A Month Of Allowing

Blog, April 10, 2018



March was a month of allowing for me. Allowing myself to sleep in when I wanted to. Allowing myself to stare into space for as long as I wanted to. Allowing myself to goof off whenever I wanted to. Allowing myself to burrow in and work when I wanted to. Allowing myself to follow my inner guidance in a deeper way than every before. And it was/is fun to explore.

Becoming Quieter Inside

I managed to do this allowing because I became quieter inside. Oh I still talked and laughed with family and friends; and worked with clients in my psychic therapy practice and did many of the mundane activities one does in Life, but it was all from a deeper, quieter still point, center point within. I slowly became aware of this as I felt an expansion inside, more space…I hadn’t even been aware of being a bit cramped, but I did take note when I had more internal spiritual space.

It All Somewhat “Gelled”

How did this happen? I’m not quite sure. Yes there were meditations, daydreaming, listening, reading and journaling, but I guess the main difference is that information, energies, knowledge all somewhat ‘gelled’ and I had a different, new understanding of my inner process. I began to understand on a deeper level that while this Ascension or Change is progressing I undergo cycles within cycles of ingesting information and then reaching a new level of comprehension. This comprehension is usually across all areas: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

More Physical Activity

Physically I came to understand that more physical activity is called for. Well this seemed like no big revelation and it wasn’t, but my understanding of it reached a deeper level when I weeded our front area. Aha, my body said the next day, as you can see I (my body) need a bit more activity to keep flexible. I thought Yoga was the answer, but not so, at least not yet. I need a more active, moving physical activity. Mentally, in March, I came to see that my mind did not want to indulge in reading any ‘heavy’ tomes; lighter fare was called for in the manner of MAD Magazine, Funny Times monthly newsletter and such. While I had a few more ‘serious’ books to address my mind had other ideas so I went with the flow. Then there were my emotions. A few instances occurred that had ‘triggered’ me in the past and, lo!, there was no reflexive response!! Yea! Dismantling of my emotional reactive trigger points is an on-going process and has been for some time so it’s always great to discern when there’s been progress. Lots more deep breaths and long walks with a quiet mind and calm emotions has been the reward. And spiritually? Well I guess it all comes together to give me more inner peace so I can hear my Guides, Higher Self and Intuitive hits that much clearer and louder. It’s wonderful to have my connection to Spirit become deeper and wider.

Getting Out of My Own Way

So here we are in April and more cycles within cycles are occurring. All of the above areas are returning in somewhat different forms as opportunities for growth and knowledge. It’s an on-going process that is open-ended and can be fun when I allow it. We all have inner voices that may tell us we’re not ‘good enough’ or we can’t do that, what will people think? No one else is doing it so what makes me think I can do it? Allowing really is the key, it’s not hard work, it’s just learning to get out of my own way.

Time to Bloom

Allowing myself to Be, allowing myself to ‘flower‘ along with the tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and other Spring flowers. They do it so naturally, just follow their inner urges to reach upward, outward and bloom! I’m guessing when the flowers are getting mixed messages from the sun to bloom and then a cold snap hits, they just allow the weather patterns to be what they are and bloom when the weather is right. There’s always tomorrow or the next season. But there will be a time to bloom.



We Are With You

We always send you messages that we are with you and offer support, but there are times when you are ensnared in an emotional dark storm and you only see the dark. Know at these times, even though you do not perceive us in any form or fashion, we are still with you. We will be there when the storm passes and you can hear us again and this spiral may happen time after time during this Transition Time. Yes we say spiral because you are continually moving upward during this process. True, there can be two steps forward and one back or even one forward and two back, but you recover and move three steps forward next time.

Incredibly Pleased

We offer energy of encouragement, love, support and deep deep compassion. You are the warriors in the trenches and we honor you. We acknowledge that what you do is difficult and exhausting at times and can even seem hopeless, but it is not. Earth and Humanity are moving towards a time when Compassion, Love, and Kindness will guide all. As you look about you now you question this statement, we know; but also know that behind the scenes, behind the distracting show on stage, there is a massive scenery change taking place. When the curtain lifts on the next act you will be incredibly pleased with what you have accomplished.

Easier and Easier

Darkness has engulfed Earth for eons and now it is time for the Light. What you experience now is the dark before the new dawn. You have a saying…’it is always darkest before the dawn’, no? This is true with what you’re doing now. And don’t think that because you’re not a healer, channeler, author, or some other type of ‘expert’ that you’re not aiding in the change. Every time you show compassion to yourself, to another, share a hug and a smile with each other you add to the Light. As you do this more and more it becomes easier and easier. That doesn’t mean you won’t have emotional upheavals now and again. You will, that’s all part of being human, but they will be fewer and fewer as you clear the dark energy out of your space.

Nurturing in the Dark Moments

This is why we call you warriors and offer our love and admiration for your courage. What you do is not easy, but it is powerful. Loving one another, being kind to one another and most of all, having compassion for yourself are so important now. When you feel troubled allow the feeling to pass through you, it will. It will pass easier if you do not resist it. Curl up within yourself and nurture yourself during those dark moments. Believe that we do help if you ask during those dark times and our energy holds you and helps clear the emotional storms. We have great love for you and all you do as all of Earth and Humanity move up the spiral of Growth.

I am Archangel Jophiel speaking on behalf of the Angelic Kingdom.

Blessings and Love To All


Why Am I Here?


Our Own Voice