The Great Awakener & The Beauty Of Resilience

Blog, August 20, 2018

Okay let’s talk about Uranus! Yes Uranus, the planet of the surprise, the unexpected and the so-called, ‘lightening bolts out of the blue’ effect it has on life. The Awakener.


Astronomically speaking, Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and wasn’t discovered until 1781 via telescope. Uranus is tipped over on its side with a tilt of 98 degrees, this means it spins on it’s side. So you can see this is very different from the other planets.


Astrologically speaking, Uranus is the ruler of Astrology and it’s energies are electric in nature and all about sudden change. It’s considered to be very forward-looking, not too fond of tradition and celebrates originality and individuality. It takes 84 years to circle the zodiac and spends seven years in each sign. Uranus is the only planet names after a Greek god, Ouranos, all the others are named after Roman gods.

Planet Characteristics

Uranian characteristics are surprise, ruling the future, new technology, innovative, the unexpected, unpredictable, idiosyncratic, experimental, imaginative and resourcefulness. Uranus’ job is to break the roles, demolish patterns and structures that it decides have outlived their usefulness. Thus making way for the new and improved. It rules creativity, space age, scientific genius and is the Great Awakener. It rules the astrological sign, Aquarius, the Water Bearer and we are now in the Aquarian Age of Uranus rule. Global brotherhood of man is how the Aquarian Age is described and Uranus holds sway over societal change along with environmental and humanitarian concerns.

This planet of brotherhood or platonic love at it’s best gives us a sense of universal connection to one another. It helps remind us that sharing resources is the way to thrive collectively. Think of modern collective systems we have presently like social media, the internet, ride-sharing, crowd-funding, co-working spaces, festivals like ‘Burning Man’ and you get a glimpse of Uranus at work. In Astrology, Uranus is seen as the higher octave of intellectual Mercury and is strongly objective and brainy with little to no emotional side. It helps us stretch from our visions to our beliefs….blending fact with intuition as we look for universal truths.

For the Next Seven Years . . .

So, why am I talking so much about Uranus? Around about the ‘60‘s we realized we were leaving the Piscean Age and moving into the Aquarian Age (remember Hair?). Well, Uranus just recently moved from Aries to Taurus. A change denoting a new seven-year period. Of course planets don’t move into a new sign and always stay there, there will be a retrograde or backwards moving to Uranus returning to Aries where it had been for the prior seven years.

Uranus in Aries


Uranus moved into Aries in March 2011 and stayed there until May 2018. Then, Uranus returns to Aries on November 6, 2018 until March 6, 2019, a five month span. When Uranus is in Aries, individuality comes to the forefront. The self finds new ways and means of expression often through revolution and upheaval. Power struggles internationally, leadership changes, financial adjustments…all changes and revisions that Uranus sees as being needed to bring about a more balanced society. Uranus in Aries stirs everything up to give us a chance to respond and direct the energies of self into positive avenues for change in a major way. I’m pretty sure we’ve seen a lot of this type of action in the past seven years. Uranus awakes the spiritual social warrior within us all. It behooves us to find constructive ways of expressing that energy.

Uranus in Taurus


Currently Uranus is in Taurus until November 6, 2018, returning to Taurus in March 7, 2019 until 2026. With Uranus here we will see changes over the next seven years in currency (bitcoin?), real estate, business and possessions, all Taurian concerns. Globally, Uranus will look at society and see where freedom is restricted and where there is imbalance, (1% vs 99%?); curtailed monetary freedom, (credit card debt/mortgage debt?)…any systems which keep the majority down doesn’t last on a Uranus transit. These changes will start small (as when Uranus moved into Taurus in May of this year) and the changes will come back more powerfully as Uranus settles into Taurus in Spring of 2019. We will see massive changes in our world governments and business systems. Yes, these will be upheavals but we can weather these changes and bring about much more balanced financial, housing and governmental systems for this world.

Uranus in Taurus can bring us to the realization of how much we each value ourselves and become clearer about how we want to move forward in our societal structures. Maybe we’ll become tired of being distracted by social media, governmental & infotainment issues, one right after another, and decide what is of true value to each of us personally. What do we TRULY value in life? We are in the midst and entering more deeply into a time of realigning our values into ones that are more sustainable and of service to the earth and ALL her peoples.


We are in for a fascinating, exciting time as we create this new earth for us ALL to live upon in joy.

I’m pretty sure we’re living up to the adage, “may we live in interesting times.”

Love & Light to All,


The Beauty of Resilience


You may not think of Resilience as beautiful, but it is. It is a trait, a characteristic that you humans have that is of great importance and great beauty. Resilience is defined by your American Psychological Association as ”the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors.” The absolute beauty of this trait is how it allows you to recover, regroup and find new ways and means to deal with the difficulties or challenges in one’s life.


The adversities you face may vary in their duration and intensity. There can be intense stressors such as undergoing a disaster of some nature or there can be chronic continual stressors in one’s life such as financial worries. Either way, the stress is present and you devise ways to come to terms with it. And herein lies the beauty. The beauty of turning within and accessing your inner strength and skills.

How can I call this Beauty you ask? How does one gnashing their teeth and pulling of hair in complete emotional turmoil have beauty? The beauty lies in your strength of character, your ability to access your resilience that you didn’t know you had. Having a positive view of yourself and your environment; being able to manage intense feelings and impulses; having problem-solving communication skills; and being able to develop realistic plans to resolve the issues is a great beauty and skill.

It may not be the beauty of a sunrise over a mountain lake or awe-inspiring beauty of a snow-capped mountain, but it is the beauty of using your internal core of peace and knowing that you have more impact on your life than external circumstances impacting your life. The more you are able to access your inner core of stability, your Higher Self, your Soul/Spirit, your Higher Heart during moments of stress the more your inner beauty comes to the forefront.


You all have such a vast wealth of Light and Love within and it is a glorious Beauty to behold. At times, the moments when you call on your resilience, can be the moments you see your Inner Light and come to understand your great Inner Wisdom. Having a loving supportive family, friends and community can give you breathing space to tap into your resilience. Strategies that you use to strengthen and build your resilience such as accepting change as part of life; viewing crises as obstacles to overcome; engaging in activities that lead to self-discovery; and taking care of yourself with activities that bring you ease and relaxation all serve to aid your resilience.


This is where Beauty enters in your building of life skills that come to the forefront when you are faced with circumstances that call on your resilience. One of the beauties of resilience is that it can be strengthened at any point in your life. Struggling at one time in life does not mean you’ll have a lifetime of struggle, you learn and incorporate those skills that serve you well and they are there for future use, if needed. And this is one of the ways that we of the Spiritual Dimensions can be of service. As I have stated in prior letters, we are always with you. Each of you has a Spirit Guard or Guardian Angel and also Spiritual Guides throughout your life. We enter this earthly life with you and offer Emotional/Mental/Spiritual support when you request it. You have free will so we do not interfere, but we are there when you call on us in whatever means you choose to use. We shine Light on your inner resilience so you can more clearly see the strategies and ways you have of resolving your challenges.

With Blessings,


A Change Is Gonna Come & Steadfastness


Frequencies and Vibrations