It's 2019! & Changing

Blog, January 16, 2019

It’s 2019!

Well a new year is upon us and we have an opportunity to imagine/intend/dream as to what we want to manifest and transpire for us in 2019. We are still in the midst of major transformation on ourselves and Gaia but we’re out of the clearing and cleaning-out phase (2012 to 2019) and beginning to build and bring about what we want for our selves and our planet. (2019 to 2026). Yes there will still be upheaval as more and more negative energies leave our spaces but we can intend to have positive changes and attitudes towards whatever 2019 brings our way.

One change that I am exploring is the publication of this newsletter/blog/message. As you may have noticed, a couple of years ago it started out on a monthly publication schedule but for the past 8 months or so it’s been different. Sometime twice monthly, sometime bi-monthly or so. This is because I have been learning about Freedom and No Limits or Limitlessness, two of the many traits up for examination as we all proceed up this Ascension Path. Within my personal realm this has zeroed in on my producing a monthly message. Questions arose such as ‘are you experiencing Freedom or Limitlessness in presenting the information or are you locked in to a schedule you yourself set up? One that can be anyway you desire?’ I have looked at/am looking at what about responsibility? My readers are expecting it. Are they? Aren’t they able to read the message anytime you put them out and not with a prescribed monthly schedule?

These questions really pushed my Taurean buttons about schedules, deadlines, follow-thru and responsibility. Being a Fixed Earth sign, we, Taureans like things organized, stable and dependable. Limitlessness and Freedom are all fine and good but one has a routine, a rhythm, a responsibility. So this began my Allowing myself to be flexible with my publishing dates. Experiencing and exploring the Freedom inherent in having publications when messages came forth and not on some preset schedule. I’ve watched feelings arise in myself as I’ve explored this; feelings such as ‘how dependable are you if you don’t even publish monthly and follow the expectation you set up in your readers? Feelings of self-worth and self-esteem came to the forefront to join in the exploration.

Where I am now is at a point of trusting myself more and more to publish a message/blog/newsletter when it is time. Yes, I don’t know when that time is, and it’s on no preset schedule but it is an expression of more Freedom and if not Limitlessness, a bit more limitless and extremely flexibility. I am becoming more comfortable with this new space I’ve pushed myself into and I will continue exploring it as I look at a major aspect of Change within myself.

John Of God?

John of God is a Brazilian healer who has world-wide fame as a medium allowing healing entities to speak or heal through him. He has recently been accused of sexual assault by a number of women who were ‘healed’ by him. I had a friend ask me a question about abuse of power and when I responded she suggested I use it in a blog. So I am including it here:

She asked me if I had heard about about the arrest and charges of sexual assault against John of God? John of God is a healer in Brazil with a large in-person following and also has a long distance healing service.. She mentioned about “light being shown on all darkness”…wow. As soon as she saw the article she recalled her own experience with John of God. One morning she was being remotely “treated” by John of God for fear and that same morning she unknowingly dropped her purse on a busy main city street. She realized it a few blocks later. With her heart pounding out of true panic (keys/credit cards/etc) she ran back and there was her purse in the intersection, miraculously free of being crushed by the three-lanes of traffic. As she picked it up a series of thoughts, as if being spoken, went through her head: “Feel fear, don’t feel fear. It doesn’t affect the outcome.” She saw It as a watershed moment in her journey. She asked what I thought of the turn of events and asked if it was merely a reflection of so much going on in the world? Or maybe, “Don’t confuse the message with the messenger?” She didn’t know what it meant to her, yet interestingly enough, she said that she didn’t have any real emotional reaction except the quintessential Bart Simpson response of “Duh?”

I responded and told her yes, I read about John of God and I saw it as a misuse of power. I have known of too many male spiritual/religious gurus/leaders that have not been able to handle the power and responsibility that comes with their role. They convince themselves that what they do is ‘okay’ because they’re spiritually/religiously inclined. What I see as a large part of the misuse of power is the betrayal of the person’s trust that looks to them for guidance. This misuse of authority has to do with the perverted masculine energy that has/had been here on Gaia for so long. With the wonderful increase and grounding of the Divine Feminine there is now room being made for the Divine Masculine to begin to assert its energy.

I do think that ‘don’t confuse the message with the messenger’ to be true. These same abusive spiritual/religious leaders I speak of have also, in some cases, been able to do good work in carrying forth Spirit’s message. I know I was aware the two night’s that John of God’s healers were working on my husband and healing via long distance when he was getting chemo some years ago; so I believe that they certainly could have been guiding you when you found your purse. It’s kinda like not ’throwing the baby out with the bathwater’ type of thing. ‘Absolute power corrupts absolutely’ as the saying goes…I’m sure humanity is supposed to learn to listen to their Higher Self/Inner Counsel/Spirit/Soul/Whatever and NOT turn over their seniority or thinking to a leader…neither religious or political. I think the message is to filter all messages through one’s own inner prism. I think it was Spiderman’s uncle who told him the ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. Too bad so few leaders have followed that.

Somehow I think this question/answer section goes along with exploration of Freedom, and Limitlessness. Yes, seek answers to questions as they arise but use your discretion in hearing or using the answer. Whether your answer come from a book, a person, a religious/political leader, a newsletter, a channeled being, a teacher, a guru or whatever…trust yourself to be the ultimate decision maker. Don’t give your Freedom, or Limitlessness away to another. Learn to hear yourself via meditation, quiet time, daydreams, dreams and prayer.

Love & Light Until Next Time,

ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL, January 16, 2019 – “Changing”

Dear Ones,

A new year lies before you, the year of 2019. You have been through much in 2018 and you are not the same person you were at the beginning of 2018. This is true whether you’re conscious of it or not. You are undergoing vast changes on all levels as you integrate information from your reality, your dreamtime, your multiplicity of selves and/or your dimensional selves and more. I know much of this may not make sense to some of you, but on a deeper level within you are aware of the subterranean changes you are undergoing.

The world also is changing geologically, socially, politically, economically, financially, even religiously. All quite rapidly. Just about every type of change you could imagine is taking place. And well it should, because this is the work that you are doing along with the Company of Heaven to bring Earth into a balanced world full of peace and love. You are beginning to allow yourselves to explore Freedom and No-Limits. This can be feel as though that’s a scary concept, but it is the opposite as you explore your creativity and birth a new world. It is exciting, daunting, challenging and magnificent. And you can and are doing it.

Here and Now

This lifetime is the one you wanted to be included in to do your part in ascending earth and humanity to the 5th dimension. This is the lifetime when you awake to who and what you are; a Co-Creator with God/Goddess! You are helping bring this Universe into Being and it has never been done quite like this before. Planets have moved from one dimension to another in the Metaverse, but only after the humanity or beings have transcended to another dimension and returned to their planet after it had reached its next dimension. The call went forth for volunteers to partake of an Ascension like none before. You volunteered to do this while still on the planet because doing expands Light and Love into dimensions where it was bereft.

This is why we in the Archangelic Realm are showering you with all the Love and Light each of you can hold. And as you expand your capacity to hold more, as you ascend, we lovingly send more and more. This is tiring at times, and you may feel overwhelmed at times, but as you open your heart, as you are, you are reclaiming your Freedom and Limitlessness as you grow, expand, explore and intend, dream, create and imagine your world and all within it into Being! You will have Peace, Love, Prosperity , Equality, Joy, Laughter, Fun, Ease, Happiness and More. We stand with you with great Love as you go forth into another year of bringing Gaia and Humanity into their full Beauty.



The Light That You Are & Collective Consciousness


What Are You Feeding Yourself? & Good Tidings To You All