Joy and Hope

Blog, December 25, 2017

The Responsibility of Joy

During this Holiday Season many have wished Joy to us all. While I wish to add my sentiments to this seasonal wish, I also want to stress that we have a responsibility in this Joyous Season also, as stated below:


Balanced and Sane

As Mr. Nouwen states, it is necessary for us to choose joy and I might add, we need to look for it in our lives. I think joy is found mostly in the moments around us: the smile brought to our faces as we look at a child’s smile; the bright lights of the Season; or maybe a hug from a loved one. Joy needs to be chosen because there is much that is not joyous in this world. We have so much chaos, terrorism, mayhem, social upheaval and all the rest of the noise and darkness that seeking out Joy is a must to assist in keeping us balanced and sane.

Seeking Bright Moments

This has been a rough year in many many aspects, but there’s also been bright moments here and there and we mustn’t forget those. There are numerous episodes of our coming together on social media and helping one another – from floods to homelessness. There have been wonderful break-throughs in cancer research and other medical fields that show much promise for the near future. Other aspects of life have golden moments, but we sometimes have to search for them. These bright moments don’t necessarily make the lead story in our media. Seek out websites like The GoodNews Network or Little Things, and other sites which have apps and daily good bits of news sent to your computer, phone or tablet.

Personal Joy


Some of the best moments of Joy are the personal ones. The picture of the little one dressed as Minnie Mouse is definitely a wonderful moment that keeps on giving for me. This is my youngest granddaughter dressed for Halloween when she was about 3. The excitement radiated in her smile is infectious. The picture captures the joy of childhood, the joy of having grandchildren, the joy of celebrations, the joy of family and much much more. It always bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. And though she’s much older now and a beautiful young lady, this remains one of my favorite pictures of her. I wanted to share one of my favorite joy symbols with you all.

Joyful Moments

And there’s always Charlie and Snoopy!

We all have personal moments that bring a smile and a feeling of joy to our hearts, but many are universal and it’s important that we allow ourselves to see them and take them in. They help us get through the dark times that spring up much too often in today’s world. I’m not saying ignore the mayhem, but I am saying to allow plenty of time, attention and focus on the joyful moments as they appear.

Remembering Joy

I’m pretty sure he’s feeling the elephant equivalent of joy as he frolics in his waterfall shower.

Don’t let your joy slip away from you. Recall childhood joys, remember past joys and allow it to enter your life again and again. Our animal companions are constant reminders of joy, so I repeat once again Henri Nouwen


I wish us all to keep finding Joy and Light when and where we can and to revel in it and allow it to grow larger and larger in our life.


With Much Love and Light




I wish this day to bring you Hope. Hope for lifted spirits and joy within your heart. Hope that change is happening, change for the betterment of all. It is occurring, you all have done an incredibly amount of work to ground the Light and Love into the planet. We know that many of you are very very tired because you’ve been at this for a long long time, but KNOW that your work has paid off. Your compassion, your caring, your personal work, your social work, your political work, your humanitarian work, your ecological work, and much much more.

Your social media has united you in so many ways that you are seeing yourselves with more clarity and understanding everywhere around the globe. You are quietly and with persistence bringing positive change to dark, dark corners of your world. You have helped to lift Gaia from a third dimensional existence to a fifth dimensional existence and though you might not comprehend all that entails…it does make a monumental difference to the state of humankind and the planet.

So we bring you Hope from the Angelic Dimensions and know that we stand and have stood with you the entire time you have been working for this energy shift. You have and are doing the physical work that must be done and we are offering our spiritual Love, Light and Energy to you always. The darkness will continue surfacing around the globe and we all will continue spreading Light & Love to clear it out until it is no more.


Hope for realization that you are not alone and that Heavenly Dimensions have always been with you, but never nearer than we are now. Due to the ascension process we are closer than ever and continually speaking to you. We know there is much darkness to be cleared and it is being done at a rate that allows as smooth a transition as possible, with disruption to your lives being kept to a minimum. Gaia has been clearing her energies with fires, earthquakes, hurricanes and the like and she also has been doing so in as restrained manner as possible.Yes we know it may not appear that way to you, but it is so.


You have free will and that is paramount in carrying out the changes occurring on Earth. You have undeniable right to make choices and that will always be; so all changes are made with that in mind. Hope is offered for you to make choices that reach for Light, Joy, Love, Peace, Compassion and More Love as the year for you comes to completion and a new one commences.


Archangel Jophiel


Feminine Energy Continues


Dancing With Jupiter