Our Own Voice

Blog, February 21, 2018



For eons we have been turning to figures of authority for our guidance. Governmental leaders, religious leaders, military leaders, social leaders, philosophical leaders, you name it. A constant turning outward to find our way. While many figures of authority have wisdom and guidance that we have relied on; it is time for us to add a very important voice. Our own!

Our Own Voice

Our own…our own Higher Self, Spirit/Soul, Heart, I AM…whatever name you give the connection within yourself to God/Cosmos/Universe/Prime Creator or “Fred” (to use Colette Baron Reid’s name for Divine Guidance). Humankind has been led to discount this inner guidance as not viable, that we need others to tell us our worth and how to proceed to live our life. While wisdom coming from others is most valuable and may be considered; our own truths, inner wisdom, or messages from our Soul should have a seat at the head of the council table.

At one time humankind had a very strong and robust inner connection to the All That Is. Our truth, our spiritual guidance led us to choose with clarity and understanding. We learned what worked best for us as a spirit in a human body and what didn’t work. Yes, we talked with others about their experiences and what they had learned, but others’ experiences did not necessarily outweigh our own. We understood that each of us had a unique voice and had something precious and vital to add to the whole.

Lost Connection

As millenniums went on we lost this connection to our inner compass, gave up our seat at the council table and became filled with self-doubt, fear and confusion. We came to believe that only others, those that we named as leaders, could be the ones to make our decisions and tell us our truths. We began to need intermediaries to carry our message to the spirit world. Someone who know more or had better connections then us, or so we thought.

And so we wind up here; dictators telling their people that they, the dictator, know best; religious factions all screaming my way, my god is the best; political factions each touting that they and only they have the means to govern the populace. Business leaders insisting that the amount of money garnered is the only way to measure the worth of a company or corporation. Your educational wisdom is measured by how well you can pass a test and not how much compassion you have for your fellow humans. Social media telling us that how many ‘likes’ helps us decide what to do or how to dress or how to think.

Now Is The Time

It is now time to find your inner voice. It’s always been there, we just haven’t listened to it for a very very long time. Throughout the ages there’s always been some that have listened and spoke to us of finding that path within. But their voices were but a puff of wind in the face our hearing the voices of our designated leaders. Those teachers through the ages have all spoken of the treasure within each of us and the joy experienced when it’s found.

Contemplation, Meditation, Prayer, are three of the many methods that can lead us to our inner counsel. But there are many other ways to hear your soul’s voice such as being in Nature with quiet joy and reflection. Music is another means that can lift and elevate one to inner states of receptiveness. Whatever will allow one to have a quiet moment or two inwardly, where the mind becomes calm and quiet and you can begin to hear your True Voice.

Negative Voices


The voices that speak of negativity and how undeserving you are, or worthless, or incompetent and such is not the voice of your Higher Self. Your soul’s voice will speak of your self-worth in positive quiet ways, it will lead you to see your inner beauty and accept who and what you are. Which, again, is a Spirit having a Human Experience. Many of us have a cacophony of inner voices all speaking at once and giving us confusion. Most of the voices are filled with messages that negate one’s self worth or repeat how worthless or dumb we are. These are the voices of fear, shame and indecision. These voices have developed over the eons as we lost touch with our Inner Guidance. The voices have reached a crescendo within many of us as we can see when we look at the injustices prevalent in the world.

We can regain our inner Touchstone, our Center of Peace and Calm our Guidance System by allowing ourselves to be still. My first recalled memory of clearly hearing my inner voice was when I was going through a divorce. I was crushed, defeated and inconsolable. At one point when I was emotionally thrashing about looking for something, anything to hold on to, I very clearly and quite loudly heard Be Still Child, I Am With Thee. I jumped and looked around me to see who had spoken and looked at others in the room to see if they had heard the voice. I then realized it was an inner message and I felt a modicum of calmness overtake me. I know that we all don’t have a booming voice within and I’ve never experienced that again but I have learned to listen within.


The light energies on Earth are the highest they have ever been and they will continue to grow and grow in intensity. These energies are helping us all to clear out the negativity within and hear our Higher Self and know our Truths. Quiet yourself, allow space within and listen.



Space. Allowance. Patience.


We wish to speak of Space. You all need to give yourself permission to have Space. Space in your thinking. Space in your emotional state. Space in your life. You tend to crowd yourselves with ‘to do’ lists, appointments, deeds to fulfill, and more. This lack of Space for your Self can make you feel overwhelmed. Crowded, dense, pressure on all sides.


You are beautiful beings who have so much to give yourselves. Yes, we understand that there is much to do in order to keep functioning in the your world. And yes, we understand that you must do deeds to continue your life. We are suggesting however that you allow more room between the ‘to do’ lists, the chores, the appointments. Take time to allow fresh air to fill your inner space. You will see that your responsibilities will still be accomplished and you will have space in between deeds for your self. An ease will enter your actions and all will flow with surprising grace. You are so much more powerful in controlling your space than you allow yourself to be.



And that leads us to Allowance. Allowing yourself to make a misstep and understanding that errors are part of learning will allow you to move through your day smoother. Allowance lets you have room to recover if you make an error or mistake. Errors are something intrinsic to learning. You try different ways to find the one way that works best for you. Allowance gives you license to experiment and find the correct path for you. Each of you is unique and have your own way of achieving goals. Allowing for this uniqueness gives you much more latitude in solving problems and accomplishing goals. Allowance is an expansiveness of energy that gives you elbow room to tinker and putter as you go through life. Allowance gives you permission to seek new ways of doing old chores or deeds. Allowance will help you find easier, smoother and therefore faster ways to handle your responsibilities. You sell yourself short when you do not give yourself the room of allowance.



Patience allows you to be good to yourself. You can give yourself the gift of Patience and not have to berate yourself for a perceived negativity. Patience gives you space and room to spread your wings and move about easier. Patience with yourself is a wonderful gift to give yourself. With Patience you can be compassionate with yourself when you make a perceived misstep. With Patience you can smile and laugh at yourself with love and try another route. Patience allows you to hear your fellow human and see that they too are attempting to foster Patience. Allowing yourself Space and Patience is a wonderful way to be good to yourself and foster self care.

You are much loved and we stand by to offer assistance in any way that we can. We are always with you. Each and every one of you.

Blessings To You All,

Archangel Jophiel


A Month Of Allowing


Feminine Energy Continues