing of family and friends with meals and laughter is a true joy to behold. The warmth you have shared and spread to one another with your internet connections wrap the earth in a beautiful lighted web. Yes, there are ‘trolls’, as you call them, who send darkness and negativity on this web, but there is much much more light than darkness. Shared witticisms, pictures, ideas, assistance, information, and more sent with laughter and a smile far, far outweigh the mean-spirited messages. In a very short time you have managed to communicate with one another in a form that was not dreamed of a few short years ago. Sharing bits and pieces of your daily life in a way that deepens and broadens humankind’s sense of community. It is glorious to see. The Beauty of Fellowship is one that brings smiles to you and brightens your day, if only for a moment, it is still most wonderful to see the heart openings that occur as your share with one another.

These three unusual examples of Beauty are but a drop in the vast ocean of Beauty that surrounds you. If you allow yourself to listen to your heart it will lead you to Beauty examples that teem through your life. These glimpses, these experiences, these moments of Beauty bring you in touch with your Higher Self, your SoulSpirit, your Inner Light of Truth and brighten your way. Hold fast to these periods of brightness and beauty as they wrap you in warmth and love as your traverse through your daily life. These moments of beauty help you breathe easier when that car cuts you off on the freeway; when you hear another atrocity on the news; when you hold to your Light and Love through the day and night. I will be bringing you more examples of unusual paths to Beauty in the near future.

However, do not neglect the tried and true paths well-known to you all. The exquisite glow of a glorious sunset; a piece of art that captures with its inner truth and simplicity so powerfully portrayed; music that brings a sway to your body or lifts you on wings of awe to unimagined heights; a well turned phrase in a well crafted line of prose or poetry; the sublime taste of a dish cooked with love and care; the list is endless and each of you have your favorite paths to Beauty. Of course, one of the most revered and admired is the wonder of Nature. A raindrop glistening on a flower petal; a bountiful tree spreading its canopy across the sky; a tiny ladybug crawling across a window sill and so much more.


I remind you of all this Beauty to be of assistance in a way that is available to you all in one form or another. Know that Beauty is always there, it’s just that sometime its form may not be readily recognized. Just allow it to emerge and come to you wherever you are and whatever you are doing. It will aid so much in bringing calmness and peace to you and sometimes even great joy.

With Deep Love & Blessings,


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