What Are You Feeding Yourself? & Good Tidings To You All

Blog, December 3, 2018

What Are You Feeding Yourself?


Here we are at the year-end Holiday Season having just gone through Thanksgiving. This is a season of parties, dinners, social gatherings, work-related parties, and such with the usual array of foods and drink. So, I want to ask you ‘what are you feeding yourself?’ Are you making sure you’re feeding yourself good food, good emotions, good thoughts, good behavior? And what defines good? Ultimately you do. You decide what tastes and feels good for your body and spirit.

The Microbiome

There’s been a lot of scientific talk lately about our microbiota or microbiome. This area is home to the trillions of bacteria, fungi and other microbes that constitute our ‘gut feelings’ or our second brain. Science is finding that this microbiome communicates with our entire physical body in a myriad of biochemical messages, especially with our immune system. In fact, 70% to 80% of our immune system is in our digestive tract. Our immune system depends on the healthiness of our digestive system. All our good bacteria, specialized immune cells and hormones work together to keep our gastro-intestinal or GI tract at its optimum.

This leads back to the positive emotions and thoughts. If you are allowing yourself to feel calmness and a sense of well being, you’re feeding yourself good emotions. If you’re able to quiet your ‘inner critic’ and listen to your ‘inner cheerleader’ you’re feeding yourself good thoughts. And these two, our thoughts and emotions, definitely have an effect on our GI tract. Anger, anxiety, sadness…all our emotions and feelings can trigger intestinal distress and we wind up with our GI tract in a knot. We also can have feelings of happiness, well being, joy, even laughter that can trigger the microbiome to flood our system with good vibes. Our gut brain talks to our head brain via the vagus nerve and vice versa. The vagus nerve is the highway that has a mixture of parasympathetic connections and sympathetic connections for sending their messages. So, the body-mind connection is very real.

Personal Experience


I speak from my own experience. Several years ago I had a bout of food poisoning and it really threw my GI tract out of whack. That, along with aging changes in the digestive system, sent me into a downward spiral of worry and concern as I struggled to get myself balanced again. It took a few years of diet management, hypnotherapy, meditation, and mindfulness to calm and re-balance my digestion. I learned a lot from first hand experience about the interrelatedness of my brain and my gut. Flares of negative emotions would (and still can) send me into a tailspin whereas cultivating a state of calmness and well being brought my body back into balance.

So I ask you, what are you feeding yourself? As we go through this Ascension process our bodies are changing also in ways that may or may not be detectable by the medical field. Symptoms of dizziness, ringing in the ears, heightened sensitivities, tingling sensations, aches, pains, kundalini energy bursts, sleep pattern changes, even mood swings. I know, I know…how are these symptoms any different from the normal aging process or just plain stress? They aren’t and if you have any worries or concerns you should definitely see your physician. I mention these symptoms to give more awareness to the need of ‘feeding yourself good stuff’. By ‘good stuff’ I mean healthy food that your body wants and needs and healthy thoughts and emotions to keep everything balanced.


I know I wrote a similar column/blog/newsletter about this in the past year or so, but it is doubly important as we enter the festive holiday season. At the holiday gatherings with family, friends, and co-workers; remember it’s not just the physical foods that you’re digesting. Be sure you’re engaged in healthy laughter, joy, and fun with the party crowd and not depressed, ‘less-than’ feelings, anger and other gut-wrenching negative thoughts and emotions that play havoc with our entire system. Have a healthy, happy well balanced Holiday Season and pay attention to what you’re ‘feeding’ yourself!

Happy Eating!


Good Tidings To You All

As we look forward to 2019 we see a bright future for you all. You have done a massive amount of work to reach this point. Quite frankly, you all have moved more swiftly than any thought possible. We are quite aware that the majority of you do not feel growth is occurring, in fact just the opposite, but growth/ascension/shift has occurred at a rapid pace. You are bringing more and more transgressions to the surface for you all to see and change. Before all this work that you’ve been doing since 2012 and before, many of you were unaware of the enormity of the lies, misdeeds, and imbalances of power and justice that were all over the world.

Due, in great part to your social media channels, much has come to your awareness. While there is more to come, you have uncovered so very much. As polarities are seen in a wide array of your social institutions of government, religion, education, and many more; you are able to begin addressing them, as you have, and seeking a remedy that is more inclusive rather than exclusive. Yes, there are some seeming to exclude rather than include, but this is the nature of duality of the 3rd dimension and as you move deeper and deeper into 5th dimension you learn how to have more and more unity. How to include the disparate voices until all are heard and respected and all have a seat at the table.

Now, as you look to 2019, it is time to think as to how you wish to see your next decade (and beyond) unfold, both individually and planetarily. Dream, cogitate, intend and ponder what attributes do you want in your life, your society, your planet? A life of abundance, peace of mind, compassion, kindness, quiet joy, and dare we say, Love! A world society that reflects these same attributes and more in the way of social justice and equal treatment for all peoples. A world that reflects your Declaration of Independence in the United States which states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

It is possible to have a life, a society, a world that reflects those very sentiments and you are striving mightily towards it. Yes, there is strife, dissension, arguments and conflict and you will work through all these to resolution. The resolving of differences so that all feel heard and understood. So that all can go forth in the pursuit of happiness. And why stop at happiness? You will have it all as you travel through this Ascension period. Humanity is in various stages of awakening. More and more of you awaken every day and know that all will awake and ascend on their own timetable. As this awakening proceeds, more and more of society will see how to include their fellow human with kindness and compassion, not just tolerance, but Love.

We realize this may seem far-fetched as you hear the news and look at the world, but understand…it is changing at an incredibly rapid pace. You are in the midst of it so it may seem slow to you, but to us, viewing from another perspective, we applaud you and support you. You are doing it in the most powerful way possible…by changing your hearts and minds to ones’ of awareness, understanding, compassion and love. As you do this your life becomes one filled with abundance of all that you need and thus society, through your collective consciousness, changes and grows exponentially to the LoveLight!

So dream! Dream your life and world into being the way you wish to see it. One of unity rather than duality. Sharon had an ‘aha’ moment recently as to why Odin, the god from Norse mythology, has only one eye. She knew mythology said that he had traded the eye for wisdom, but as it was explained in the recent talk she heard, his eye was traded so that he would stop seeing the world of duality and see the higher world, the greater world of unity. He had a change of perception. Now we are not saying you have to sacrifice an eye or other body part to achieve your ascension goals. Not at all, just continue growing compassion, kindness, love and peace in your hearts and minds. This will crowd out the negative lower energies of envy, greed, power over, and the like. You will come to see the unity of all and be pleased at the new life and world you are creating.

Blessings to All,

Archangel Jophiel


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