Why Am I Here?

Blog, May 12, 2018


I often get asked questions that have to do with one’s purpose in life. What am I here to do? Why am I here now? I recently found a wonderful answer that I want to share with you. These words are paraphrased from a Kryon Book*.

Kryon is a disincarnate being who channels through Lee Carroll since 1989 and provides us all with a wealth of information on spiritual matters. Kryon says there are five types of spiritual seekers.

We all have different spiritual tasks or life purposes here right now. Kryon says that the thing that drives us is our Akash, the spiritual record of our past lives. The energy of who we were, what we’ve done helps to create who we are now. Here we talk of spiritual purpose, what you’re doing this time around. Kryon describes them in 5 different segments, but also makes it clear that this is not a hierarchy. This categorizing is not linear as we usually think of lists, it is more circular and blended then separate and sequential.



Akashic Entanglement – This is the person who is pushed by their Akash, their past lives. This person has difficulty deciphering the reality of that which is Earth now from the reality of the Akashic past or what exists on the other side of the veil.

If one seeks spiritual growth these attributes become activated; if you choose not to accept or seek them they will not occur. You always have Free Will. But if you seek out spiritual enlightenment, growth, the Path…whatever you deem to call it, these attributes will capture you in a good way and push you so that you focus on getting the message out.

Many of these people, who are constantly pushed to do the work, show up as channelers, authors, writers, speakers. Their life may appear normal but they are not. All they do in their waking hours is think about why they’re here. They push themselves constantly with the energy from the Akash, until the day they take their last breath. It is about one singular, focused, pushed thing. And it’s great because they get a lot done.

These people push the new energy into fast-forward. It’s all they want to do. They see the beauty and the splendor of Spirit and they want to talk about it, teach it, and be it. They don’t end anything, and often they don’t look back to review anything they did. It’s never complete. It’s always new for Number 1.



Partial Akashic Entanglement – This person is a little more relaxed, they may feel pushed, but they know how to retire or relax with life. They do, however, feel they have a solid purpose on the planet. These people deal with duality and 3D, and the Human Body. They are healers and the ones who look for solutions to support the Number 1’s. Number 1’s tend to overdo it, and need Number 2’s to heal them.

Number 2’s, the number of duality, are often system workers and they figure things out. They come up with systems that help humanity. They are focussed and remember they were healers before and recall some of the systems they used. They bring those Akashic recollections forward to Now and write and teach them for Today. They steward new systems and they love to put things together. They are a support group for humanity and the Number 1s.



The Meditators – Number 3 has had lifetimes of being a monk all over the planet and has learned to sit and just be. Three is the catalyst, it moves things while it, the catalyst, stays the same. They are so comfortable sitting and meditating for days that they come out refreshed. They often sit in one position for the hours and hours as they meditate.

They are holding the energy of all of us together and they can do it because their consciousness is steady. They hold harmony, quietness, and beauty. It sets the stage that all others feel. When 1 is frustrated, number 3’s energy is part of him to help him relax.

Number 3, the Meditator, takes our energy to another level, in a quantum way, and shares it with all. So 1 and 2 can find a bit of space to relax for a moment. Number 3 also needs 1 and 2 also because ‘just sitting’ there doesn’t accomplish what 1 and 2 are able to do. All are needed in this spiritual spiral dance.



The Tree Hugger – Kryon calls Number 4 The Tree Hugger. This is the person who is intimately connected to Earth or Gaia. Many don’t even know they are Lightworkers, Old Souls, Seekers or on a Path. They just know that they are connected to Earth. They find their inner peace planting their garden, walking in a forest, climbing a mountain and whatever makes them feel at one with Earth. They also are the ones who are the animal lovers, the ones connected to the consciousness of the animals and commune with them. Number 4 also hears the plants and they just have a deep love for the planet.

Number 3 may not really understand the gardner who rises early to plant things and just loves doing it. The animal whisperer is whispering for number 1, 2 and 3 also. They may not hear it or know it, but it’s happening anyway by default.

We are all connected through consciousness in a quantum way, we are not isolated. The quantum system is made of many parts that mix with the other parts, yet some of the parts don’t know each other, or even understand each other. The whole is stronger than the parts because of this.



Anchors – Number 5 is the number of Change and 5 is the biggest changer of the planet. The Anchor group has more LightWorkers, Old Souls, and Seekers in this group than any other. They anchor 1, 2, 3 and 4. These are the ones of us that live without writing a book, without being on stage, without doing anything ‘important’ as they perceive important. They walk, day by day, not understanding that they are on this planet spreading compassionate action. Compassion is the key word, it is what Earth needs to change and compassion ‘anchors’ balance.

Every day, the Anchor goes to work, has friends and family, goes to school, and all the other things that life offers. Number 5 is the one who anchors us all and does more to help this planet than all of the other numbers together. The Anchor spreads the compassion that this planet needs, so that all the other numbers can work their specialities.

What Anchors do is critical to the system. Without Anchors, numbers 1 thru 4 won’t accomplish anything. Number 1 can pound the message home to a dispassionate Humanity and it won’t matter at all unless there is support. Number 2 can have wonderful systems and can give them to a dispassionate Humanity, and nobody is going to hear it, unless there is support. Number 3 may sit and ponder everything for years, yet it won’t do anything to help a Humanity that doesn’t care. Number 4 can hug all the trees he wants to and be connected to Gaia, but unless there is a compassionate Humanity, nothing will change. Number 5 can help prepare the planet but without the other four numbers not much get accomplished at all.


So you’re probably asking, which am I? Kryon says you may be a combination of several and that’s fine. Remember these are not linear, but quantum. Mix 1 thru 5 in a blender, that’s quantum.

This is how spirituality honors the differences. This system of new energy being put together by LightWorkers, Old Souls, and Seekers is where everyone plays their own specific roles. It’s not where everyone does the same thing, or follows only one rule of truth. This is a confluence of energy that works this puzzle in a beautiful golden circle. We don’t all have to wear the same outfit, or face the same direction, or speak the same language, to change the planet. We also don’t even have to know each other.


Don’t beat yourself up mentally because you don’t think you measure up to your neighbor, who you feel is doing something more important than you. God sees all of us working the puzzle together.

With Light & Love

* From book “Kryon, The New Human: The Evolution of Humanity, Book 14”,

Chapter 10, ‘Five In A Circle’; Kryon Live Channelling, Phoenix, Arizona, January 16, 2016


The Beauty of You

We often speak of Beauty and how the appreciation of Beauty brings joy, peace and calmness to one’s life. And, while this is true, the greatest Beauty you can appreciate is yourself. You are a piece of God, the All, the Whole. All sentient beings, corporeal or incorporeal are a piece of God and therein lies the Beauty.


Beauty of Light and Love that shines forth into the Omniverse. Most of the readers of this piece are working on becoming brighter and brighter or ‘letting their light shine’ as the saying goes on your planet. This ‘Light’ is truly a thing of wonder and awe as it is a reflection of All That Is. When looking at babies one often feels, if not sees, the brightness of their Light. It’s one of the reasons so many people are drawn to babies and want to hold and cuddle them. Their Light shines so very bright because they have not yet acquired the layers of physical living ahead of them.

Your Light shines with a different and glorious Beauty because of the ‘polishing’ you have done. This ‘polishing’ is the inner work you have done to achieve a sense of purpose, a sense of who you are and a sense of how you best operate in the world. Your Light has many more colors incorporated into it than a babies. Babies shine with a Light of Purity. You shine with a Light that has many colors burnished and gleaming into a whole that shines with more intensity and aspects. You have and are working on allowing yourself to hear your inner truths; to decipher the ‘messages’ you receive from other dimensions and to appreciate the synchronicities that occur in Life as you travel your Path.


Each of you has a different quality to your Light. Your Light reflects the growth you have had in your lifetime and the work you have done to find your Self or your Higher Self. This is why each and everyone of you is of so much importance…your Light adds to and enhances the whole of humanity as you reflect back the All. This Light has grown in intensity recently as more and more of you have increased your auric light. We have spoken of the fast moving changes occurring on Earth as you and Gaia traverse Ascension and this pressure has aided in so many of you brightening and shining.

Yes, we know the world seems impossibly chaotic right now with wars, atrocities against one another and the like, BUT this is rapidly changing. We are here to tell you that though you may not see these positive changes they are all around you. They don’t make the mainstream news yet, but they are there. Inventions to better your life, health and welfare; groups working together to bring systematic changes for the betterment of your life; and more and more inner growth happening on a hourly basis for everyone.

True, some chose to ignore these prods to their inner Light, but the prods are there nevertheless. The polarity you are experiencing in your social institutions is allowing for clear and unambiguous choices in your life as you become clearer and clearer as to what you want and stand for in your life.


We, in the archangelic realm see the steadily increasing Light shining brighter and brighter on Earth as your radiance comes forth. It is true Beauty to see and one that you, all of you, will begin to see more and more in your fellow humans. We send much love and support to you all as your Beauty comes forth in it’s many, many forms of Light.

With Love and Light,

Archangel Jophiel


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