A Change Is Gonna Come & Steadfastness

Blog, October 20, 2018

A Change Is Gonna Come…

Those words are sung so eloquently by the late, great Sam Cooke and they echo where we are today. You’ve been told by myself and others that we would see positive changes begin to emerge more and more as we slowly clean up the chaos that has accumulated over the eons. While there still is much to clear and clean up as we go through this Ascension process, this time of Transition, I want to share with you a few of the brighter spots I’ve noticed in the news.


A difference the Millennials may be bringing to society is that a study has found that they are divorcing at a lower rate than baby boomers. While they may be three times less likely to marry than their grandparents; when they do marry they appear to stay together. Read more here: Millennials.




A Rabbi, a Minister and an Imam in Seattle have been meeting since 9/11 and having discussions, lecturing together and offering joint spiritual teachings. Rabbi Ted Falcon, founder of Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue; Reverend Don Mackenzie, head of University Congregational United Church of Christ; and Jaal Raham, Sufi minister at the Interfaith Community Church have co-authored a book, “Getting to the Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-opening, Hope-filled Friendship of a Pastor A Rabbi and a Sheikh”. Read what they have to say in this interview about awakening spiritually to inclusivity within all religions: Religions


Now I know there have been other stories about social changes like I just shared, BUT have you seen much about financial banking sector changes? I hadn’t, but I found this story to be most interesting.


It seems in England, April 27, 2018 to be exact, Parliament passed a provision of the Criminal Finance Bill, “The Unexplained Wealth Orders”. This provision is already active in Australia and Ireland. This allows British law enforcement agencies to investigate the source of someone’s money and, if it is corrupt, more easily return the money to it’s rightful owners. Since the British Isles have been identified as one of the key destinations for corrupt money this is a very important tool for Transparency International UK and other anti-corruption groups to use. Here is a story about a woman who spent 16 million pounds in ten years at Harrods, an upscale department store in London. Oh by the way, 16 million pounds is equivalent to 20 million plus US dollars. Quite a shopper! Read it all here: Banking

Making the Impossible Probable

I know it can be difficult, if nigh impossible, to see any changes occurring in our society. Any changes that spell fairness, compassion, kindness, goodness and love, but they are occurring. Cull the Internet and social media for stories illustrating where we help one another. Read the mainstream news carefully to pull out stories that are harbingers of change for the positive. They are there, shining softly like fireflies in the mist. They are showing how we are making what was once deemed impossible become the probable. There are websites and newsletters and blogs that stress the positive, good stores that uplift the spirits and show our compassion for one another as a society, as humankind. We can and are doing it. And, if you have given up on all of that — here’s a reason to continue on, striving for a better world: Probable



Hello Dear Ones,

We come today to speak to you of steadfastness. Steadfastness is for one to be sure, dependable, reliable, constant and unwavering. In the face of these very tumultuous Transition Times, being steadfast can be a challenge.

We wish to speak to you of steadfastness of your Heart. We have spoken before of the need to be loving, compassionate, forgiving, and kind-hearted as we bring into being an Earth that is balanced, loving, and just for all, not just for those at the top of society.

I use the pronoun ‘we’ when I speak of bringing Earth into a compassionate balance being. We in the angelic community are standing side by side with you all as we work to bring about positive changes for Earth and Humanity. We have spoken of a New Age and time of Earth as we all want to see come into Being and you all have worked steadily toward that goal. Yes, you may slip from time to time with despair, or hopelessness or even anger, but most of you are able to allow these feelings to pass through you and see again the light of love shining ahead. And no, it is not a train! It’s a bright beautiful world we’re all working to bring about.


This is where the steadfastness of the Heart comes in. As chaos ensues it can appear hopeless, but this is not the reality. There is much activity going on ‘below the radar’ to bring positive, permanent changes on behalf of all of humankind and Gaia. Standing steadfast with one’s heart does not mean stubbornly digging in one’s heels and hunkering down. No, steadfastness of heart requires one to soften the heart, to open it to everything, with forgiveness and love. Allow the heart to guide you to the attributes of Love, Understanding, Wisdom, Grace and Ease, to name a few. Your heart knows and sees the wonderful world we are birthing into Being. Trust your heart to be there with its LoveLight shining when you become disillusioned and unable to find a ray of hope. To stand steady with an Open Heart allows the darkness and chaos to pass by you. Your Heart knows what is true and good and right and will guide you to your goals, your desires – a peaceful, loving world.


Many, many eons you have been ego driven and that time is passing, rapidly we are happy to say. Its time for your Heart to guide you. We can be of great service here in assisting your to have a steadfast heart. We energetically support you and are always with you. More and more of you are tuning in to our presence and that fills us with unbelievable joy. Even those of you that have no inkling of our presence are sensing great changes in the world. Your growing interactions with the unseen worlds, or inner dimensions, are all part of the Ascension process. As the energy around Earth becomes lighter and lighter you are dropping many of the ego’s old strategies to make you ‘fit in’ or ‘play small’ so you won’t be noticed.

Your Heart wants you to be filled with joy, laughter and ease as you choose your Path through the chaos. Your steadfast Heart stands ready to be your guiding heartlight. We, the Angelics, the Ascended Masters, your Ancestors, the Elementals and others, all send you messages of great love to assist you in having a Steadfast Heart. So stand with compassion and a soft open heart as we continue through this birthing process.


With Deep Love We Are With You


What Are You Feeding Yourself? & Good Tidings To You All


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