Mother Gaia & Her “Rights”?

Blog, June 29, 2018


There is a river in New Zealand, the Whanganui River. It is the largest navigable river in New Zealand, or Aotearoa as the Maori call New Zealand. This river became the first water system in the world to hold legal ‘personhood’ status in March of 2017. The river is now recognized as a right-bearing entity — the Whanganui River is no longer property of New Zealand’s Crown government – the river now owns itself. (info from Earth Island Journal, When Rivers Hold Legal Rights, by Shannon Biggs, April 17, 2017)


Why is this important? Because it shows a slow-growing understanding by some of humanity that Earth/Gaia, is an entity in and to herself. She’s been our Home for as long as we have been. She has shared her resources with us which provide our shelter and nourishment. Somehow, in our travels to where we are now, we forgot that we were supposed to be sharing. Instead, we’ve been grabbing and taking, like greedy 2 year olds wanting all the toys and candy. In the process we’ve pretty much trashed the place. And, incidentally, killed off a lot of the other life forms.

Isn’t the Entire Earth Precious?

There are many breath-taking, awe-inspiring landscapes and waterscapes on this planet that fill our souls with joy and are transcendent in their beauty. Some of these places are protected from our rapaciousness by being set aside as national parks, wilderness areas and the like. BUT isn’t the entire Earth precious to us? Shouldn’t all of it, in it’s entirety be cared for supported by us as we partake of her bounty and beauty? Why does a river have to be given rights in a court of law? Isn’t it ‘right’ just in it’s Being?

I had the extraordinarily good luck to be raised in a family that enjoyed and treasured the outdoors. Our family camped, fished and hunted through much of the Sierra Nevada during my childhood. Almost every weekend during late Spring into early Fall we’d pack up food and pile into the station wagon on Friday afternoon for 2 or 3 days out in the woods with Dad usually trout fishing in the rivers or bass fishing in the ocean. This fostered in me a deep love of forests, bubbling creeks and rivers, mountains, deserts and oceans. Luckily we lived in the midst of all different types of terrain that we were able to explore within a few hours travel. While others I know grew up on prairies with vast vistas and wide wide skies or deep in mountain valleys with flower-dotted meadows and earth reaching for the sky. Even friends I have who grew up in cities have shared childhood memories of having a garden or flower-bed that gave them nurturing of both body and soul. A visit to the city park for the day for a picnic is deeply appreciated by many a city denizen. Being in Nature is a great healing for us on so many levels.

Time of Clearing and Cleansing

Many of us are aware at a deep soul level of the love of Earth and Nature. Right now, Kilauea is demonstrating the power, strength and beauty of the fire element of Nature. Yes, property is being destroyed but more land is being built from the lava flows to the sea. The rivers of lava are beautiful and dangerous as they flow across the island. I’ve spoken before about how this Transition Time is a time of clearing and cleansing as we settle into 5D, and Earth is clearing. She’s trying to do it as gently as possible but we have dumped a lot of negative energy into her space with our power struggles, jealousies, angers, hatred and continuous wars, wars, wars. You can imagine she has a lot of s**t to clean out!

Simple Appreciation

So, yes Earth can be scary to us humans but not if we allow ourselves to share in Earth’s glory and not keep trying to conquer it. Thankfully, many people, for decades have worked to raise our awareness as to the needs of the Mother through a myriad of ecological programs, protests, campaigns and the like. It is now time for each of us to allow our love of the Earth to pour forth. I’m not talking about marches or petitions (although, those are fine if you desire); I’m speaking of simply appreciating Earth and Nature with your actions. Look at the sunrise/sunset and appreciate the beauty of both. Shoot…hug a tree if you feel the urge! Stop and really smell the roses and be awed by their beauty and perfection. These simple but powerful acts of appreciation and love go a long way to helping restore equanimity in humankind’s interactions with Earth. The energy we pour forth in love and acknowledgment of Earth’s gifts to us are important and each of us can do so in our own way. I realize some of you are saying, what will that do?, but do not underestimate the power of love, gratitude and appreciation. Gaia is appreciative.

Small Gestures?


Maybe you recycle, or tend a garden of vegetables or flowers, or walk on the grass barefoot, or sit and lean against a tree in a sylvan setting, or note the particular shade of blue in the sky that day….there are as many ways to express your love for the Mother as there are people on the Earth. These gestures may seem small on your part, but they are not. Think about the happiness your Mom has expressed at getting a phone call from you after not hearing from you for a while. (Not the nagging about how you never call but the real joy at the connection.) The indigenous peoples had and many still have a reverence for Earth and demonstrated this often in their interactions with her in the past and now. A clear understanding with gratitude for the beauty and bounties offered up to them. A reciprocal exchange between Beings, like the New Zealand River. Earth/Gaia is a creation of Spirit/God and our show of gratitude to her is gratitude to Spirit/God/ Universe/The Force/Etc. It’s all a beautiful cosmic dance that we get to play in and against a glorious backdrop of Earth.

Inherent Rights

We have treated Gaia as property and this has brought us to the brink of ecological collapse. Different groups are working to change human laws into rights-based laws that recognize Nature, to help human laws conform with Natural Laws. Many of us are shifting away from the idea that earth is just a resource for our use. We are growing to understand that Gaia is a Being governing all life upon it, one with inherent rights that can and should be protected. We can do it, each and every one of us starting with our love and appreciation.


The Elementals and You

As we have told you, you are not alone during this time of Change. One of the group of Beings who are working with you to restore Gaia to her pristine beauty is the Elementals. Elementals are Beings of the Devic Kingdom that work with the energies of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. The Elementals have been with Earth since Earth’s onset, but due to the increasing negative energies on Earth, generated by humankind, they drew back from their duties. Since Earth and Humankind have moved into the Fifth Dimensional energies, the Elementals have joyously returned and are working diligently on the restoration of Gaia. These Beings work with you and help express the love and appreciation you have for Nature and all her expressions.


The Air Elementals, the Air Beings work in Nature with the air currents around the world. They guide and aid the winds as they encircle the globe. They are of paramount importance as they assist Gaia in cleansing the atmosphere of negative energies that pollute the skies. This is done as gently as possible, but at times fierce air movements are needed for ‘breathing space‘ on the globe. The Air Beings work with you personally through the breath expressions of your Air Vortex which is near the throat chakra.


The Fire Elementals, the Fire Beings work with the expressions of fire throughout the world. Guidance of fire for warmth and nurture and fire for cleansing the earth are all Fire Beings’ work. Again, when fire is used for earth cleansing it is done with as much care as possible for humankind. On a personal level Fire Beings work with your Fire Vortex which is near the middle of your chest. Here it works with your creative thoughts to give them expression into the physical plane.


The Water Elementals, the Water Beings work with all waters of the Earth. Rivers, oceans, lakes, rain, and all other expressions of water on your beautiful planet. The Water Beings’ greatest joy is when they can direct and aid in bringing life-giving rains and showers to plants and humans. But, they too, assist in the cleansing of Gaia which at times calls for enormous forces of water to cleanse and charge the energies. Your body’s Water Vortex is near your root chakra and here the Water Beings help you release your emotional energies. Most of humankind’s energy is released via emotions.


The Earth Elementals, the Nature Beings work with all the physical manifestations of your earth. Nature Beings help give shape to all the mountains, deserts, plains, forests, savannah’s, valleys and other physical features of your planet. They work in concert with the other Elementals to bring forth the plant life and nurture animals and humans. Between your feet is where the Earth Vortex pulsates and aids in grounding your physical bodies.

Most indigenous people acknowledge and honor these Elementals. There are many sources of information you have access to that describe in detail ceremonies, rites, prayers, and other communications that have been used through the centuries to communicate with the Elementals. These rituals were born out of respect, care and love for the Mother. It’s how a bowl of milk is left out for the Little People in some of your cultures. You can make contact with the Elementals through your meditations and inner musings if you desire. You may also ask your Spiritual Guides, Angelic Helpers, Higher Self for assistance in making contact with Elementals.

Again, I say, you are not alone. Many are here awaiting your request for our assistance and we are very happy to be of aid. We are all working as one to bring Gaia back to the beautiful, pristine world she was and will be again. This is a glorious transformation and we are honored to work with you to as you restore earth to her Beauty.

With Love and Light, Archangel Jophiel


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