2016 Sharon Holley 2016 Sharon Holley

Comments on Change

March certainly came in like a lion and left like an entire pride of lions. There were few if any lambs sighted during this March. We had a solar eclipse, a new moon, a spring equinox, a lunar eclipse, and two comets visiting us. The energy provided by all this cosmic activity was intense! The energy hit the earth in the form of light vibrations of such a high intensity that they’d never been experienced on earth before. …

Blog, April 30, 2016

This is the view on my new office wall that I am fortunate to gaze at daily…one of the many positive changes in my life.

This is the view on my new office wall that I am fortunate to gaze at daily…one of the many positive changes in my life.

March certainly came in like a lion and left like an entire pride of lions. There were few if any lambs sighted during this March. We had a solar eclipse, a new moon, a spring equinox, a lunar eclipse, and two comets visiting us. The energy provided by all this cosmic activity was intense! The energy hit the earth in the form of light vibrations of such a high intensity that they’d never been experienced on earth before. Patricia Cota-Robles, a well-known Lightworker, said that even a year ago if humanity had been hit by such high energy we would have evaporated; it would have been as though we were hit by a lightening bolt. So here in 2016 we keep going ‘higher and higher’.

Having moved our household in March that energy just propelled me along like a kite. It seems like everything happened at once. Pack, drive, unpack, set-up new home, breathe. Handle all the myriad changes that come with a move: address changes, new service people, doctors, dentists, chiropractors, hair dresser, massage therapist…you name it, all change. Learn where the grocery stores are; the smoothest routes to reach where you need to be; what day is the trash picked up; what company is best to use for cable/internet setup, and much much more. You know, you’ve all been there at one time or another in your life. I’ve been there before also, many times, but it did seem like this move happened in the snap of my fingers.

This light energy that’s been at our backs for some time now can be exciting and challenging. I remember to ground each morning, say gratitudes and see what the day will bring. At times fears want to crowd to the front and shove all that optimism and curiosity to the background. Thank goodness for Amusement! Smiles can lift my energy and keep it up so I can participate in the day rather than be swept away by my fears. Yes Amusement can be elusive at times but there’s almost always something that can bring a smile to mind, even if it’s just an inner smile.

We’re getting the energies for a couple of reasons; one being that humanity has been mired in a fear matrix for far too long. It’s resulted in separation, wars, inhumane treatment, power plays, control and manipulation. We’ve explored that side of the equation for long enough and now we’re moving to the other side. The side with true freedom of choice, joy, love of all people and a knowing of unity. The second reason being that Earth/Gaia/Tara is moving or ascending to the 5th dimension. It is the Age of Aquarius, you know. The musical play of the 60’s, Hair, had a lot of it correct as a preview of where we’re going energy-wise. To go along on this ride with Earth we have to get lighter and lighter, hence the energies helping us along. As we get lighter and lighter we drop fears, terrors, blind anger, frustrations, small-mindedness, hate…well you get the picture. Yes some people are dragging their feet but all of us are coming along for the ride. Some will be looking forward while others will be looking back.

Thank goodness we’re getting a lot of help from the higher dimensional beings: Angels, Avatars, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Prophets, Archangels, Father/ Mother God, Galactic Brothers & Sisters (Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, to name a few). So just keep taking deep breaths (at least 3) when confronted with situations that provoke anger, frustration or disbelief at our fellow man’s stupidity. You may not be aware of the help that’s there but it’s there nevertheless. Due to the fact that this is the most trying of humanity’s times ever we’ve got a lot of help standing by. Our Higher Self is the communication bridge between us in the physical and the higher dimensional beings.Be good to yourself as we traverse this very unsettling month of April which has lots of Uranus energy in the mix. Uranus brings us the unexpected, out of the blue, so to speak. Not necessarily negative but definitely unexpected. So be sure to rest and restore your self with downtime for meditation, daydreaming, relaxing, veggin’…whatever helps you be good to yourself

If a consultation can be of help in your restoration as we all ‘ease on down the road’ please email or call to set up a date and time or better yet, check out my website.

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