Dancing With Jupiter

Blog, November 9, 2017

The Divine Feminine Dances With Jupiter - by Archangel Jophiel and Sharon Holley

Awakening of the Divine Feminine


2017 has been seen by some as the awakening of the Divine Feminine here on Earth as we travel the Ascension Path. The Divine Feminine awakens a need to be part of a whole with more emphasis on a connection to the world of Nature. Using qualities of compassion, wisdom, forgiveness, love, beauty and gentleness this feminine energy leads us to look for new ways to Be in the world.

The Divine Feminine is making her presence felt here on earth in a myriad of ways. We are becoming more and more aware of our intuitiveness, our caring and our nurturing aspects…the yin or receptive side of human nature. This awakening, this energy of relationship and compassion opens the way for more care for Mother Earth and more patience and tenderness with one another. Yin energy allows for more quietness within to reach your inner sanctum and connect with your door to spirit.



This Divine Feminine energy is not met with open arms by everyone. One way that this is being so clearly demonstrated is the backlash of the patriarchal energies that are so prevalent in our societal settings. We have groups calling for physical walls to denote our differences; more guns to protect us from one another; more isolation from one another dividing us by nationalism-religion-race…anything that can show more of our differences rather than our similarities. But this energy will not prevail – this dominance of yang or masculine energy. As the Divine Feminine awakes within us all, so does the Divine Masculine come into it’s rightful place: a balance between Yin and Yang.

Using Jupiterian Energies


The Divine Feminine uses many means to express herself to us. On October 10, 2017, Jupiter entered Scorpio and stays there until November 8, 2018. Jupiter expands our experiences, knowledge, and understanding. This planet represents optimism, growth, generosity and abundance. Scorpio is associated with the secret forces of nature, sex, healing power, military affairs, surgery, and magic.

Dark Insights

So what does Jupiter in Scorpio have to do with the Divine Feminine? On October 10, 2017, Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault and harassment by many actresses. This has opened floodgates of people all over the world speaking up about sexual attacks which are usually endured in silence and shame. The Divine Feminine expressing herself through Jupiter in Scorpio is forcing us all to see how this sinister behavior has spread and infected our entire society. Jupiter in Scorpio will bring deep healing for all of us. The Divine Feminine will use Jupiter in Scorpio to bring dark insights of our psyche to the light for healing.

Deep Healing

Until October 2017, Jupiter was in Libra, expanding the Libran themes of: relationships, beauty, fairness, justice. And there Jupiter revealed a year of international turmoil, human rights setbacks and political unrest. It’s clear that Jupiter’s job was to pull back the curtain on the many ways we are NOT as balanced as Libra energy would prefer us to be. Scorpio calls on us to transform ourselves and grow into the next more balanced resilient version of ourselves. To do this Scorpio cuts past cords, sheds old non-functioning systems, purges and explores taboos in confrontational ways. With Jupiter in Scorpio there will be an expansion of all of the above. Until November 8th of next year we will have numerous opportunities for transformation. The Divine Feminine, the Mother, will lead the Jupiter/Scorpio combination as it takes us into the deep healing of the darkest corners of our psyche as they come to Light.



The healing, compassionate energies of the Divine Feminine are adamant that we awaken to this sacred energy. We will learn how to live on Gaia with a sense of reverence for all life. We will shed the fear-based, dominance over others as a way of being. We will use the wisdom of the feminine to insure the needs of all are met, not just the few–the elite.

Imagine, a life of inherent fairness, justice and just use of our resources. Natural laws will be honored as we evolve to respect Nature. Feminine wisdom will be honored: the intuitive and the inner yin truths. Healing will come forth that will be honored by all humanity, both male and female — in balance.

Yes, we know many of you say “I don’t see any sign of healing at all, I just see chaos and inhumanity to one another”. And yes, we understand that is what is all around us. However, if you allow yourself to look, you will find stories and instances of beauty, of love towards one another, and even of forgiveness and compassion. We know the media does not reflect this yet and they will be slow to change because of years of leading with fear based stories, but as changes escalate the media will change. Social media already shows many stories of people all over the world sharing, supporting and working together. We’re still in the clean-out stage. but we’re also in the rebuilding stage as we move forward.

Serve and Create

The Divine Feminine will have many partners as she expresses her energy in society. Right now the Jupiter energy through Scorpio is one of the main means of expression. An example is the recent exposure of the Paradise Papers as justice and fairness in material wealth is brought to light once again. As we enter the Holiday Season you will have many ways to allow our own personal expressions of the Divine Feminine to shine. We can listen to each other; we can support and affirm one another; we can see the uniqueness that we each have to offer and we can accept and respect differences in one another. We can be slow to judge, open to compassion and grounded in our hearts and use our intuition in our decision-making. This will allow us to be connected the Divine Feminine’s aliveness, sensuousness, and goodness. We can use our personal power to serve and create not dominate and exploit.

With Blessings and Deep Affection To All,


Archangel Jophiel & Sharon Holley


Note from Sharon

The writing of this newsletter is a first for me in this manner. As I began writing Archangel Jophiel came forward and suggested we combine our writing into one message about the importance of the Divine Feminine and the power of Jupiter in Scorpio. I believe she (Archangel Jophiel presents to me with a feminine valence) wanted to show me another aspect to writing and presenting information that the two of us can do. I had a few challenges on the proper use of pronouns, but I think it’s clear. (Oh by the way, the hippo is my totem animal, hence the icon above!). Just wanted to share with you some of the twists and turns on my journey!!



Joy and Hope


Transition Time